0.4.1 (2024-10-18)
0.4.0 (2024-10-17)
- docs-ui: don't refresh-selection after set list (#3780) (924dee7)
- docs-ui: formula-editor should not render paragraph style (#3783) (b7301af)
- docs: header footer setting not focus (#3698) (2db351b)
- docs: no need to cache font style when has no text run (#3779) (8a48479)
- engine-render: check box render (#3776) (83e0897)
- fix permission rangeSelector & insert menu (#3757) (1f43484)
- font render bounds (#3754) (4ecd764)
- formula: fix some bug (#3774) (4c4efe4)
- sheets-ui: can't save first edit cell (#3781) (d29da2f)
0.4.0-alpha.2 (2024-10-16)
- cell style in collaboration (#3748) (e138b95)
- condition-formatting: date calculation error (#3733) (30da399)
- conditional-formatting: reduce icon map size (#3769) (0f19fc0)
- docs-ui: doc list render error after operation like break-line (#3766) (8c95a53)
- flickering when init page (#3762) (fe3ff31)
- formula: fix ArrayValueObject compare cache bug (#3764) (424bb02)
- formula: fix datedif bug (#3747) (f9f4973)
- refresh selection when collapsed (#3761) (a92a389)
- sheet: fix can not delete when there are exclusive range (#3729) (d6db560)
- sheets-data-validation: data validation validator status render error (#3752) (555e9d5)
- snapshot area (#3715) (5957a04)
- ui: fix missing context menu items (#3758) (421d009)
- ui: ribbon others tab flickering resolved (#3745) (bc8bfb6)
- drawing: add optional property to control rotate handle of drawing element (#3750) (71ffde4)
- facade: change data-validation facade api into sync (#3736) (cbae4c9)
- record & replay commands with multi-mode (#3734) (047c9f2)
0.4.0-alpha.1 (2024-10-12)
- docs: can not paste content when have both text range and rect range (#3720) (3cfcf7e)
- docs: insert image after table (#3719) (942dc4e)
- docs: selection offset is wrong when refresh (#3724) (0babbab)
- formula: fix some formula bugs (#3722) (559825a)
- sheets-ui: set focus editing mode when dbclick & error resize when change sub sheet (#3725) (84ac33f)
0.4.0-alpha.0 (2024-10-12)
- add remove sheet intercept (#3622) (1f7fedb)
- after modifying the value, the filter hidden state needs to be r… (#3601) (dc963b0)
- array formula border deps (#3654) (8d9b1aa)
- conditional-formatting: ranking error (#3589) (f0252ca)
- core: fix plugin holder of univer type not set (#3702) (851b1ce)
- dispose and createUnit cause viewport height collapse (#3598) (36b676f)
- docs: arrow in table when table across two pages (#3692) (9e98122)
- docs: copy table in univer (#3625) (8fb395f)
- docs: editing drawing is not working (#3718) (b253b32)
- docs: no need to add cursor when select multi text ranges (#3691) (f2aab59)
- docs: optimization of text selection (#3660) (a2f2215)
- docs: wrong header footer icon (#3689) (0cfeece)
- fix error display not shown (433da50)
- fix permission init should build cache (#3651) (6dac0d0)
- formula show editor selection when using filter (#3621) (1149cff)
- formula: add r_tree for dependency and fix bug (#3647) (f5140c0)
- formula: array formula spill error (#3673) (e8ffd23)
- merged cell bg not fully ender (#3671) (5bbbec3)
- sheets-hyper-link: hyper-link operator issues (#3628) (e27bf5e)
- sheets-ui: editor state not correctly reset when active (#3668) (16a08bf)
- sheets-ui: error quit edit when set-range-values was called (#3697) (0c29785)
- sheets-ui: remove useless mark dirty on data-validation & thread-comment (#3639) (6b48993)
- sheets: correct subUnitId usage in SetStyleCommand (#3586) (b03711d)
- ui: resolve issue preventing custom context menus from displaying (#3688) (b3a3cbc)
- underline was hidden by background in next line (#3638) (71229b3)
- zen: fix zen editor cannot be opened (#3699) (405a715)
- add replay-only mode to actionRecordPlugin (#3695) (a3cb5c4)
- facade: add lifecycle and cellChange event api (#3626) (5fad25f)
- formula: regexextract/regexmatch/regexreplace (#3282) (7ce334f)
- sheets-ui: add
option (#3632) (d0a9f24) - support for rtl and farsi i18n (#3558) (b13168d)
- permission: add row and column cache to optimize performance (#3634) (27eb2a3)
- render in viewrange not all model (#3637) (7b1462b)
0.3.0 (2024-09-29)
0.3.0-alpha.1 (2024-09-29)
- bg border return before getCell (#3623) (2e7b201)
- data-validation: remove useless interceptor mutations (#3630) (fd48e15)
0.3.0-alpha.0 (2024-09-28)
- auto focus after select menu item (#3507) (a02e78b)
- auto-fill: merge-cell bugs in auto-fill (#3606) (bf21d58)
- border for merged cell (#3506) (1c4c237)
- cell margin bottom should over 1 (#3595) (65ee6b2)
- conditional-formatting: data bar render error (#3535) (f11c87f)
- copy sheet should copy filter (#3592) (e3620ce)
- design: improve empty options styling and messaging for Select (#3569) (3762706)
- docs-link-ui: link text error (#3620) (1e1522c)
- docs-ui: formula-editor can't scroll & edit link on cell editor (#3530) (6c4b96c)
- docs-ui: paste link on link (#3518) (9fcd45b)
- docs: doc selection refresh (#3585) (3687fff)
- docs: flickering issues when first visit into the page (#3578) (b0afd99)
- docs: support special emoticons (#3512) (61ee1cd)
- e2e scrolling & add missing interface for sheet skeleton (#3584) (25609a0)
- fix dv custom cell permission (#3559) (d1964fc)
- fix horizontal merge wrong value (#3545) (b1ea6c3)
- fix reduce function type error (#3563) (2506c3a)
- formula: fix bycol/byrow/map (#3568) (5473a11)
- mark selection should remove after some commands execute (#3467) (1e9cc47)
- perf improving in set style cache (#3471) (03acbbb)
- permission check use compose points (#3540) (7ef5059)
- protect: fix protect performance (#3520) (d8b9271)
- scrollbar offset when moving by mouse (#3556) (5ebbc02)
- sheet: fix span cache not right issue (#3541) (543ade1)
- sheet: fix summary performance (#3517) (0ab07d9)
- sheets-data-validation: data validation perf issue on getCell (#3619) (4f3cd5c)
- sheets-data-validation: ref-range (#3533) (f7f8269)
- sheets-drawing-ui: float-dom error on scale (#3612) (5621216)
- sheets-hyper-link-ui: link & doc markSelection error on merged cell (#3615) (21853cc)
- sheets-thread-comment: comment export (#3543) (33f4592)
- sheets-ui: fix issue causing a blank screen when clicking on the border panel (#3531) (99dd398)
- sheets-ui: formula across subsheet (#3583) (69d513e)
- sheets: disbale zoom ration on cell editing (#3596) (051094e)
- sheets: fix insert row col range type (#3602) (8262f7f)
- should scroll to changed position on set range values (bb4f035)
- ui: fix display values for certain menu items (#3522) (3035e39)
- ui: improve handling of
default values (#3536) (fde58d7) - ui: optimize Menu component rendering and filtering logic (#3552) (6338846)
- ui: revert column width input to initial value on menu close (#3562) (3cc2392)
- use tab to insert new row (#3524) (1c34bd0)
- add before render hook (#3576) (e8f113e)
- add scrolling fps e2e test (#3532) (741665c)
- core: optimize split into grid function (#3565) (4e8d9a5)
- docs: add gray background color to docs (#3525) (edb3719)
- facade: add facade for freeze and getCellData (#3561) (983ad9f)
- formula: add some statistical formulas (#3463) (0a7658a)
- set document (#3521) (5489ce8)
- sheet: group sheet get cell intercptor to performance well (#3534) (ab97ea1)
- sheets-data-validation: support hide edit button on dropdown (#3574) (f2224c3)
- sheet: support fork file (#3549) (6a475a7)
0.2.15 (2024-09-21)
- add filter with one cell should adjust expend range permission (#3469) (b4b0763)
- clipboard: fix paste col width (#3450) (2175c49)
- design: prevent suffix showing with
(#3449) (32b2cac) - docs-ui: doc list can't toggle (#3473) (3dc6d95)
- docs: scroll to selection (#3458) (3cf7b46)
- docs: wrong ime position after scroll (#3457) (6e6b0b2)
- fix edit cell with remove sheet (#3474) (38b03fb)
- fix pasting twice in formula editor (#3481) (13cf373)
- formula: binary search supports match type (#3402) (6db4cf8)
- formula: fix some bugs (#3470) (7c66482)
- hide sheet should operation right sheet (#3468) (a4bfe0d)
- menu: sort menu should be hide (#3505) (9530fe4)
- numfmt: do not block when syntax is not supported (#3491) (b8c9256)
- scroll cmd for pointer down at scrolltrack (#3429) (8e9f513)
- sheet: getDiscreteRanges filter empty cell (#3437) (92a063a)
- sheets-data-validation: data validation event trigger before data applied (#3498) (c4601a0)
- sheets-data-validation: data-validation oom on extreme-big-range (#3494) (86c2dd9)
- sheets-data-validation: large data validation oom (#3492) (42ce257)
- sheets-hyper-link-ui: input link error (#3513) (b4fcb4a)
- sheets-hyper-link-ui: link redo undo (#3465) (9ddcaf5)
- sheets-hyper-link: build url (#3503) (25b7b66)
- sheets-thread-comment-ui: delete comment error (#3476) (01a78da)
- sheets-thread-comment: comment ui issues (#3510) (05616d4)
- sheet: set selection should ensure the selection is not null (#3497) (7b89f27)
