- Mini-Lightning is a lightweight machine learning training library, which is a mini version of Pytorch-Lightning with only 1k lines of code. It has the advantages of faster, more concise and more flexible.
- Existing features: support for DDP(multi-node and multi-gpu), Sync-BN, DP, MP(model parallelism), AMP, gradient accumulation, warmup and lr_scheduler, grad clip, tensorboard, huggingface, peft, LLM, torchmetrics, model and result saving, beautiful console log, etc.
- Only the minimal interfaces are exposed, keeping the features of simplicity, easy to read, use and extend.
- examples can be found in
- If you have any problems or bug finding, please raise issue, Thank you.
- Create a virtual environment and install Python (>= 3.8)
- Download the latest version (>=1.12) of Torch(corresponding CUDA version) from the official website of PyTorch.
- Install mini-lightning
# from pypi
pip install mini-lightning -U
# Or download the files from the repository to local,
# and go to the folder where setup.py is located, and run the following command
# (Recommended) You can enjoy the latest features and functions (including bug fixes)
pip install -e . # -e: editable mode
- First, you need to install the Mini-Lightning
- Run the following examples
### test environment
python examples/test_env.py
### cv
pip install "torchvision>=0.13"
python examples/cv.py
# cv+dp (not recommended, please use DDP)
python examples/cv.py # setting device_ids=[0, 1]
### nlp: bert gpt
pip install "transformers>=4.25" "datasets>=2.7" "peft>=0.3"
python examples/nlp_bert_mlm.py
python examples/nlp_bert_seq_cls.py
python examples/nlp_gpt_lm.py
python examples/nlp_gpt_seq_cls.py
# sft
python examples/nlp_gpt_zh_sft_adapter.py
python examples/nlp_gpt_zh_sft_lora.py
# llm (model parallelism)
# Ref: https://modelscope.cn/models/baichuan-inc/baichuan-7B/summary
python examples/nlp_baichuan_sft_lora.py
# Ref: https://modelscope.cn/models/ZhipuAI/chatglm2-6b/summary
python examples/nlp_chatglm2_sft_lora.py
### dqn
pip install "gym>=0.26.2" "pygame>=2.1.2"
python examples/dqn.py
### gan
pip install "torchvision>=0.13"
python examples/gan.py
### contrastive learning
pip install "torchvision>=0.13" "scikit-learn>=1.2"
python examples/cl.py
# cl+ddp
torchrun --nproc_per_node 2 examples/cl_ddp.py --device 0,1
### gnn
# download torch_geometric
# Ref: https://pytorch-geometric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notes/installation.html
python examples/gnn_node.py
python examples/gnn_edge.py
python examples/gnn_graph.py
### ae
pip install "torchvision>=0.13" "scikit-learn>=1.2"
python examples/ae.py
### vae
pip install "torchvision>=0.13"
python examples/vae.py
### meta learning
pip install "torchvision>=0.13"
python examples/meta_learning.py
########## ddp
# torchrun (Recommended)
# Ref: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/elastic/run.html
# spawn
# Ref: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/notes/ddp.html
## single-node, multi-gpu
torchrun --nproc_per_node 2 examples/cv_ddp.py --device 0,1
python cv_ddp_spawn.py # setting device_ids=[0, 1]
## multi-node
# default: --master_port 29500, or set master_port to prevents port conflicts.
torchrun --nnodes 2 --node_rank 0 --master_addr --nproc_per_node 4 examples/cv_ddp.py --device 0,1,2,3
torchrun --nnodes 2 --node_rank 1 --master_addr xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx --nproc_per_node 4 examples/cv_ddp.py --device 0,1,2,3
- Automatic parameter adjustment
- Examples: Audio, Meta-learning, Diffusion, Auto-regressive, Reinforcement Learning
- Support multi-gpu test
- Output .log file