This document contains the specifications and protocol documentation for communicating with the motor driver board, version 6.
Communication mode: Full Duplex
Frame format: Motorola
Data Size: 8 Bits
Bit Order: Big Endian (MSB First)
- CPOL Low
- CPHA 1 Edge (First Edge)
- Up to 32MHz Signals
- This configuration is also known as SPI Mode 0.
- instructions are send as one byte opcodes + up to 2 bytes (16 bits) of data.
- This means that data is stored as *16 bit registers*
- MOV ax - 0b10000000
- GET ax - 0b10000001
- MOV bx - 0b10010000
- GET bx - 0b10010001
- set motor speed ramp - 0b10100000
- get motor speed - 0b10100001
- get current encoder count - 0b10110001
- stop motor - 0b11000000
- get faults - 0b11010001
- set current to motor - 0b11100000
- send as 3 bytes
1st byte: opcode
2nd, 3rd byte: instruction value
4th byte: integrity byte