- span: fix editor position not right issue (#3443) (4b86a65)
- type errors (20d35a3)
- ui: hide column header arrow when
(#3444) (1355807)
- core: unify the handler of get plain text from rich-text model (#3421) (e9395d2)
- demo: add support for dynamic imports (#3433) (33571b6)
- facade: add FWorksheet.getRange(a1Notation) (#3504) (a697a49)
- formula: add function leftb (#3418) (b66e8ce)
- formula: add function mid (#3417) (32fb95e)
- sheets-data-validation: data validation optimize (#3422) (93c3659)
- sheets-ui: undo set cols visible should scroll to cols (#3355) (ed6d783)
0.2.14 (2024-09-13)
- sheet: custom will overwrite the original value (#3431) (e1042d4)
- sheets-ui: formula error when cross sub-sheet (#3436) (97ae314)
0.2.13 (2024-09-13)
- border auxiliary is unexpectedly cleared after the merge cell is hidden (#3358) (c11c324)
- cell margin top is not right (#3382) (8b4027e)
- cell value should adjust rich text & function (#3385) (ca628e1)
- docs-drawing: drawing resource (#3410) (4f2b148)
- docs-ui: editor focusing conflict when update content (#3423) (f2deabc)
- formular: fix sheet maximum (#3384) (41affb7)
- formula: update formula id (#3339) (1434966)
- incorrectly quit autofill mode (#3390) (f0fc942)
- render: fix the issue loop span many times (#3394) (f3d55f7)
- sheet getRowVisible lags after filter (#3396) (cb2cf7e)
- sheet: adjust move range old mutation not has fromRange property (#3361) (11748a5)
- sheet: fix type error (#3401) (7ce40a5)
- sheet: merge cell custom property (#3365) (880ef44)
- sheets-ui: recover float-dom delete menu & focusing when zen-editor mount (#3426) (2bf1177)
- sheet: the first style of span is not set is merge to true (#3398) (6def773)
- sort: i18n error in sheet sort (#3419) (771eeb6)
- the viewport size is too big after cancel filter rule, then viewport main is blank because graphic mem is full. (#3415) (f31cefd)
- ui: prevent dropdown usage when menu bar is disabled (#3400) (5f2e9fa)
- action-recorder: add experimental action recorder plugin (#3386) (83238fa)
- conditional-formatting: support formatting painter (#3420) (2b121d7)
- doc-hyper-link: polyfill history data for doc hyper link (#3406) (5f2c2fe)
- formula: add some lookup formulas (#3352) (5ab9c7d)
- formula: add some math formulas (#3381) (e736b8a)
- formula: bycol/byrow/map/reduce/scan (#3320) (85b9d90)
- sheets-hyper-link-ui: sheet link support rich-text mode (#3322) (d19d224)
0.2.12 (2024-09-07)
- auto-fill: change apply type will undo last commands (#3311) (391c523)
- clipboard: copy will not use filtered-out rows content (#3292) (ec601c3)
- conditional-formatting: init view model (#3349) (ad145f2)
- conditional-formatting: render cache error (#3345) (e812441)
- conditional-formatting: the maximum and minimum values are corre… (#3270) (5d41a9b)
- crosshair: fix no plugin name for the plugin (19564c7)
- design: popup style (#3325) (675933c)
- detect row/col index in selection (#3348) (c9fef1b)
- docs: link break in link (#3254) (ff17894)
- drawing issues (#3245) (d848d33)
- filter: filter range change error when remove rows/cols (#3324) (a70ef37)
- filter: filter render controller should dispose its vars when unit disposed (#3340) (be7da80)
- fix dependencies of telemetry (#3280) (965064e)
- fix the sorting menu item display position (#3314) (3f18a4f)
- fix threshold error handling (#3261) (1e1dde5)
- fix uni menu (#3338) (af63f7d)
- font rendering diffrange condition fix (#3264) (c920d53)
- formula: bracket has more blank (#3331) (4900a3c)
- formula: fix formula paste (#3257) (771f191)
- formular: fix dependency performance issue (#3359) (f2f7f5b)
- mobile selection did not drawing (#3312) (d1773ed)
- permission: fix permission render bugs (#3300) (9751c0a)
- selection type did not update when set type to normal(0) (#3317) (2909cf8)
- sheet-data-validation: auto-format data validation non-standard date string & data-validation auto-fill (#3336) (fc3dc44)
- sheets-drawing-ui: sheet-drawing error receive data from doc (#3337) (b8e6e42)
- sheets-drawing-ui: sheet-drawing-import (#3277) (183b3e0)
- sheets-formula: fix the issue of missing formula description list (#3323) (9d314ce)
- sheets-ui: auto-fill will copy auto-height strategy from origin region (#3287) (04f156e)
- sheets: skip remove-sheet on watch range if skipIntersects was set (#3356) (2ee440a)
- sheets: undo set col width should set to the original value (#3353) (c5ebb79)
- sheet: unhide row button will update when skeleton change & auto-fill will check empty (4598c91)
- skip invisible row in filtered state for performance (#3319) (5ada754)
- slide: 2024 width (#3156) (1bddcb8)
- sync mutation will not quit auto-fill mode (#3351) (8a7545a)
- unexpected cross viewport selection because it counts rowheader (#3296) (ebde3da)
- uni-formula-ui: uni formula deps error (#3302) (5ab492f)
- uni: fix missing undo & redo menu item (#3343) (15f18c8)
- auto-fill: edit operation will quit auto-fill mode (#3333) (9478a90)
- docs-hyper-link: hyper link refactor (#3148) (f21ce50)
- docs: support change space rule type (#3176) (4936567)
- facade: add clipboard hooks and selection api (#3216) (e2fbf0e)
- facade: add FRange.getValues api (#3344) (1021e30)
- facade: add merge facade api (#3289) (acd03e4)
- format-painter: format pianter to single-cell will copy whole range formats (#3326) (923b5dc)
- formula: isformula/n/na (#3304) (ccc4276)
- sheet: exclusive range serivce (#3278) (093ee31)
- sheets-drawing-ui: support disable transform on float dom (#3342) (9fe9468)
- telemetry interface for track function cost time (#3288) (01e35e2)
- telemetry.merge (#3251) (8f01cf3)
0.2.11 (2024-08-31)
- sheet: render after every mutation executed (#3258) (91217dc)
- sheets-data-validation: cant resume data-validation on undo remove-sheet (#3260) (7e9e69f)
0.2.10 (2024-08-30)
- some operations can be performed when have view permission (#3180) (8664a75)
- add missing exports (c6ee109)
- add rows by paste should support undo (#3208) (9ee12c2)
- conditional-formatting: hidden values do not take effect when us… (#3228) (4e888d0)
- conditional-formatting: setting highlight error can not be confi… (#3229) (5c16e04)
- copy paste between sheet and doc (#2993) (617986d)
- docs: copy paste image form univer doc to univer doc (#3227) (c2f417c)
- docs: copy table only has one row and col (#3234) (08034d0)
- docs: find cursor by cood (#3105) (5d80b5b)
- docs: no need to scroll when enter zen mode (#3222) (1ebbe27)
- docs: paste content to univer (#3071) (97e19b3)
- docs: paste table after table (#3214) (1899d34)
- docs: remove content and insert drawing (#3198) (f68e8eb)
- docs: reserve the first remove text run (#3225) (01fdcca)
- docs: selection error in table and paragraph (#3170) (c6f2eb7)
- docs: show font family after copy from header (#3233) (480e9f1)
- docs: wrong font family in menu (#3232) (f896261)
- editor: boolean values do not need to be processed (#3204) (f060863)
- fix the judgment logic of editor returning empty textRun (#3211) (9a57c5d)
- formula: fix operation accuracy (#3244) (20b4dd5)
- formula: parser error (#3174) (6e2db5a)
- modify the rich text judgment logic (#3178) (0431c1f)
- multi normal selections did not refresh when changing sheets. (#3166) (1314465)
- numfmt: add or substract decimal inheritance (#3195) (67f25c8)
- numfmt: menu circular dependencies (#3248) (5087f29)
- numfmt: numfmt skip null or undefined (#3188) (a923a93)
- numfmt: support edit percent with numfmt (#3190) (d8ca9f6)
- paste col should keep wider column width (#3185) (e1f4f46)
- paste should clear style when paste to editor in sheet (#3215) (781c72e)
- retry interceptor params (#3220) (2e2044a)
- sheet dispose cause scroll update scene size failed. (#3205) (6e1a234)
- sheet text (#3189) (5fd5350)
- sheet: insert wrong columns when shift right (#3193) (ebe1dda)
- sheet: make dirty when only local false (#3247) (5b31804)
- sheets-data-validation: data validation auto height (#3175) (9e53c79)
- sheets-data-validation: date picker can't input by type when errorStyle is STOP (#3237) (99cfb4b)
- sheets-drawing: drawing snapshot error (#3230) (f5f52bf)
- sheets-filter: some filter bugs (#3199) (ec69831)
- sheets-sort: wrong order colIndex (#3196) (33fdbde)
- sheets-ui: popup can't show (#3252) (f1a45fd)
- sheets: do not copy cell bg color to rich text bg (#3207) (e293aca)
- sheets: no style in blank cell (#3231) (e9360c4)
- sheets: ref-range watch-range on insert-move-down & insert-move-right (#3218) (ca0f47a)
- underline not work when align bottom & moving clipboard controller from steady to render (#3139) (10484d8)
- export facade api (1d4b185)
- facade: add facade api for sheets-thread-comment & float-dom & optmize data-validation facade api (#3200) (5aa3342)
- facade: add Facade Worksheet row column API (#3163) (7d903d7)
- facade: add redo undo facade hooks (#3217) (a2be933)
