Please ensure that the environment and the nuScenes dataset are ready. You can test it by assessing the pre-trained first-stage baseline model as shown below:
cd neural_map_prior
mkdir ckpts && cd ckpts
cd ..
./tools/ ./project/configs/ ./ckpts/bevformer_epoch_24.pth 8 --eval iou
If everything is done correctly, the output should be: (if you test with a different number of GPUs than 8, the results may differ slightly.)
Divider | Crossing | Boundary | All(mIoU)
49.20 | 28.67 | 50.43 | 42.76
Make sure that you have over 50GB of memory available. It is required to create map tiles for the four cities in nuScene in the training and testing process.
In our setup, to add a new custom data_sampler, we need to manually copy the tools/
file to the path of
the installed package mmdet located in mmdet/apis/*
. Then, we rename the copied file to
Additionally, we need to ensure the project root is added to the PYTHONPATH so that it can
reference tools/
If you know how to add a new data_sampler through config, please let us know through a pull request.
Notes: Whether for training or evaluation, remember to change the root directory addresses of the data_infos/city_infos in these two areas.
data_root = 'path/to/data/nuscenes/' data_info_path = 'path/to/data/nuscenes/'
Within the two functions in this file
:# load_nusc_data_infos root = 'path/to/data/nuscenes' # load_nusc_data_cities root = 'path/to/data/nuscenes_info'
Neural map prior incorporate two stages to get the desired results: the first stage is to obtain baseline results, and the second stage is to fine-tune with fusion modules and global memory.
We begin by training the BEV feature extraction module to achieve stable weight initialization for the following stage
- ~23GB GPU Memory, ~1.5 days for 24 epochs on 8 3090 GPUs
- We found the results of baseline training at epoch 24 or epoch 100 to be similar, so 24 epochs is enough for baseline.
To train neural_map_prior with 8 GPUs, run:
bash tools/ $CONFIG 8
For example, if you want to train baseline with 8 GPUs on nuScenes dataset, run:
bash tools/ project/configs/ 8
Note: Neural map prior incorporates BEVFormer with ResNet101 backbone as the baseline, using the weight initialization from the ckpts/r101_dcn_fcos3d_pretrain.pth files. It can be downloaded from here.
You can create the ckpts directory in this repository root and move downloaded checkpoints to ckpts.
mkdir ckpts && cd ckpts
Building upon the last epoch achieved during baseline training (epoch_24 in our setting), which is specified in the
configuration, we perform fine-tuning for an additional 24 epochs to leverage the advantages of NMP. During
the fine-tuning process, we keep the training of the backbone and neck frozen.
(~ 13GB GPU Memory, ~ 1 days for 24 epochs on 8 3090 GPUs)
For example, if you want to train neural map prior with 8 GPUs on nuScenes dataset, run:
bash tools/ project/configs/ 8
python tools/ $CONFIG
To evaluate neural_map_prior with 8 GPU, run:
bash tools/ $YOUR_CONFIG $YOUR_CKPT 8 --eval iou
For example, if you want to evaluate the baseline and neural_map_prior with 8 GPUs on nuScenes dataset, run:
bash tools/ project/configs/ ./ckpts/bevformer_epoch_24.pth 8 --eval iou
(To evaluate neural_map_prior, Be careful to set the appropriate
that needs to be used in NMP.)
bash tools/ project/configs/ ./ckpts/nmp_epoch_24.pth 8 --eval iou
python tools/ $YOUR_CONFIG $YOUR_CKPT --eval iou
To visualize the predictions, you can first try with nmp_results, which you can download from here, upzip and run:
python project/neural_map_prior/map_tiles/ --result_root 'nmp_results'