Minetest core / engine libraries for regression tests
Probably will not currently work with Windows so unless you want to help fixing things use Linux or similar OS.
Github integration is available to automatically execute tests when new code is pushed: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/mineunit-runner
Install mineunit and create spec directory for tests:
$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/dev --local mineunit
$ cd ~/.minetest/mods/my_minetest_mod
$ mkdir spec
- Add tests by creating test files inside
directory. - File names should match pattern
, for examplemymod_spec.lua
. - See examples below for possible spec file contents.
You can install demo spec
directory containing simple tests and showing some things you can do.
To install demo spec cd to your mod directory, there must be init.lua
file and there cannot be existing spec
- Run command:
$ mineunit --demo
World can be replaced by calling world.layout
with table containing nodes, this will reset previously created world layout.
You can also add more nodes without resetting previously added world layout by calling world.add_layout
instead of world.layout
{{x=0,y=0,z=0}, "default:cobble"},
{{x=0,y=1,z=0}, "default:cobble"},
{{x=0,y=2,z=0}, "default:cobble"},
{{x=0,y=3,z=0}, "default:cobble"},
Individual nodes can be added and removed with world.set_node
world.set_node({x=0,y=0,z=0}, {name="default:stone", param2=0})
to remove node from world just set node to nil
world.set_node({x=0,y=0,z=0}, nil)
to remove everything from world:
API is not complete yet but issues are getting fixed and more functinoality have been added, create issue if you find problems
- To set node metadata, simply call
minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("hello", "world")
just like you would do in your mod. - To create ItemStack, simply call
ItemStack("default:cobble 99")
just like you would do in your mod. - Any other things similar way, just like you'd do it in Minetest mods.
Following comes with a lot of useless stuff just to show how to use some mineunit functionality
-- Load and configure mineunit
-- Load some mineunit modules
-- Load some fixtures from spec/fixtures/nodes.lua for tests
-- Skip this if your tests do not need fixtures
-- Load some mymod source files, you wanted to test these right?
-- This will execute init.lua in current directory
-- Maybe we need actual world for test?
-- If world is larger or reused by multiple test specs it might be good
-- idea to put this into spec/fixtures/world.lua and load using fixture("world")
{{x=0,y=1,z=0}, "mymod:special_dirt"},
{{x=0,y=0,z=0}, "mymod:special_dirt"},
{{x=1,y=0,z=0}, "mymod:special_dirt"},
{{x=0,y=0,z=1}, "mymod:special_dirt"},
{{x=1,y=0,z=1}, "mymod:special_dirt"},
-- Protect some nodes, this will affect outcome of minetest.is_protected calls
mineunit:protect({x=0,y=1,z=0}, "Sam")
-- Create few players
local player1 = Player("Sam", {interact=1})
local player2 = Player("SX", {interact=1})
-- Define tests for busted
describe("My test world", function()
it("contains special_dirt", function()
local node = minetest.get_node({x=0,y=0,z=0})
assert.equals("mymod:special_dirt", node.name)
it("allows Sam to dig dirt at y 1", function()
assert.equals(false, minetest.is_protected({x=0,y=1,z=0}, player1:get_player_name()))
it("protects dirt at y 1 from SX", function()
assert.equals(true, minetest.is_protected({x=0,y=1,z=0}, player2:get_player_name()))
Mineunit itself comes with some additional functionality to allow controlled test execution:
Function | Description |
mineunit:set_modpath(name, path) |
Set modpath for named mod, minetest.get_modpath(name) will then report this path. |
mineunit:set_current_modname(name) |
Temporarily switch current mod name to another to test code that checks current mod name. |
mineunit:restore_current_modname() |
Restore original modname after changing it using mineunit:set_current_modname(name) . |
mineunit:execute_globalstep(dtime) |
Execute Minetest globalstep: will trigger registered globalsteps, nodetimers, minetest.after and similar callbacks. |
mineunit:mods_loaded() |
Execute functions registered with minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(func) . |
mineunit:execute_shutdown() |
Simulate server shutdown event. |
mineunit:execute_on_joinplayer(player, lastlogin) |
Simulate Player joining the game. |
mineunit:execute_on_leaveplayer(player, timeout) |
Simulate Player leaving the game. |
mineunit:execute_on_chat_message(sender, message) |
Simulate Player sending chat message. |
mineunit:execute_modchannel_message(channel, sender, message) |
Modchannel message handlers. |
mineunit:execute_modchannel_signal(channel, signal) |
Modchannel message handlers. |
mineunit:protect(pos, name_or_player) |
Add position to protection list to simlate protection without loading protection mods. |
mineunit:get_players() |
Get all registered players, when using auth module it will also return players that have not joined the game. |
mineunit:has_module(name) |
Tell if Mineunit module has been loaded. |
mineunit:config(key) |
Read Mineunit configuration values. |
mineunit:debug(...) |
Prints to console if verbose option is higher than 3. |
mineunit:info(...) |
Prints to console if verbose option is higher than 2. |
mineunit:warning(...) |
Prints to console if verbose option is higher than 1. |
mineunit:error(...) |
Prints to console if verbose option is higher than 0. |
print(...) |
Prints to console if print option is not disabled. |
mineunit:destroy_nodetimer(pos) |
Use Minetest counterpart instead |
mineunit:get_modpath(name) |
Use Minetest counterpart instead |
mineunit:get_current_modname() |
Use Minetest counterpart instead |
mineunit:get_worldpath() |
Use Minetest counterpart instead |
mineunit:register_on_mods_loaded(func) |
Use Minetest counterpart instead |
mineunit.export_object(obj, def) |
Internal use |
mineunit.deep_merge(data, target, defaults) |
Internal use |
mineunit.registered_craft_recipe(output, method) |
Internal use |
Mineunit modules will add some functionality like some simple player actions simulation and such.