- formula: add some engineering functions (#3070) (dbe1dab)
- formula: add some financial functions (#3137) (62bb41b)
- pivot: fix scroll height & add hooks to format paint (#3224) (84e8c89)
- sheet: dialog close all (#3240) (f06192d)
- sheet: performan the expand range (#3187) (4a72204)
0.2.9 (2024-08-23)
- conditional-formatting: initialization timing problem (#3142) (7d1c9d6)
- crosshair: fix rendering controller (f697951)
- debug currentSkeleton$ if param is null (#3164) (3283d61)
- docs-ui: limit list maxLevel to 3 when in table & set line-through style on checklist (#3096) (9a62d77)
- docs-ui: link & checklist can't work on header-footer (#3107) (106e7c4)
- docs: disable some menu items when no selections (#3094) (07a24cb)
- docs: find cursor by coods (#3143) (9998feb)
- docs: line space between image and line (#3101) (32915ff)
- docs: no need to scroll to selection when resize page (#3092) (9697d87)
- fix issue where custom menu items are hidden by default when
is not configured (#3122) (701131d) - fix some permission bugs (#3037) (eb30bdc)
- fix type error (983a323)
- formula: array input (#3097) (774d09c)
- formula: skip tree after add to formula run list (#3114) (a238ea9)
- hyper-link ref-range error on filter (#3135) (014dd67)
- permission: optimize permission calculation logic in dv (#2811) (d127e02)
- ref selection expand after bottom line is over top line, and ref selection fill area(primary cell) and formula editor should clear when change sheet. (#3104) (e73fc3c)
- selection render and insert char (#2982) (411d328)
- sheet: defined name panel style (#2797) (23a581b)
- sheet: mixin should not use class self (#3130) (1d7c3ab)
- sheet: move function to a file and export (#3125) (8483725)
- sheets-data-validation: data-validation absolute offset (#3091) (135e5c0)
- sheets-data-validation: date validator error when errorStyle=STOP was set (#3102) (a5015c8)
- sheets-drawing-ui: float-dom-layer position not correct on sheets and uni mode (#3152) (4e434b0)
- sheets-ui: data-validation dropdown hidden when selection change (#3119) (b8bf3b1)
- add crosshair highlight plugin for Univer Sheet (#3118) (3e9c34c)
- docs: tab in table (#3064) (39ce155)
- facade: add FFormula api (#3144) (610be1f)
- filter: add facade API and docs (#3103) (dc37071)
- formula: add rank/rank.avg/rank.eq function (#3140) (d2a3ec2)
- numfmt: currency shortcuts support internationalization (#3062) (736cb9b)
- permission: add facade api (#3132) (ca21fb8)
- pivot: add mixin to util (#3124) (53f6610)
0.2.8 (2024-08-16)
- add inputFormula$ (#3013) (c5ce261)
- doc drawing load error on uni mode (#3033) (bd32e08)
- docs-drawing-ui: doc drawing load error on uni mode (#3034) (ba4ce37)
- docs: delete list between tables (#3041) (97842a0)
- docs: delete paragraph break in table cell (#3077) (dc566fd)
- doc: should not resize all internal editors except zen mode (#3005) (0cf5e2d)
- docs: insert footer (#3058) (14469e5)
- docs: line space (#3082) (f5dcea0)
- editor: slide editor should use a different id from sheet cell editor (#3008) (b95d337)
- export resetCahce from sheet-skeleton (#3087) (c400ab1)
- filtered & hidden rows should not be calculated in statusbar (#3026) (803ced4)
- fix permission initialization in multi-unit situation (#3019) (fd73710)
- fix sheet editor life (fc08d5f)
- formula: async formula (#3025) (aff2b29)
- lint (#3088) (397e446)
- permission: fix permission bugs 0815 (#3081) (870cd22)
- sheet: add from & to range in moverange & clone the cellvalue (#3044) (bd91317)
- sheet: pivot data spill (#3039) (bf697b6)
- sheets-data-validation: date data validation format not work & optimize popup-service (#3018) (92dedd6)
- sheets-data-validation: date dropdown display error on invalid value (#3055) (2e89983)
- sheets-drawing-ui: export SheetsHyperLinkCopyPasteController for usage of pro (#3052) (dbf2101)
- sheets-drawing: drawing on uni mode (#3009) (9644695)
- sheets-drawing: sheet-drawing error depend on renderManagerService (#3030) (efc1702)
- sheets-ui: watch-range error on move-range (#3060) (7430e84)
- slide canvasview to slide render controller (#3032) (dbdd85c)
- slide&sheet image component-name duplicated (#3012) (afe89d4)
- slide: init cursor stage change listener really late (759ba75)
- some ui problems in uni-mode (#3029) (19eb1dc)
- spread operator with Math.min max cause Maximum call stack size … (#3059) (1e52972)
- ui: move event bubbling prevention from "More" menu to button (#3031) (e07e0c8)
- ui: optimize Menu component rendering and filtering logic (#3028) (9a19335)
- uni drawing update (#3016) (607e400)
- update drawing panel state at end of changing (#3069) (3a5635f)
- worker not disposed (#3086) (3da4e67)
- add unit param for slide cmd (#3038) (1d1d59c)
- dialog: add property to control whether click mask to close to … (#3020) (8820862)
- facade: add sheet-data-validation facade api (#3050) (9ce3f8d)
- formula: add some engineering function (#2893) (9386c6b)
- formula: add some financial function (#2868) (2e475b3)
- sheet: matrix test (#3027) (8f15ea4)
- sheets-data-validation: support dropdown filter & fix paste error on data-validation cell (#3057) (e2e7d2a)
- slides: add text editing and shapes transform operations (#3015) (3284b38)
- ui: add use-virtual-list hooks (#3084) (a17d436)
- ui: support modifying the toolbar items through
(#3083) (ff51551) - uni-formula: support slide (#3014) (b6cc556)
0.2.7 (2024-08-10)
- add range type when create selection (#2965) (ff6a667)
- add rect ranges to share cursor (#2942) (1d5d42f)
- add table create row col limit to 20 (#2967) (04accd2)
- adjust toolbar item position in uni-mode (#2987) (285cdf5)
- can not edit in footer (#2956) (28c951b)
- can not insert table in link (#2960) (7448724)
- can not select text when the last page ends with table (#2954) (d5d3b39)
- change element to save editing state & update doc sk after resize (#2950) (35b0bac)
- col visible (#2981) (184ffdd)
- conditional-formatting: can not add custom formula (#2915) (e9435ee)
- conditional-formatting: fixed a performance issue during the initialization phase of the conditional format (#2919) (8ddc701)
- context menu disable status (#2943) (510c178)
- context menu should not clear selections (#2949) (b5fcb55)
- core: fix editor set focus element by mistake (9b0ba21)
- core: fix resource loader not work for created units (#2996) (9df348d)
- core: fix resource manager get unrelated data (#2989) (b29cf76)
- data-validation ref-range error init form snapshot & support hyperlink target (#2975) (c1a342d)
- default setting in header and footer (#2977) (eeaf78f)
- design: add missing css import file (#2991) (f007237)
- disable image when select table (#2962) (770385b)
- docs-thread-comment-ui: comment when cross table (#2939) (678816c)
- docs-ui: doc list indent wrong after remove list & copy paste sheet-link (#3002) (94d436c)
- docs: change list type error when cross table (#2963) (8416e8b)
- docs: refresh image positions after resize (#2976) (a7a3c95)
- export some apis of render engine (#2941) (6c1211c)
- filter should not hidden col (#2980) (683d251)
- fix create lists in table (#2947) (6ac854f)
- fix custom formula service not handle other units (d4b3767)
- fix slide errors (0145ea5)
- fix sort menu hidden$ (4f61745)
- fix type error (4cda2fb)
- fix uni formula collab (#2951) (5b75469)
- fix uni mode errors (#2959) (de57b8e)
- fix zen editor id (c5de1a2)
- formula: fix formula sheet name uppercase bug (#2908) (b4122b1)
- formula: fix some bugs (#2920) (323e085)
- highlight not work when select link (#2978) (6a97ced)
- image initial render (#2921) (c165edc)
- image: switch tab error (#2926) (2cee8d6)
- insert col right to cursor (#2964) (912d666)
- issue #1791 (#2918) (4cba768)
- modify the judgment logic of rich text (#2957) (041f889)
- paragraph: when switching from 2 lines to 1 line, the selection … (#2997) (21d09eb)
- permission: permission validation performance problem (#2916) (60ae402)
- selection is wrong when select table (#2953) (b15b46b)
- sheets-data-validation: data validation validator empty ranges & comment active issue & sheet-hyper-link autofill (#3003) (3271885)
- sheets-ui: set frozen to max column should limited & doc list-paragraph optimize (#2983) (64917c2)
- slide editing scale (#2999) (8017323)
- slide editor disappear when moving curor by keyboard (arrow key) (#2972) (448dcb1)
- snapshot (#2940) (47ebfb7)
- uni: scale uni frame (#2955) (ba7902f)
- uni: uni formula service should run on server without formula (#2946) (2aa0d84)
- uni: use uni formula controller to regiter commands (d2ba71e)
- add custom err to organize command execute (#2945) (05ab674)
- add pivot table to unitoolbar & ui fix (#2961) (234b4bb)
- bullet: bullet support paragraph setting (#2958) (0eeae77)
- docs-ui: doc list optimize (#2900) (4085e7f)
- docs-ui: optimize quick order-list (#2938) (b59624e)
