- The Algorand node to connect to.
- Set via ALGORAND_DATA env var (if localhost), or ALGO_ALGOD_URL env variable.
- This should be a full URL, ie: http://localhost:8080
- The Algod ADMIN token for that node.
- Set via ALGO_ALGOD_TOKEN (must be set to the ADMIN token of the server !)
- This is the value set/found in the algod.admin.token file inside the data directory on the Algorand node you're using for each node.
- Your Validator ID
- Set via RETI_VALIDATORID env variable or -validator XX CLI flag.
- The Node number this instance should represent. You run 1 instance of the Reti daemon per 'node' which is an completely independent Algorand node instance.
- Set via RETI_NODENUM ev variable of -node XX CLI FLAG
- Mnenonics for the Manager account of your validator (the validator ID).
- Set via XXXX_MNEMONIC (any prefix followed by _MNEMONIC) environment variable.
- All environment values can be stored in .env files as well.
For more information on the various configuration values see configuration.md
Use txnlab/reti:latest for the latest released version or a specific version can be specified as well. See https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/txnlab/reti/tags
A simple example:
docker run --env-file .env txnlab/reti:latest d
Also see a docker compose example here: docker-compose.md
See systemd-daemon.mdfor an example systemd configuration file.
Assuming your Algorand node is on the same machine, and assuming the ALGORAND_DATA environment variable is set, then the Reti daemon will automatically get the URL of the algod HTTP API as well as the Admin token from the directory (via the algod.net and algod.admin.token files)
In this example, the validator ID is 1, but it needs to be the validator ID allocated when you added yourself as a validator.
./reti -validator 1 -node 1 daemon