- Crafting Station
- FindMe
- Re-made all the tooltips to look better and added more tooltips
- Re-made many quests, with new additions
- Removed Star Metal and Rock Crystal from Void Miner loot table
- Removed ATM Star and Alloy Dust form catalyst, it is now replaced by AllTheCatalystium
- Added Thermal Insulator compatibility for missing MA seeds
- Added recipe for Crushed Platinum to be washed into nuggets
- Changed some recipes to use the ATM Star Shard instead of the ATM Star
- Changed Void Miner loot table to ATO ores
- Changed Asphalt recipe to give more
- Changed Framed Blocks recipes entirely
- Changed Storage Drawers recipe to use any stone
- Changed the Tinkers Crafting Station to reflect the addition of standalone station
- Fixed recipe for Blaze Rod using Enrichment Chamber
- Unified Rubies to ProjectRed Ruby
- Obsidian Bee got a new Obsidian texture
- Buffed Awakened and Chaotic Bees
Full Changelog: https://github.com/AllTheMods/ATM-6/compare/1.8.3...1.8.4