- docs-ui: support doc checklist (#2917) (4d3c6d3)
- docs: doc support table (#2814) (b5efb0d)
- docs: support paragraph pannel setting (#2867) (03ea7ca)
- editing text and save (#2929) (09a0832)
- enable running get filter values in worker (df35f3e)
- extraction field (#2931) (e206f75)
- formula: add logical functions (#2644) (3e3e572)
- formula: completion formula language package (#2979) (a130132)
- pivot: support pivot table in interceptor & formula (#2923) (cf8f492)
- return unrecognized for non-existing unit (0c2527a)
- set min-zoom to 0.1 (#3001) (a90f948)
- slide toolbar&sidebar in uni-mode (#2984) (3b72764)
- slides: add basic support for editing shapes and images (#2933) (a5f23b9)
- slides: add text editor (#2925) (1817267)
- slides: add update element operation (#3000) (eb08779)
- uni mode (#2827) (36ac2bf)
0.2.6 (2024-08-02)
- doc: list update (#2862) (b045042)
- docs-drawing: formula ts error & docs-drawing load error (#2879) (1182bee)
- drawing: update (#2871) (1880552)
- formula: fix formula parameter assignment (#2905) (8fb9655)
- ref selection should call updateSelection after skelenton change (#2839) (d37f669)
- sheet: fix expand range performance (#2882) (0de3488)
- sheet: parse snapshot string (#2897) (f4fe38d)
- ui: ensure container DOM is removed when destroying Vue 3 components (#2892) (5c38528)
- unitId type error in handle editor invisible (#2907) (5e09017)
- use new selectionData not workbook._worksheetSelections (#2909) (b597194)
- deprecated float-dom.props (#2864) (43220a1)
- docs-ui: debounce doc-hover event (#2865) (ce949fd)
- docs-ui: doc daily optimization (#2869) (f0b6410)
- docs: doc-rename (#2891) (307d1de)
- formula: add some Text/Math/Lookup formulas (#2842) (778e371)
- numfmt: support custom format (#2888) (95314eb)
- sheet-data-valiation: using cell-raw on data-validation (#2878) (935bdba)
- slides: support partial slides function (#2890) (3a90918)
0.2.5 (2024-07-26)
- conditional-formatting: close panel when switch subunit (#2828) (6e772bc)
- doc-resize causing formula error (#2857) (8d037a2)
- editor: paste and selection error (#2843) (e6869e4)
- formula: array formula clear old value (#2840) (efb5ecd)
- formula: feature calculation update (#2838) (f66e5a7)
- get SheetScrollManagerService from renderManagerSrv (#2833) (ce4e7c4)
- move selection (#2832) (b4205ff)
- ref selection (#2770) (e885f76)
- sheet: blur table name triggers slide (#2772) (c328662)
- sheets-drawing-ui: load float-dom from snapshot & support presist custom data with float dom drawing object (#2841) (ca38723)
- sheets-ui: formula editor can't exit (#2858) (eb3c0dd)
- sheet: type import (#2848) (ae0b012)
- core: optimize url validator & popup on selection moving (#2845) (c6ab2a7)
- data-validation: code optimize for data-validation (#2815) (ab242a3)
- docs-thread-comment-ui: doc datasource (#2851) (b3ae99a)
- docs-ui: support docs zoom bar & context menu (#2830) (d840cb5)
- docs: support doc-hover-service (#2824) (28dbb78)
- formula: add some information and date function (#2798) (6b3413e)
- formula: add some math function (#2761) (344f4dd)
- formula: get dirty data (#2837) (b3ebd79)
0.2.4 (2024-07-19)
- conditional-formatting: adjust the frequency of calculations (#2804) (1b65361)
- core: merge range util error (#2776) (7a41b9c)
- design: add class name as poperty of select list (#2788) (f78b538)
- doc: default line pitch (#2805) (ae466b2)
- fix invalid color str in paste (#2783) (d0ac904)
- formula: formula carries numfmt of ref cell (#2756) (30b3b24)
- formula: great than equal error (#2758) (65e471d)
- min cursor height and move cursor (#2789) (beb9146)
- permission: optimize formula bar permission & resize header permission (#2603) (de05ff8)
- permission: when user exists should not set again (#2799) (99a56dc)
- selection: selection error after insert col (#2786) (a02b719)
- sheet: copy&paste clip cell (#2773) (af845a2)
- sheet: range selector and editor (#2748) (15b1d8e)
- sheets-data-validation: data-validation perf issues (#2810) (3a4de22)
- sheets-drawing-ui: float-dom deps error (#2791) (0a6d4d1)
- sheets-hyper-link: re-render perf issue (#2812) (706aa04)
- sheets-ui: bugfix for data-validation/comments (#2734) (75bb1f6)
- ui: fix focus editor position with padding (#2819) (57dd020)
- add method to get message portal container (#2775) (603d62e)
- docs-mention-ui: support docs-mention (#2785) (57232a5)
- docs-mention: add resource-controller (#2803) (37a1d58)
- docs: image in header and footer (#2747) (0fe6867)
- formula: add some date function (#2729) (26af2cc)
- permission: initial permission is modified to false for the set… (#2768) (c2f3056)
- sheet: init history permission point in sheet (#2790) (dc04d7a)
- uni: init uni mode (#2793) (8228c5a)
0.2.3 (2024-07-12)
- backspace in header and footer (#2704) (749b407)
- docs-hyper-link: hyper link resource (#2732) (1b17ec5)
- docs: fix blank screen (#2720) (fbed267)
- failed to get scene in scroll render controller (#2737) (987c5d2)
- fix replace content params options (c2bbaaf)
- formula: len counts displayed value (#2702) (ce887b0)
- load resource (#2752) (9606194)
- sheet: keep text formatting when setting range value (#2711) (a1a3dbc)
- sheets-hyper-link-ui: popup observable error on react16 (#2755) (f0edc5b)
- tons of memory leak (#2754) (3f3dcff)
- ui: fix issue where context menu item cannot be selected in React 16 (#2739) (d971be9)
- umd: fix issue with datepicker localization not working in UMD bundle (#2719) (962e057)
- formula: add more functions (#2701) (8598e02)
- formula: enable cancellation of ongoing formula calculations (#2661) (5d80993)
- i18n: add
language (#2694) (2f99d19) - network: add merge interceptor (#2749) (6a0c1b7)
- optimization of doc image (#2432) (3f98681)
- permission: support refresh (#2740) (710e26a)
- sheets-data-validation: support show-time when set validation at
(#2723) (737660e) - sidebar-service supports scroll-event subscription (#2724) (2da550d)
- ui: change floating position (#2698) (f2fbd3b)
0.2.2 (2024-07-09)
0.2.1 (2024-07-08)
0.2.0 (2024-07-06)
- add correct RU translation in Sort and Hyperlink plugins (#2685) (9616c44)
- docs-ui: disable link & comment on header footer (#2700) (f93a229)
- docs: backspace in header (#2703) (000e88d)
- drawing issues (#2639) (7d35091)
- drawing: regster by sheet transform (#2672) (59a117a)
- editor: fix the wrong position of validate messages on initialization when the sidebar is open (#2676) (749dd74)
- facade: fix implementation of
and remove redundantgetWraps
method (#2675) (6e2ef32) - formula: ref a1:a gets name error (#2666) (692b30c)
- formula: row range calculation error (#2649) (3dcedc2)
- formula: ts error in averageif (#2656) (6179726)
- optimize the the menu and prefer apply-type of auto-fill (#2638) (b1e1ef4)
- shees-ui: add missing menu configs (#2635) (31c7dbf)
- sheet: dependency error (#2650) (4ec356d)
- sheet: drawing load (#2692) (2c5011e), closes #2683 #2685
- sheet: drawing switch tab position error (#2686) (bd5293c)
- sheet: freeze invalid (#2658) (03982b7)
- sheet: line default error (#2641) (01c1b32)
- sheet: pasting plain text with newline and tab characters (#2678) (de987cc)
- sheets-ui: ensure context menu does not open on sheets tab when
is set to false (#2654) (a5ecccc) - sheets-ui: fix focusout issue with rename input box in lower version of React (#2662) (6f74450)
- sheets-ui: fix formula editor's position issue in lower version of React (#2667) (e5020d7)
- slide: remove duplicated calls to render.engine.setContainer (#2688) (76e93f3)
- doc support header and footer (#2589) (9b6cdf6)
- docs-ui: hyper-link support for doc (#2681) (2e80ef0), closes #1267 #1363 #1391 #1407 #2683 #2685 #2686 #2620 #2687
- formula: add asin function (#2620) (88bde30)
- formula: add MINIFS,AVERAGEIF,AVERAGEIFS functions (#2561) (909f2ee)
- formula: add now,time,datevalue,timevalue function (#2598) (fbf4548)
- make toolbar configurable (#2634) (4852646)
- scroll and selection for mobile version (#2657) (62e5b64)
- sheet: export vars for sort plugin (#2587) (4c1c3de)
- sheet: restart formula calculation (#2646) (b1be75c)
- sheets-data-validation: daily bugfix for data-validation (#2637) (21008f9), closes #1267 #1363 #1391 #1407
- sheet: sheet name check (#2660) (fd8f8ac)
- slides: add sidebar highlighting for selected items in slides (#2691) (04fbb05)
- thread-comment: support server intercept for comment & docs-comment (#2619) (02dff82), closes #1267 #1363 #1391 #1407
- ui: change floating position (#2693) (9c59dee)
0.1.17 (2024-06-28)
- conditional-formatting: disable clear cf (#2601) (cf60994)
- conditional-formatting: distinguish between settings and purges when padding down (#2605) (6dd8bbe)
- conditional-formatting: reopen panel and update panel (#2608) (b4460ca)
- fix some paste bugs (#2612) (cfd3227)
- formula: remove non-existent formula ids (#2531) (656c337)
