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This repo implements a machine learning system for detecting and tracking roosts in weather surveillance radar data. Roost detection is based on Detectron2 using PyTorch.

Repository Overview

  • checkpoints is for trained model checkpoints
  • development is for developing detection models
  • src is for system implementation
    • data
      • downloader downloads radar scans based on station and day; scan keys and directories for downloaded scans are based on UTC dates
      • renderer renders numpy arrays from downloaded scans, visualizes arrays, and deletes the scans after rendering; directories for rendered arrays and images are based on UTC dates
    • detection
    • evaluation contains customized evaluation adapted from pycocotools v2.0.2
    • tracking
    • utils contains various utils, scripts to postprocess roost tracks, and scripts to generate visualization
  • tools is for system deployment
    • downloads radar scans, renders arrays, detects and tracks roosts in them, and postprocesses the results
    • is a modifiable template that submits demo.sbatch to servers with slurm management
    • demo.ipynb is for interactively running the system
    • takes in web ui files and append local time to each line


  • See Detectron2 requirements here.
  • Find a compatible PyTorch version here.



  1. To run detection with GPU, first check the cuda version at /usr/local/cuda or nvcc -V.
  2. Enter the following commands:
    conda create -n roostsys python=3.8
    conda activate roostsys
    # for development and inference with gpus, use the gpu version of torch; we assume cuda 11.3 here
    conda install pytorch==1.10.0 torchvision==0.11.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
    # for inference with cpus, use the cpu version of torch
    # conda install pytorch==1.10.0 torchvision==0.11.0 cpuonly -c pytorch
    git clone
    cd roost-system
    pip install -e .
    • Note: If using the CPU version of PyTorch, ensure that conda can find the correct version of PyTorch. Run conda search <lib> and install the next available version that is compatible with the channel.
    • Note: When running pip install -e . , ensure that pip can identify all dependencies, including open-cv2. If necessary, change the version of open-cv2 to a version that pip can identify.

Jupyter notebook

  1. Add the python environment to Jupyter:
    pip install jupyter
    conda install -c anaconda ipykernel
    python -m ipykernel install --user --name=roostsys
  2. Run the following commands to check which environments are in Jupyter as kernels or to delete one:
    jupyter kernelspec list
    jupyter kernelspec uninstall roostsys
  3. Use the following command to run Jupyter notebook on a server:
    jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=9991
  4. Use the following command to monitor from local:
    ssh -N -f -L localhost:9990:localhost:9991 username@server
  5. Enter localhost:9990 from a local browser tab.

Developing a detection model

  • development contains all training and evaluation scripts.
  • To prepare a training dataset (i.e. rendering arrays from radar scans and generating json files to define datasets with annotations), refer to Installation and Dataset Preparation in the README of wsrdata.
  • Before training, optionally run to make sure there's no broken npz files.

Running inference

A Colab notebook for running small-scale inference can be found here. Large-scale deployment can be run on CPU servers as follows:

  1. Under checkpoints, download a trained detection checkpoint.

  2. Configure AWS by aws configure in order to download radar scans. Enter AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key as prompted. Enter us-east-1 for Default region name and nothing for Default output format. Review the updated AWS config.

    vim ~/.aws/credentials
    vim ~/.aws/config
  3. Modify for system customization. For example, DET_CFG can be changed to adopt a new detector.

  4. Make sure the environment is activated. Then consider two deployment scenarios.

    1. In the first, we process consecutive days at stations (we launch one job for each set of continuous days at a station).

      • Modify VARIABLES in tools/
      • Under tools, run python to submit jobs to slurm and process multiple batches of data.
    2. In the second, we process scattered days at stations (we launch one job for all days from each station).

      • Modify VARIABLES in tools/
      • Under tools, run python and then bash scripts/
      • Note: Each output txt file save scans or tracks for one station-day. You need to manually combine txt files for station-days from each same station.
    3. GOTCHA 1: EXPERIMENT_NAME needs to be carefully chosen; it will correspond to the dataset name later used in the web UI.

    4. GOTCHA 2: If there are previous batches processed under this EXPERIMENT_NAME (i.e. dataset to be loaded to the website), we can move previously processed data in the output directory to another location before saving newly processed data to this EXPERIMENT_NAME output directory. When we copy newly processed data to the server that hosts the web UI, previous data won't need to be copied again.

Deploying locally

Roost data can be accessed and visualized locally without slurm by making a few changes to your configurations.

Generating the inference

  1. Within * insert local file *, set the following variables based on your dataset:
    • station
    • start
    • end
    • sun_activity
    • min_before
    • min_after
  2. Run the code, then open results in the inference_results folder.

Changing paths to local

  1. Clone the roostui repo to your system.
  2. Copy the inference_results folder and paste it into the root of the roostui repo.
  3. Make a new folder (new_fldr) within the data folder of the roostui repo.
  4. Navigate to the scans_and_tracks folder within the roost-system repo. Copy the scans and tracks files.
  5. Navigate to new_fldr within the roostui repo. Paste the scans and tracks files into your folder.
  6. In your command line, run the following commands:
    cd roostui
    cd data
    bash new_fldr
  7. Open the newly created config.json file in new_fldr. This contains the reflectivity (dz) and velocity (vr) paths.
  8. Replace the doppler path with the following local path for reflectivity and velocity: inference_results/ui/img/.
    • For example:
      #old path:
      #new path:
  9. Delete the "dataset" variable within "fields" for both "dz" and "vr."

Visualizing the inference

  1. Navigate to roostui/data/config.json. Open the config.json file.
  2. Add the new_fldr to the list of datasets.
  3. Run the following commands:
    cd roostui 
    yarn run build 
    yarn run serve
  4. Open the outputted server link (it should have the local port number 8888).
  5. Find new_fldr in the Dataset dropdown menu and enter your date and time. An inference appears in the UI.