Ideally you are automating all the things and are fortunate enough to not need to use gcloud
or kubectl
If you do need these commands use this guide as the rest of the documentation in this repository assumes you have done
these steps here.
Your access is granted to GCP via UW Groups membership within the u_mciman_tenants_iam_operators group.
Because our kubernetes clusters are in a VPC network that only offers connectivity to the UW network, you have two options for connecting to our cluster:
- Use Husky OnNet in "All Internet Traffic" mode; use your laptop to connect to the cluster directly.
- Use Husky OnNet in "UW Internet Traffic Only" mode; connect to an IAM bastion (or other on-network device that accepts 2FA SSH); use your SSH connection to connect to the cluster.
Make sure you know which cluster you are working with before you do anything! Check first with:
gcloud config get-value project
See the project documentation to decode the project id.
Switching to a different cluster is a two-step process.
First, switch your gcloud project:
gcloud config set project "$PROJECT_ID"
Then, you have to have gcloud rebuild your kubeconfig profile:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials "${PROJECT_ID}-cluster" --region us-west1