- formula: subtotal count (#2452) (61de312)
- icon set dropdown style (#2602) (c6e23cd)
- move-range: add move range controller (#2609) (3950878)
- numfmt: numfmt not render after auto fill (#2617) (111bc9f)
- numfmt: reselect item and throw error (#2611) (9902edb)
- range-selector: placeholder flush (#2607) (2dc7ce0)
- sheet: duplicate sheet name copy (#2544) (50f8f4d)
- sheet: get unhidden sheets (#2616) (bcc4034)
- sheets-drawing: fix crash when editing text after inserting images and opening the sidebar (#2586) (5536b05)
- conditional-formatting: add error interceptor (#2600) (b523f62)
- customize row header (#2457) (f5e520f)
- formula: add averagea,concat function (#2606) (346b33a)
- formula: add choose function (#2613) (219a053)
- mobile: init basic mobile features (#2443) (3583fe5)
0.1.16 (2024-06-21)
- button style (#2541) (b753dba)
- change permission collaborator (#2528) (856cfb8)
- design: adjust tooltip arrow width to 4px (#2556) (9992773)
- design: fix popup position (#2510) (2920023)
- docs-drawing: fix crash when editing text after inserting images and opening the sidebar (#2548) (f59ab40)
- editor: state error (#2552) (819bbe7)
- fix some permission bugs (#2522) (ac0644b)
- fix status bar performance (#2537) (4885f4f)
- formula: reverse undo range list (#2389) (b6ef910)
- permission: can not edit when have not permission in cn language (#2574) (7f996f1)
- permission: change rename condition should have rename permission (#2579) (39619c0)
- permission: keep permision point ref (#2532) (be947bd)
- set style should not clear p (#2553) (9c4ea35)
- sheet: button class priority (#2485) (9205148)
- sheet: force string sets style (#2448) (17130d1)
- sheet: maybe get null when get active sheet (#2512) (85e15af)
- sheets-data-validation: bugfix for data-validation (#2562) (d1e38dd)
- sheets-drawing-ui: error delete cache when float-dom hide (#2540) (b1dc036)
- sheets-ui: fix unhide render controller RENDER_COMMANDS (#2516) (58a954e)
- sheets: bugfix for data-validation and hyper-link (#2527) (389e65b)
- sheet: selection order (#2557) (eb47033)
- sheets: fix some bugs (#2536) (250763e)
- sheets: fix some bugs (#2545) (b065f02)
- sheets: hide rows cols should skip over already hidden ranges (#2517) (1896852)
- sheet: ui dependency (#2577) (55f6f72)
- sheet: ui dependency in sort (#2580) (1c67036)
- sheet: update freeze incorrect when insert row (#2492) (7c9d69a)
- tooltip is-ellipsis not working (#2550) (f3641c3)
- use @univerjs/ui useObservable (#2456) (8d6037d)
- add sheet drawing permission (#2546) (bc108e5)
- conditional-formatting: separate the initialization logic for UI and core components (#2530) (4706227)
- customize column header (#2333) (4f8eae1)
- everything feels very lag when there is a long range dashrect(cliparea) (#2472) (45f15fe)
- sheet: sort feature (#2435) (107fbf2)
- umd: add sort umd (#2581) (f49fed1)
0.1.15 (2024-06-14)
- change ref when user change (#2501) (b23148b)
- core: fix disposing univer causing error (#2515) (ca76011)
- core: init user info (#2499) (b3393ef)
- design: fix syntax error in calculation within less file (#2506) (9c2947f)
- find: when dispose, should close panel (#2495) (4a72bcc)
- hyper-link: bugfix for hyper-link remove-sheet (#2444) (039a59d)
- only users with editing permissions can join the protected colla… (#2504) (2ea683e)
- rename change permission (#2481) (ee6a464)
- scrollInfo should not save into snapshot (#2514) (782c7dc)
- sheet: null cell (#2483) (63040e1)
- sheets-hyper-link: skip error on ref-range mutation (#2446) (56c6e12)
- umd: change dependency build order for UMD packages (#2449) (3337e79)
- add scrollLeftTop for sheet snapshot (#2414) (23775c8), closes #2348
- change move sheet permission (#2493) (d2f3f54)
- network: support sse in network fetch (#2482) (8f5d0f4)
- set the initial cursor at the begining of document (#2447) (a812d2e)
- sheets-ui: optimize ref-range for hyper-link and thread-comment (#2405) (88f2f6d)
- support props on float dom component (#2518) (0a52859)
0.1.14 (2024-06-07)
- build error (#2436) (d497b03)
- drawing: plugin name (#2402) (296f399)
- fix findDOMNode deprecation issue under React 18.3.1 (#2403) (41d21c3)
- fix layer (#2421) (ad7b3b5)
- fix list lint (#2406) (eb8737c)
- fix menu status is incorrect because focusedOnDrawing$ have not initial value (#2431) (5b7bc17)
- fix permissions wrong reference render-engine in sheets package (#2396) (10387e4)
- formula: export AsyncObject (#2438) (08df397)
- formula: js precision problem (#2371) (d2c9eeb)
- meesage: fix in node env, the document not exist (#2415) (8657cc4)
- message node env (#2417) (3dd2d6a)
- not escape when copy content (#2354) (c10e4d9)
- sync actions between formula editor and cell editor (#2380) (bdf033c)
- ui: fix findDOMNode is deprecated warning when collapsing the toolbar (#2413) (754fad2)
- ui: fix flickering on register ui parts (#2430) (2d036a3)
- ui: fix ineffective
property in menu configurations (#2420) (c2b0019) - ui: fix possible race conditions for ComponentContainer (29af7c2)
- add scrollLeftTop for sheet snapshot (#2348) (38d8003)
- add Tools.set method (#2399) (ea8f50c)
- add workbook permission (#2391) (0a9a980)
- InsertSheetCommand: allow using partial sheet from params as sheetconfig (#2429) (ce85854)
- network: add http auth interceptor (#2424) (066941a)
- permission-share: support permission share (#2416) (0332000)
- sheets-data-validation: add validator service allowing developer to get status of data-validation (#2412) (12d531d)
- sheets-ui: support drawing print (#2418) (f24cace)
- ui: enhance component container (#2395) (54460f9)
0.1.13 (2024-06-03)
- background position error in zen editor (#2313) (6e6f185)
- cell number display when set text wrap (#2314) (0144179)
- check cell data and remove linebreak in v filed (#2382) (cfc2e0a)
- clear format failed when not change selections (#2338) (07a4e0f)
- core: observer remove unregisterOnNextCall (#2334) (5c4f479)
- cursor size follow anchor glyph (#2365) (9d8bb89)
- design: resolve text overflow issue in Select component for long content (#2352) (0ff261d)
- drawing-ui: fix incomplete display of drawing panel styles (#2387) (9831db9)
- drawing: doc drawing same to sheet drawing (#2372) (e3f6654)
- dv 18n (#2370) (da8b06b)
- editor: add valid attribute (#1730) (2dee268)
- email link jump error (#2378) (950be43)
- fix get SSE param (07e0ebb)
- fix import error (#2384) (3345064)
- fix multiple dialogs being opened at the same time (#2341) (ce5d10c)
- fixed a typo in links (#2325) (f5162c9)
- fixed outdated start dev server command (#2320) (4fb451c)
- formula: case sensitive (#2329) (a6761dd)
- formula: progress for multiple calculation (#2342) (1169af4)
- formular confirm error (#2318) (1eca6d1)
- inline format support cursor (#2347) (94f2149)
- move row&col effects on filter-range (#2284) (200e655)
- network: fix http headers parsing (a1beac6)
- network: fix http type (#2359) (fe3ac1d)
- no need to set background to linebreak (#2335) (4140cb7)
- paste special (format only) will not paste richformat (#2098) (8cd421b)
- render-engine: optimize underline postion (#2164) (b0ccb91)
- render: dispose cycle (#2393) (bfe75db)
- sheet: active next sheet when remove sheet (#2305) (9a24216)
- sheet: border color (#2326) (1e2b4c3)
- sheet: insert row supports cell value (#2346) (c87246c)
- sheets: add exports (8a4b1f5)
- storybook failed because can not override name property (#2339) (5853999)
- ui: correct the resize listener target in toolbar (#2321) (734c4d2)
- underline in sheet cell (#2306) (5c6b010)
- update import paths for drawing UI panel in image panels (#2392) (e971e28)
- add more exports from UI package (#2309) (916e3cc)
- change aux line color and default cell size (ce8b96a)
- change message and notification API (#2332) (5cc6881)
- doc-popup (#2322) (0123c54)
- drawing: sheets and docs drawing (#2324) (4853425)
- facade: add lifecycle hooks for facade (#2357) (ebb1d59)
- facade: click to get cell information, whether to merge and coordinates (#2362) (1300ebc)
- i18n: add i18n support to umd (452effb)
- message: add some option property for meesage, it use for custo… (#2340) (bf2c021)
- network: add http sse method (#2358) (a87c44a)
- permission remaining issues (#2375) (dade734)
- permission: support permission (#1931) (09fd989)
- render-engine: move cache to viewport (#2188) (a4e5b11), closes #676 #677 #676 #677 #700 #700
- sheet: add name observables on Workbook (fa76180)
- sheets-hyper-link: add hyper link for sheet (#2330) (09518aa)
- sheets-ui: support canvas float dom (#2343) (1f95047)
- support for tilting the cursor when italicized (#1932) (ac62428)
- toolbar: add automatic calculation of toolbar gap style (#2345) (91f3b7c)
- ui: not auto removing when duration is 0 (#2366) (a98e8ab)
0.1.12 (2024-05-24)
export necessary types from ui package (c648310)
