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File metadata and controls

184 lines (144 loc) · 7.19 KB


The goal of BuzzardsBay (R package) is to process and analyze data for the Continuous Oxygen Monitoring in Buzzards Bay (COMBB) project.

This package is split into two modules, the QC Module, which prepares calibrated data and produces a report in preparation for a quality control editing of deployment files, and the Analysis Module, which stitches deployment files for a site and year into a set of result files, produces a daily statistical summary file, and a report with seasonal statistics and a set of graphs.


You can install or update BuzzardsBay from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

To make seasonal reports, you’ll also need to install TinyTeX, which is required to create PDFs. Use:


QC Module

The primary function in the QC module is qc_deployment() it reads in calibrated data for a deployment and generates files containing merged and flagged copies of the data, and an html report with plots of the data.
A second function make_deployment_report() is typically called by qc_deployment() but can also be called independently to recreate the report from CSV files created by qc_deployment().

File structure

qc_deployment() and the BuzzardsBay package in general assume a specific file structure and naming convention.

In particular:

  • All the data associated with a deployment should be stored in a deployment directory with a path /BB_Data/<year>/<site>/<year>-<month>-<day>/ e.g.

  • The path to base directory and it’s name ("BB_Data" in example) can be any valid path.

  • Within the deployment directory there should be a “Calibrated/” sub-directory with the calibrated files in one of the three supported formats:

    • Simple import based on a CSV and a YAML file.
    • HOBOware output with a .csv and details.txt file for both the conductivity and DO logger.
      Likely from U24 and U26 loggers.
    1. A single .xlsx file as generate with the MX801 logger.

See help for import_calibrated_data() for a detailed description of these files.


Once files are in place we can process the calibrated data in the deployment and generate the html report with the code below.

deployment_dir <- ""  # Provide full path here. Don't include `Calibration/`

Running on example data

Create an example data folder structure and deployment with setup_example_dir(). If you specify a path with the parent_dir argument the example will be created there. Otherwise, as in the example below, it creates the example files within the location specified by tempdir().

paths <- setup_example_dir()  

With that in place we can then call qc_deployment() on the example deployment stored in paths$deployment which will also be where the output files are created.

a <- qc_deployment(paths$deployment)

The code above will only work once as qc_deployment() will throw an error if the output already exists. To run again create a fresh example directory with: setup_example_dir(delete_old = TRUE)


qc_deployment() writes two identical CSV files, a metadata file, and an HTML report to the deployment directory.

  • Auto_QC_<deployment>.csv is a permanent record of this state of the process and should not be edited.
  • Preliminary_QC_<deployment>.csv is for subsequent review and editing. Preliminary_ should be dropped from the name when review is complete.
  • Metadata_<deployment>.yml contains the metadata written as a YAML file.
  • QC_<deployment>_report.html contains plots and summary information about the deployment. It is a very large file so should be deleted after the QC is complete. It can be recreated later with make_deployment_report(deployment_dir) as long as the Auto QC and metadata files are present.

Analysis Module

The Analysis Module consists of four primary functions: stitch_site(), check_site(), and report_site(). Each takes the site path as the primary argument, /BB_Data/<year>/<site> e.g. "~/BB_Data/2022/AB2".

  1. stitch_site() reads the deployment files for the specified site and year and merges them into a single file. Gaps between deployments are filled with missing values (a warning is displayed if the gap is greater than 1 hour; this may be changed with the max_gap option, setting the maximum gap (in hours) to accept silently. Three result files are written to /BB_Data/<year>/<site>/<combined>/:

    1. The archive file, e.g., archive_AB2_2024.csv, with all columns and values, including rejected data. Missing data are represented by #N/A. This file is intended to be for long-term storage of the complete set of QC’d data.

    2. The WPP file, e.g., WPP_AB2_2024.csv, with all columns. Rejected values are replaced with DR (for “data rejected”). Missing data are represented by #N/A. This file is in the format that MassDEP wants.

    3. The core file, e.g., core_AB2_2024.csv, with selected columns. Rejected values and missing values are represented by blanks. This is the file used for statistics and graphs in the report, and is also intended for sharing with collaborators.

    stitch_site() can optionally run report_site() (use report = TRUE) to stitch and produce a report for the site in one call.

  2. extract_baywatchers extracts a given year’s Baywatchers data from the Excel repository, which must be placed in the base directory (BB_data).

  3. check_site(), intended to be run after some time has elapsed since running stitch_site(), checks to see if any of the deployment files have been updated or if any of the result data files have changed (likely through inadvertent editing). It also checks for missing files. If a site passes check_site(), the result data files are up to date. If it fails, result files and the report need to be recreated by running stitch_site() again. check_site also checks to make sure data haven’t been changed since most recent report has been produced, and it checks to be sure that extracted Baywatchers data are up to date with respect to the source Excel file.

  4. report_site() reads the core file produced by stitch_site() and produces the daily statistics file, e.g., combined\daily_stats_AB2_2024.csv and the site report, combined\site_report_AB2_2024.pdf. report_site() normally runs check_site() before producing the report and throws an error if the check fails; you can override this with check = FALSE. If you don’t have Baywatchers data for this site and year, use baywatchers = FALSE. The example data for 2023/WH1X includes Baywatchers data.