🎆 Command framework and utilities for the Eris Discord library.
Firework is a simple, easy to use command framework for Eris. It mostly only helps you with loading, managing, etc. and leaves running the command and anything else to the user (you).
npm install @luvella/firework
See here for an example bot.
const Firework = require('@luvella/firework');
const bot = new Firework.Client('token');
const ping = new Firework.Command(bot, {
name: 'ping',
aliases: ['pong']
}).executor(function ({ msg, args }) {
msg.channel.createMessage(`Ponged ${args[0]}!`);
// Think of `this.bot` as `bot`
bot.on('messageCreate', (msg) => {
const prefix = '!';
if (!msg.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;
const args = msg.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(' ');
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
const cmd = bot.getCommand(command); // works with the name and aliases as well
if (!cmd) return;
cmd.run({ msg, args });
- Documentation: Soon at https://luvella.github.io/Firework
- Alternative(s)
- hibiscus for a higher level solution
Firework is licensed under the MIT license.
Read here for more info.