fix identifier name (c1b4e8b)
resolve warning about nested component updates from render methods (#2274) (4e7b4c5)
sheet: add info type for Message component, use barColor in ProgressBar (#2277) (7b411b3)
sheets-thread-comment: fix some ui issues & update readme.md (#2294) (b230655)
sheets-ui: fix doc plugins not loaded before sheet editor (#2279) (e467c1e)
ui: fix canvas popup direction definition error (0690697)
ui: fix position error (57d4e8a)
feat(ui)!: add support for hiding context menu (#2275) (3f12ad8), closes #2275
- add support for customizable context menu & toolbar (#2273) (b253997)
- core: command service support get command type (6775a73)
- extract debugger plugin to standalone package (#2269) (f89e3bd)
- extract hooks for better customization (#2301) (2b75400)
- render-engine: facade adds onCellPointerOver,onCellDragOver,onCellDrop (#2240) (874fa27)
- sheets-conditional-formatting-ui: refactor manage rule selection options (ba56b60)
- sheets-thread-comment: comment support for sheets (#2228) (313ab79), closes #2121 #2120 #2114 #2112 #684 #2174 #2162 #715
- sheets-thread-comment: optimize comment mention source injector method (#2303) (a5a7b33)
- thread-comment: add data-source-service export (#2296) (41d0639)
- ui: popup enhance direction (#2281) (e9c27b7)
- ui: ui parts service support more generic situations (#2286) (415d5b8)
- umd: add thread comment support to the UMD bundle (#2288) (d909b5f)
The default values for
are now set to true. -
feat: update examples
0.1.11 (2024-05-17)
- backspace in list when select all list content (#2230) (e58a69e)
- edit cell and the content is not display (#2245) (08f41cf)
- editor: focusing error (#2264) (0831994)
- filterRenderController works after selectionRenderService is usable (#2236) (3693e7a)
- fix docs links (#2224) (5f26e90)
- fix facade version (71fcd08)
- fix resource key of filter (e832ce3)
- formula: formula string results are displayed as regular strings (#2206) (1d1a45f)
- inline style undo error at the doc end (#2241) (91e6fbc)
- lifecycle event handling in plugin holder (#2244) (85af642)
- sheet: clear custom field of selection (#2178) (edd2af1)
- sheet: filterRenderController work after selectionRenderControll… (#2229) (8f8e80d)
- sheet: restore code in setStyleCommand (#2225) (e1f4a37)
- sheets-ui: resolve issue where hidden worksheets cannot be unhidden (#2258) (5e02b6e)
- sheet: save edit content when select other tab (#2160) (3e02de5)
- sheets: bugfix for freeze & hover-manager-service & data-validation (#2233) (9636037), closes #684 #2174 #2162
- sheet: skip filtered row on setting style (#2221) (206e080)
- the cursor is displayed incorrectly in the presence of bg color (#2218) (84620d4)
- ui: fix use observable not working in StrictMode (#2235) (9929eff)
- use Singleton Pattern of Hyphen (#2242) (ba853df)
- add Russian translation support (#2248) (87e0f84)
- design: add borderless support for Select (#2254) (c59b5a5)
- design: add vertical layout support for CheckboxGroup and RadioGroup (#2252) (c638477)
- design: support multiple tree (#2259) (1d11418)
- facade: add API to generate HTML content (#2219) (3a9afd9)
- network: add fetch implementation (#2226) (b970fe1)
- render-engine: hyphenation in paragraph layout (#2172) (2739fba)
- sheet: add tooltip to FilterPanel (#2234) (12d4aef)
- sheet: allow menu scroll when it over viewport (#2215) (184b98b)
- sheets: add set workbook name command (#2249) (3c24cdd)
0.1.10 (2024-05-10)
- conditional-formatting: custom formula rendering error (#2117) (d04a0f8)
- conditional-formatting: update icon set id (#2109) (81a59fd)
- conditional-formatting: update icon set id (#2115) (21b7a14)
- conditional-formatting: viewmodel interception is not required at initialization time (#2107) (305d235)
- correct skeleton dispose timing (#2196) (87e96df)
- docs: text selection in multiple columns (#2199) (5f9816e)
- fix ci playwright (#2168) (714b244)
- fix slide rendering (#2127) (300d5d6)
- message service do not return disposable (#2155) (d831996)
- render-engine: fx column dose not display content (#2161) (73e8c02)
- render: memory leak (#2166) (9b078e2)
- render: memory leak and capture (#2171) (af27e38)
- sheet: find-replace replaceAll only effect on the active sheet (#2202) (0ed9f56)
- sheets-data-validation: data validation daily bugifx (#2126) (3b45f89), closes #2121 #2120 #2114 #2112
- sheet: unhide hidden icon render incorrect when headers resize (#2208) (a68bfb9)
- slides-ui: fix excessive re-render issue to prevent infinite loop errors (#2159) (9edf924)
- docs: image layout in doc (#1958) (00d0b79)
- facade: add sheet hooks, onCellPointerMove hook (#2193) (476ffd3)
- facade: refactor f-univer newAPI and add getDependencies (#2176) (94a86d3)
- formula: report formula error message, check params number by minParams and maxParams (#1876) (88f517b)
- ui plugin support override dependencies (#2125) (561f7aa)
- user: add user model (#2137) (49c1a70)
0.1.9 (2024-04-29)
- fix doc editor cannot focus (ab4fe64)
- global-zone componentKey initial value error (#2100) (2404690)
- sheet-formula: store themeColor to reuse (#2079) (6c2e1d3)
- sheet: set bottom by default for vertical align (#1929) (392f320)
- skeleton change will remove autofill popupmenu (#2092) (5b80ca7)
- ui: fix close ui plugin config and focus capturing (#2086) (4a360f7), closes #1914 #1967
0.1.8 (2024-04-26)
- columns is not render properly (#1952) (039e5e2)
- conditional-formatting: create cf rule error (#1969) (ee8f8de)
- conditional-formatting: disregarding computation beyond the tables region (#1891) (c14a3a8)
- conditional-formatting: gradient fills may conceal cell values (#1898) (70d3a7e)
- design: fix checkbox group not updating visually on click (#1989) (967eb39)
- dv: fix data validation plugin type to prevent loading error (#2084) (937fa13)
- editor: formula input esc invalid (#1902) (87f0994)
- facade: fix handling of empty selections in
method (#2066) (e440e04) - fix API not exported (b4913f9)
- fix current render handling in desktop controller (#2067) (ddbeb02)
- fix lifecycle stages (37777f1)
- fix lint errors (4e970d4)
- fix memory leak on dispose sheet unit (#1900) (4a5eca1)
- fix memory leaking in active cell (761a372)
- fix non-sheet renderer should not be set container (#2044) (00b30e5)
- fix plugin not added to seen list (7591212)
- fix unit cannot be destroyed or recreate (#2081) (b67a9f8)
- fix univer plugin lifecycle not triggered (#2023) (827e5a3)
- fix univer plugin not started (5f5b0a7)
- getCurrent methods should possibly return null (#1892) (859d7fc)
- punctuation adjustment (#1867) (e921128)
- rect-popup event bind error (#1922) (ac17c69)
- refocus sheet cell when create new sheet (#1896) (db88447)
- render-engine: punctuation render error in sheet cell (#2034) (d7ddad1)
- replace whitespace characters in html str (#1904) (1ff1261)
- sheet-formula: fix error message on missing formula (#1885) (0ab866e)
- sheet: add cell custom field (#2021) (53b9041)
- sheet: cell custom supports updating from mutation (#2058) (bec1944)
- sheet: defined name move (#1888) (be2fec3)
- sheet: defined name update name (#1917) (5b6e223)
- sheet: editor set rich error (#1918) (d4f67f8)
- sheet: esc key for editor (#1928) (54487b8)
- sheet: fix some copy/paste bugs (#1754) (496dcb8)
- sheet: header hidden (#1954) (e3dc9ce)
- sheet: life cycle steady (#1927) (fbabfaa)
- sheet: move formula ref (#2078) (fa4ebea)
- sheet: range selector drag row (#1729) (530a852)
- sheet: range selector error (#1897) (a2c8cb6)
- sheets-data-validation: fix reject input incorrect (#2082) (6e03118)
- sheets-formula initialize time (#1910) (a461d16)
- sheets-ui: after unhiding row or col icon doesn't disappear (#2075) (f07c2d9)
- sheets: the text is aligned at editorial and non-editorial states (#1874) (c7e26a0)
- text is cropped when rendered in italic style with background (#1862) (80f43b8)
- the strickthough position is wrong when fontsize is different (#1919) (2564456)
- ui: stop onblur propagation at root to prevent external focusout conflicts (#1894) (04abb1b)
- univer plugin holder start immediately (8c3bb90)
- univer should auto start (af032c8)
- core: refactoring resources load and snapshot (#1853) (8ae91b7)
- core: univer support override dependencies (#2050) (cfad0da)
- data-validation: transform support for data validation (#1915) (22ccbb1)
- doc: refactor of text shaping and support kerning (#1785) (e7f1036)
- engine-formula: add iseven isodd (#1873) (21d145c)
- engine-render: add render unit system (#2025) (a5243da)
- export identifiers from packages index.ts (#2049) (bced914)
- facade: f-worksheet add getName method (#2042) (10cc6e1)
- formula: formula calculation progress (#1985) (ad1d632)
- formula: implement formula lower (#1970) (db3fa45)
- image: add plugin (#1962) (9c494ae)
- numfmt: refactor the numfmt model (#1945) (1840166)