will load multiple modules and setups basic environment for simple tests, modules that will be loaded automatically with core
Module name | Description |
world | Provides world namespace to allow node manipulation in test world. |
settings | Provides Settings class. core module will also load minetest configuration file from fixtures directory if present. |
metadata | Provides metadata and inventory manipulation for tests. |
itemstack | Provides ItemStack class. |
game/constants | Minetest engine library. |
game/item | Minetest engine library. |
game/misc | Minetest engine library. |
game/register | Minetest engine library. |
game/privileges | Minetest engine library. |
common/misc_helpers | Minetest engine library. |
common/vector | Minetest engine library. |
common/serialize | Minetest engine library. |
common/fs | Minetest engine library. |
It is recommended to always load core
module instead of selecting individual automatically loaded modules.
Module name | Description |
http | Provides functionality for testing mods that request HTTP API using minetest.request_http_api() . |
nodetimer | Provides nodetimer functionality. |
player | Provides Player class, privilege functions and formspec functions. Loads metadata as dependency. |
protection | Provides simple node protection API to simulate minetest.is_protected(pos) behavior. |
server | Provides functionality for globalstep, player, modchannel and chat. Loads nodetimer , common/chatcommands and game/chat as dependencies. |
voxelmanip | Provides VoxelManip class. |
auth | Provides authentication API. |
entity | Provides SAO entity API. |
common/chatcommands | Minetest engine library. |
game/chat | Minetest engine library. |
assert | Provides custom assertions like assert.isPlayer(thing) and assert.is_ItemStack(thing) . |
mineunit [-c|--coverage] [-v|--verbose] [-q|--quiet] [-x|--exclude <pattern>]
[--engine-version <version>] [--fetch-core <version>] [--core-root <path>]
-h, --help Display this help message.
-c, --coverage Execute luacov test coverage analysis.
-r, --report Build report after successful coverage analysis.
Currently cannot be combined with --coverage
-x|--exclude <pattern>
Exclude source file patterns from test coverage analysis.
Can be repeated for multiple patterns.
--demo Install demo tests to current directory.
Good way to learn Mineunit or initialize tests for project.
--core-root <path>
Root directory for core libraries, defaults to install path.
--engine-version <tag>
Use core engine libraries from git tag version.
--fetch-core <tag>
Download core engine libraries for tag.
This is simple wrapper around `git clone`.
-v|--verbose Be verbose, prints more useless crap to console.
-q|--quiet Be quiet, most of time keeps your console fairly clean.
Configuration files (in order):
Configuration files are checked and merged in order and last configuration entry will take effect. For example core_root in project configuration will override core_root in user configuration.
Command line arguments will override all configuration file entries except for luacov excludes which will be merged. Table values (other than luacov excludes) are only supported in project configuration file.
See following projects for more examples on how to use mineunit and what you can do with it
- Network tests https://github.com/mt-mods/technic/tree/master/technic/spec
- CNC tests https://github.com/mt-mods/technic/tree/master/technic_cnc/spec
- GitHub workflow https://github.com/mt-mods/technic/blob/master/.github/workflows/mineunit.yml
- Metatool API tests https://github.com/S-S-X/metatool/tree/master/metatool/spec
- Sharetool tests https://github.com/S-S-X/metatool/tree/master/sharetool/spec
- Containertool tests https://github.com/S-S-X/metatool/tree/master/containertool/spec
- Tubetool tests https://github.com/S-S-X/metatool/tree/master/tubetool/spec
- GitHub workflow https://github.com/S-S-X/metatool/blob/master/.github/workflows/mineunit.yml
- QoS https://github.com/S-S-X/qos/tree/master/spec
- Machine_parts https://github.com/mt-mods/machine_parts/tree/master/spec
- Beerchat (chat commands and message delivery) https://github.com/minetest-beerchat/beerchat/tree/master/spec
- Mapblock_lib https://github.com/BuckarooBanzay/mapblock_lib/tree/master/spec