- FpsReducer-forge-1.24-mc1.16.5.jar
- AllTheCompressed-1.0.4-1.16.5-36.2.29.jar
- appleskin-forge-mc1.16.x-2.4.0.jar
- architectury-1.30.56.jar
- ars_nouveau-1.16.5-1.24.19.jar
- Artifacts-1.16.5-2.10.5.jar
- botanicalmachinery-1.16.4-0.4.6.jar
- BrandonsCore-1.16.5-
- cc-tweaked-1.16.5-1.100.4.jar
- CodeChickenLib-1.16.5-
- collective-1.16.5-4.25.jar
- comforts-forge-1.16.5-
- ctiers-1.16.5-1.4.jar
- Cyclic-1.16.5-1.5.14.jar
- CyclopsCore-1.16.5-1.12.2.jar
- dpanvil-1.16.5-1.3.1.jar
- Draconic-Evolution-1.16.5-
- elementalcraft-1.16.5-2.7.17.jar
- entityculling-forge-mc1.16.5-1.5.1.jar
- FramedBlocks-2.14.1.jar
- ftb-quests-forge-1605.3.6-build.98.jar
- getittogetherdrops-1.16.5-v1.2.jar
- incontrol-1.16-5.2.6.jar
- IntegratedDynamics-1.16.5-1.10.8.jar
- IntegratedTerminals-1.16.5-1.2.13.jar
- jei-1.16.5-
- kotlinforforge-1.17.0-obf.jar
- kubejs-forge-1605.3.19-build.299.jar
- lootr-1.16.5-
- mahoutsukai-1.16.5-v1.34.9.jar
- mcw-bridges-2.0.2-mc1.16.5.jar
- mcw-doors-1.0.6-mc1.16.5.jar
- mcw-fences-1.0.3-mc1.16.5.jar
- mcw-roofs-2.1.1-mc1.16.5.jar
- mcw-trapdoors-1.0.5-mc1.16.5.jar
- minecolonies-1.16.5-1.0.507-BETA.jar
- pedestals-0.8s_hotfix_6.jar
- pneumaticcraft-repressurized-1.16.5-2.15.4-312.jar
- pylons-1.16.5-1.0.5.jar
- reliquary-1.16.5-
- ResourcefulBees-1.16.5-0.10.5.jar
- rftoolsbuilder-1.16-3.1.7.jar
- rftoolsstorage-1.16-2.0.18.jar
- rftoolsutility-1.16-3.1.11.jar
- simplemagnets-1.1.6-mc1.16.jar
- sophisticatedbackpacks-1.16.5-
- structurize-1.16.5-1.0.355-ALPHA.jar
- TConstruct-1.16.5-
- theoneprobe-1.16-3.1.5.jar
- tombstone-6.7.4-1.16.5.jar
- ToolBelt-1.16.5-1.16.2.jar
- trashcans-1.0.13-mc1.16.jar
- universalgrid-1.16.5-1.031.jar
- Update Forge to 36.2.31
- Add Mekanism to copy/paste gadget blacklist
- Add soul extraction recipes for Aquaculture and Upgrade Aquatic fish
- Add Thermal and Mekanism to piston blacklist (#2977)
- Add Botania mobs to Reaper blacklist
- Remove ZYCraft quartz from worldgen due to crashes
- Add FTB Essentials config back to pack (disables /home and /back by default)
- Remove Cyclic Solid Eye of Ender since it isn't compatible with modded strongholds
- Make achievement quests visible (#2980)
- Add repair enchantments to Mahou projection blacklist (#2995)
- Disable reducedChunkNBT from ferritecore (#2974)
- Disable ghost spawns in The Other (#2632)
- Increase centrifuge drops for Starry combs
- Fixed honey unification (#3001)
- Additional obsidian blocks added to dragon break blacklist