- sheet: force string adds popup (#1934) (add1214)
- sheet: indirect support defined name (#1899) (6c0833a)
- sheets-ui: optimize popup service (#1912) (a555160)
- sheets: filter (#1465) (1f03b7a)
- sheets: register other formula (#2045) (4a8ffd9)
- umd: create all-in-one UMD bundle (#2062) (e76fe4e)
- univer can take parent injector (f8ea16a)
- update codeowners (#2019) (5b0a103)
0.1.7 (2024-04-12)
- auto height is not work when at default column width (#1840) (55e0869)
- condiational-formatting: rename
(#1801) (9b14a5a) - conditional-formatting: fix the logic for hidden$ in conditional formatting (#1813) (cd631af)
- design: ensure popup component is appended to root to prevent offset from stacking contexts (#1850) (1ad518a)
- design: fix slider to stop responding to mouse movement after release during zoom operations (#1834) (3d5a26e)
- design: fix tooltip behavior (#1845) (bd85759)
- design: set default language to zhCN (#1863) (08e8d58)
- display error in font family (#1700) (8c2282b)
- docs: list indent and hanging (#1675) (4020055)
- docs: strikethrough position is incorrect (#1836) (3f68158)
- engine-render: ignore media change on printing mode (#1808) (f5fc6be)
- formula: copy paste range with formulas (#1765) (58c7d3e)
- formula: null value return not zero (#1851) (87d8e20)
- formula: use ref range formula (#1694) (d8f1dc4)
- inline format error in cell (#1843) (2002fdf)
- rpc: skip missing mutations in remote replica (#1826) (1e10cbf)
- sheet-ui: make the default font family and font size correct (#1827) (ea18b99)
- sheet: defined name vertical (#1832) (edf86f4)
- sheet: editor and selection position (#1830) (e23992f)
- sheet: remove set current mutation (#1802) (79ce85d)
- sheets-ui: data-validation event bind timing (#1804) (d0cac23)
- sheets-ui: fix border panel icons (#1815) (ea7636e)
- sheets: fix the issue where the editor position is incorrect after unmerging cells (#1717) (7d27f11)
- sheet: update internal id (#1825) (fc4cc4c)
- ts-error (#1858) (b8007cb)
- uniscript entry is displayed in zen mode (#1842) (337af7d)
- uniscript: script editor service is not exposed (68647a6)
- conditional-formatting: bugfix (#1838) (c0b3dce)
- design: add
property support to Checkbox component (#1870) (f522a34) - docs: support background color in doc (#1846) (3a38828)
- formula: add the Maxifs function (#1711) (52b2698)
- sheets-data-validation: move draggable-list to design (#1822) (3acf286)
- sheets-ui: add f2 to start editing (#1875) (b740dfa)
- sheets-ui: sheet popup service should respond to row col changes (#1848) (6868a47)
- sheets: add watch API to ref-range-service (#1635) (5f7e9a2)
- sheets: data-validation ref-range & optimize package orignize (#1784) (a475474)
- ui: add disable auto focus config (#1682) (6256c15)
- ui: optimize scrollbar (#1856) (9e76a28)
0.1.6 (2024-04-03)
- backspace will cause error when doc is not ready (#1725) (f24fdb1)
- conditional-formatting: configuration exceptions are specifically handled (#1750) (37a7787)
- conditional-formatting: support row/col hidden (#1747) (7ed59d1)
- data-validation i18n (#1788) (73aae0b)
- delete undo redo (#1781) (8d8e615)
- design: apply
pointer-events: none
to avoid::selection
in Safari (#1792) (86bb772) - design: change tooltip to not remain active after hover (#1756) (2019a77)
- facade: fix set horizontal, vertical, warp (#1766) (1876e68)
- find-replace: add locale exports (#1760) (a573166)
- formula: bracket nested (#1799) (d84a618)
- formula: today fill error (#1798) (4b35198)
- punctuation adjustment in the middle of line (#1686) (2382e3b)
- sheet: error while creating an empty subunit (#1748) (662b4e0)
- sheet: selection size and editor position (#1743) (fd83cbf)
- sheets: fix shallow copy bugs of the sheet snapshot (#1742) (83d910c)
- sheets: fix the issue with selection during autofill (#1707) (eb6f8d0)
- sheets: fix value type casting in set range values (#1646) (227f5b0)
- sheets: merge disappear on hide row (#1714) (e68d47f)
- sheets: some bugs about copy&paste / remove row&col / autofill (#1561) (e1072c7)
- the error clip the last char when linebreak (#1745) (009b5b4)
- condiational-formatting: update enUS locale (#1787) (785e141)
- conditional-formatting: support set cfId (#1753) (4a277f9)
- design: add
component (#1778) (a2dd33d) - design: set default text color to prevent inheritance (#1751) (71e1d94)
- facade: add getMaxColumns and getMaxRows API on FWorksheet (#1775) (c903780)
- facade: add getSheetBySheetId API on FWorkbook (#1762) (436b1b4)
- facade: sheet api getId rename to getSheetId (#1770) (dff654c)
- sheet: defined name (#1737) (cfa9375)
- sheet: optimize data validation i18n & dropdown bugfix (#1768) (a8c9452)
- sheets: support data validation (#1676) (9961b32)
- support char which length is great than 1 (#1783) (32cfb3b)
0.1.5 (2024-03-29)
- editor: range selector and range drag (#1713) (02e9647)
- editor: short key error and normal range show (#1688) (571ec0b)
- fixing the range of remove merged selection and filter empty ranges (#1680) (117cbbe)
- formula: index function handles base value object (#1692) (1f0b700)
- punctuation adjustment issues in slide (#1690) (15cb6df)
- render: media change for refresh canvas (#1697) (dd6bfed)
- sheet: active dirty dependency ui (#1728) (d8c9e4b)
- sheet: fix the selection is incorrect when autofill intersects w… (#1661) (ebdcc6c)
- sheet: fix toolbar state when there's overlapping selection (#1521) (1ebfe1a)
- sheet: handle key value conflicts (#1720) (9abc7c5)
- sheet: null-value will not unexpected deleted when moving row/cols (#1691) (1a1f7c8)
- sheet: set-tab-order-mutation should has fromIndex in parmas for transforming (#1704) (6d05bd9)
- slides: export locale (#1702) (403c529)
- ui: canvas popup event bind error (#1683) (8a0bfd6)
- ui: fix toolbar display issues by adjusting reactive hidden item filtering logic (8b604eb)
- ui: fix toolbar responsiveness on small screens (#1716) (a9755e8)
- ui: fix use observable (#1719) (eabe6fb)
- conditional-format: support conditional format (#1681) (50edd34), closes #433 #439 #495 #489 #487 #485 #483 #480 #475 #472 #468 #458 #433 #437 #446 #486 #437 #461 #454 #480
0.1.4 (2024-03-25)
- design: correct checkbox checked state logic for standalone usage (#1627) (5eea109)
- design: fix checkbox group value couldn't be modified (#1613) (dcb3e93)
- docs: remove deprecated property standalone (#1670) (ff686e6)
- editor: control state (#1649) (c39799f)
- editor: optimize editor focus (#1616) (e4231eb)
- editor: preload the editor (#1662) (09ceb16)
- editor: short key error (#1679) (7afaff0)
- engine-render: add missing
type export (d972f5d) - export more types from render engine plugin (#1608) (cf134be)
- facade: should not return promise in syncExecuteCommand (#1648) (9a0d300)
- find-replace: fix dialog issues (#1590) (2390086)
- fix extracted value from cell content (2e22324)
- formula: add OR/TEXT/LEN functions (#1593) (c26eed1)
- formula: array cache error (#1644) (19d9612)
- formula: index function supports reference object (#1657) (b47487a)
- formula: math functions support string number calculation (#1581) (0779488)
- rectangle subtract func (#1647) (345fddc)
- sheet: error value object (#1596) (e3714e1)
- sheet: fix error edit position after merging (#1520) (8685e14)
- sheet: fix the issue of incorrect number of merged cells in the format painter (#1526) (cd9b6f8)
- sheet: handleRemoveRowsCols util func (#1656) (f30b987)
- sheets-ui: merge setRangeValuesMutation at clipboardservice (#1665) (bf9fc0d)
- sheets: boolean should store as number (#1605) (78e5426), closes #1534
- slide: image loaded (#1653) (9cecaaa)
- slide: slide initialize (#1641) (599ed71)
- ui: cleanup DOMs when dispose (#1663) (b81ba1a)
- ui: prevent formula bar from displaying when header is set to false & remove unused code (#1633) (e3d875c)
- ui: should not make clipboard util iframe visible (#1620) (06760b5)
- wrong doc example data (#1667) (a875a31)
- add disable status to doc (#1622) (b03c707)
- core: add registerPlugin config types (#1484) (a5a073c)
- create empty doc by pass empty object
(#1606) (ff54fa0) - design: add component Segmented (#1618) (78156fd)
- design: ssr support (#1603) (cdb7d49)
- doc: continuous punctuation extrusion and paragraph align (#1625) (b50997d), closes #1670
- network: add retry and threshold interceptor (#1664) (5791d4d)
- sheet: add range merge util (#1615) (e2118b5)
- sheet: numfmt support i18n (#1558) (b39f982)
- ui: support popup service (#1640) (5e597fd)
- engine-render: optimize border perf (#1574) (0aa2898)
- formula: optimize dependency calculate and array value object compare (#1629) (d884ee0)
- render: optimize doc render (#1599) (ab76ebd)
- sheet: statistic and formula perf (#1583) (9e63af7)
- sheets: Before: Boolean values ("TRUE" "FALSE") were stored in the IWorkbooData as strings. After: Boolean values would be store as number (0, 1).
0.1.3 (2024-03-15)
- design: fix title in
to use passed variable (#1556) (5aeb65f) - design: restore styles for non-draggable dialog (#1498) (ee694f2)
- doc: copy form univer text and paste to univer (#1473) (4f3ab13)
- editor: range selector (#1568) (bba50e7)
- editor: add value (#1512) (d398384)
- editor: controlled component and readonly (#1507) (c8c7bf3)
- editor: cursor and menu and single choice (#1499) (6cdccde)
- editor: range selector (#1503) (eee2aab)
- editor: value change (#1514) (4a21331)
- formula: check syntax (#1543) (15a04ed)
- formula: formula select and negative (#1444) (75de31c)
- formula: isMatchWildcard escape regular string, add icons (#1493) (c520ad7)
- formula: token uppercase (#1579) (5c99f3a)
- formula: worker error (#1565) (47377ae)
- inline format in cell with rich text (#1560) (447a095)
- render: rect blurring (#1511) (97ed99a)
- render: update font offset (#1545) (42fb8a2)
- sheet: add focus change (#1500) (ed27e84)
- sheet: border corner (#1567) (0fc3a6d)
- sheet: border excel compatibility (#1539) (d68896a)
- sheet: editor error (#1533) (0da7b64)
- sheet: first sheet hidden (#1538) (6123772)
- sheet: inline format menu display error when paste (#1482) (c66f9e1)
- sheet: keep consistent with excel rotation (#1562) (c100bc8)
- sheet: merge align (#1537) (e0b49cc)
- sheets-ui: fix z-index value in operate-container (#1516) (0ce931d)
- sheets-ui: room slide does not need to be disabled (45c60bf)
- sheet: selection color (#1572) (609f907)
- sheet: string bool and number align (#1525) (473cf6f)
- sheet: the icons for hiding rows and columns do not disappear. (#1527) (598e7eb)
- sheet: wrap and rotation (#1517) (9e8cc45)
- system shortcut teminate ime input (#1535) (91397c6)
- ui: fix layout service throwing error (#1490) (c2ee6d2)
- ui: fix menu not displaying as expected (#1529) (48c1ab8)
- ui: handle dynamic import in renderVue3Component with try-catch due to esbuild limitations (#1518) (a684e9d)
- warning for postcss-preset-env (#1544) (351e2a4)
- add function to extract pure text from cell (#1575) (fe0c8de)
- collaboration: move snapshot transform to core (#1519) (6557ea5)
- core: add
to LocaleService (#1555) (05866a3) - core: export function to use in exchange (#1547) (54da0dc)
- design: add
props toInput
(#1569) (b73df3f) - design: add
(#1510) (9f0a842) - design: add DatePicker (#1497) (44ec056)
- design: implement edge avoidance for
(#1522) (290e5d0) - editor: style and placeholder (#1571) (be4482c)
- editor: support shortcut (#1513) (b362e73)
- example: add doc uniscript example (#1495) (ed01f92)
- facade: register sheet render extension (#1356) (264c097)
- formula: support cubeValueObject (#1536) (1c77658)
- sheet-ui: find & replace (#1349) (3828239)
- sheet: add font method (#1506) (9cf028f)
- sheet: empty formular bar when in array range (#1532) (eea95ac)
- sheet: range selector (#1463) (b639394)
- sheet: support font render config (#1542) (ef48825)
- ui: extend support for registering and using Vue 3 components (#1502) (7c28761)
0.1.2 (2024-03-06)
- design: fix z-index for
(#1440) (4d49dad) - doc: copy error when range is empty (#1488) (1ae73ca)
- doc: need to serialize text ranges (#1487) (de87e10)
- engine-formula: ensure super is called at the beginning of the constructor (#1452) (a9cb84d)
- examples: fix multi-instance & uniscript UI rendering error (#1469) (1d6e257)
- insert row col with effect freeze (#1464) (8de2b10)
- only editing need to scroll to selection (#1455) (5296f32)
- sheet: fix unreasonable merged selections (#1477) (bd8c5df)
- sheet: inline format error when textRuns is empty (#1480) (8f5caae)
- sheet: insert row/col undo bug (#1350) (5781a63)
- sheets-ui: dynamically adjust row header width (#1475) (371b4f1), closes #1471
- wrong cell value in cell data (#1461) (0cda975)
- add focus handler for doc (#1433) (7c3ad49)
- design: add
to Dialog (#1439) (b1d18ca) - editor: editor modifications to accommodate the range selector (#1460) (22b2734)
- formula: add functions, fix function calculation error (#1395) (885ba4b)
- numfmt: support enUs (#1456) (0f825fb)
- numfmt: support percent (#1457) (22b9c0c)
- replacement in document body (#1451) (e258abd)
- sheets: add row col iterator in worksheet (#1478) (5abd68e)
0.1.1 (2024-03-01)
- apply mutation (#1423) (ccd30dc)
- double click to selection also need to share cursor (#1446) (c6ae623)
- editor: zen error and formula align (#1437) (60d94a3)
- inline menu highlight (#1401) (b3d25e9)
- page width should great than 0 (#1402) (281a4b9)
- sheet: formula boolean value (#1360) (9a8a4be)
- sheet: optimize memory release and resolve issues with the editor being recreated repeatedly (#1432) (b14207b)
- add isEditing param (#1428) (aa92e60)
- add trigger in the if condition for share cursor use (#1431) (c781f22)
- export is active for share cursor use (#1420) (ba51971)
- i18n: add TypeScript type checking for localization files (#1424) (4afe9e5)
0.1.0-beta.5 (2024-02-23)
- cursor position (#1363) (34508a0)
- cut paste undo bug & optimize status bar calc (#1353) (072e0de)
- design: remove duplicate z-index property from Select's dropdown CSS definition (#1408) (abc13b4)
- doc: copy data (#1399) (1eb9113)
- doc: ts check (#1354) (bca22c6)
- examples: fix the broken uniscript demo (70c2a5c)
- fix autofixable lint (#1325) (4065ea8)
- fix sheet command preconditions (#1319) (6e92c60)
- formula: get rich text data stream as content (#1305) (51ae0e1)
- formula: sum get error when cell has error (#1306) (a13c450)
- inline format error (#1365) (a3f1e9b)
- modify doc rev default value (#1377) (86f93be)
- no history no need to collaboration (#1348) (157b4db)
- no need to convert to px (#1385) (a655169)
- paste row height and col width (#1330) (60bd78a)
- render: context native line width (#1381) (36aa429)
- render: px to pt (#1382) (608f9df)
- sheet-ui: fix clipboard not available in unsecure context (#1345) (bd57a84)
- sheet: auto add bracket (#1358) (fdecc66)
- sheet: binary search (#1361) (23221c4)
- sheet: default vertical align (#1383) (d96edf0)
- sheet: editor input (#1411) (76f5e9c)
- sheet: fix snapshot references are not consistent (#1339) (bf71b36), closes #1332
- sheet: formula ref move (#1359) (65e64bf)
- sheets: inline menu highlight error (#1388) (8ca9cc1)
- sheet: suffix (#1409) (fdd7b72)
- add
(#1391) (a6e17ef) - add resources in IDocumentData (#1327) (339c36b)
- add string interpolation support for locale service (#1362) (8f338ba)
- core: set appVersion to package version (#1328) (c9193a1)
- design: change the style of the
(#1352) (0204b43) - export IDocStateChangeParams and DocStateChangeManagerService (#1336) (8a99b05)
- facade: add onBeforeCommandExecute API (#1370) (b842579), closes #1346
- facade: add set font apis and get cell model data api (#1266) (d0a8709)
- formula: today function, set numfmt data (#1295) (f069dd8)
- hide the header menu when there is no content in it (#1331) (bf692c2)
- ref-range: support default range change util (#1351) (54512ea)
- sheet: optimize sheet render (#1245) (33bc465)
- sheets-zen-editor: export language packs (#1413) (0ec2dc9)