File tree
243 files changed
lines changed- 101-application-gateway-create
- 101-application-gateway-public-ip
- 101-application-gateway-public-ip-ssl-offload
- 101-automation-runbook-getvms
- 101-availability-set-create-3FDs-20UDs
- 101-azure-dns-new-zone
- 101-backup-protect-iaasvm
- 101-backup-vault-create
- 101-cdn-with-custom-origin
- 101-data-factory-blob-to-sql
- 101-documentdb-account-consistencypolicy-create
- 101-documentdb-account-create
- 101-dtl-create-lab
- 101-dtl-create-vm-builtin-user
- 101-dtl-create-vm-username-pwd
- 101-dtl-create-vm-username-ssh
- 101-expressroute-circuit-create
- 101-internal-loadbalancer-create
- 101-key-vault-create
- 101-loadbalancer-with-multivip
- 101-loadbalancer-with-nat-rule
- 101-logic-app-create
- 101-nic-publicip-dns-vnet
- 101-point-to-site
- 101-rbac-builtinrole-resourcegroup
- 101-rbac-builtinrole-virtualmachine
- 101-redis-cache
- 101-security-group-create
- 101-site-to-site-vpn-create
- 101-storage-account-create
- 101-traffic-manager-external-endpoint
- 101-vm-customdata
- 101-vm-from-user-image
- 101-vm-linux-serial-output
- 101-vm-multiple-data-disk
- 101-vm-simple-linux
- 101-vm-simple-windows
- 101-vm-sshkey
- 101-vm-tags
- 101-vm-user-image-data-disks
- 101-vm-with-rdp-port
- 101-vnet-two-subnets
- 101-webapp-with-golang
- 201-2-vms-internal-load-balancer
- 201-2-vms-loadbalancer-lbrules
- 201-2-vms-loadbalancer-natrules
- 201-api-app-gateway-existing
- 201-api-app-gateway-new
- 201-application-gateway-url-path-based-routing
- 201-cdn-customize
- 201-cdn-with-storage-account
- 201-cdn-with-web-app
- 201-customscript-extension-azure-storage-on-ubuntu
- 201-customscript-extension-public-storage-on-ubuntu
- 201-dependency-between-scripts-using-extensions
- 201-discover-private-ip-dynamically
- 201-documentdb-webapp
- 201-dsc-linux-azure-storage-on-ubuntu
- 201-dsc-linux-public-storage-on-ubuntu
- 201-dtl-create-lab-with-policies
- 201-dtl-create-vmtemplate-from-azure-image
- 201-dtl-create-vmtemplate-from-vhd
- 201-dtl-create-vmtemplate-from-vm
- 201-dynamic-web-tests
- 201-encrypt-create-new-vm-gallery-image
- 201-encrypt-create-pre-encrypted-vm
- 201-encrypt-running-linux-vm
- 201-encrypt-running-windows-vm
- 201-encrypt-running-windows-vm-aad-client-cert
- 201-expressroute-circuit-public-private-peering
- 201-insights-alertrules-servicehealth
- 201-list-storage-keys-windows-vm
- 201-logic-app-api-app-create
- 201-nsg-dmz-in-vnet
- 201-oms-extension-ubuntu-vm
- 201-oms-extension-windows-vm
- 201-ospatching-extension-on-ubuntu
- 201-rbac-builtinrole-multipleVMs
- 201-reserved-ip
- 201-site-to-site-vpn
- 201-specialized-vm-in-existing-vnet
- 201-traffic-manager-vm
- 201-traffic-manager-webapp
- 201-userdefined-routes-appliance
- 201-vm-copy-index-loops
- 201-vm-custom-script-windows
- 201-vm-diagnostics-extension-windows
- 201-vm-different-rg-vnet
- 201-vm-domain-join
- 201-vm-from-specialized-vhd
- 201-vm-monitoring-diagnostics-extension
- 201-vm-push-certificate-windows
- 201-vm-winrm-keyvault-windows
- 201-vm-winrm-lb-windows
- 201-vm-winrm-windows
- 201-vmaccess-on-ubuntu
- 201-vmss-lapstack-autoscale
- 201-vmss-linux-jumpbox
- 201-vmss-linux-nat
- 201-vmss-scale-existing
- 201-vmss-ubuntu-autoscale
- 201-vmss-windows-autoscale
- 201-vmss-windows-customimage
- 201-vmss-windows-jumpbox
- 201-vmss-windows-nat
- 201-vnet-to-vnet
- 201-web-app-github-deploy
- 201-web-app-sql-database
- 201-web-app-vm-dsc
- 201-web-app-with-redis-cache
- 201-winrm-windows-vm
- 301-2fe-lb80-rdp-1be-nsg-rdp
- 301-2fe-linux-lb80-ssh-1be-win-nsg-rdp-datadisk-ssd
- 301-custom-images-at-scale
- 301-expressroute-circuit-vnet-connection
- 301-multi-tier-service-networking
- 301-multi-vmss-linux
- 301-multi-vmss-windows
- 301-vm-32-data-disks-high-iops
- CentOS-2nics-lb-cluster
- IaaS-Story
- 03-Static-public-IP
- 11-MultiNIC
- active-directory-new-domain
- active-directory-new-domain-ha-2-dc
- ansible-advancedlinux
- anti-malware-extension-windows-vm
- apache2-on-ubuntu-vm
- app-service-environment-serviceplan-logicapp
- apprenda60-express
- arm-asm-s2s
- blockapps-strato
- bootstorm-vm-boot-time
- bosh-setup
- checkpoint-multi-nic
- checkpoint-single-nic
- chef-json-parameters-ubuntu-vm
- cloudera-on-centos
- concourse-ci
- coreos-with-fleet-multivm
- couchbase-ansible
- couchbase-on-ubuntu
- create-hpc-cluster
- create-hpc-cluster-custom-image
- create-hpc-cluster-linux-cn
- datastax-enterprise
- datastax-enterprise-marketplace
- datastax-on-ubuntu
- deis-cluster-coreos
- diskraid-ubuntu-vm
- django-app
- docker-ckan
- docker-kibana-elasticsearch
- docker-neo4j
- docker-simple-on-ubuntu
- docker-swarm-cluster
- docker-swarm-cluster-simple
- docker-wordpress-mysql
- dokku-vm
- drone-ubuntu-vm
- dsc-extension-azure-automation-pullserver
- dsc-extension-iis-server-windows-vm
- dsc-pullserver-to-win-server
- elasticsearch
- elasticsearch-centos-3node
- eset-vm-extension
- ethereum-cpp-on-ubuntu
- extend-vnet-to-multi-vnet
- github-enterprise
- gluster-file-system
- go-ethereum-on-ubuntu
- haproxy-redundant-floatingip-ubuntu
- hdInsight-apache-spark
- hdinsight-genomics-adam
- hdinsight-linux-run-script-action
- hdinsight-linux-ssh-password
- hdinsight-linux-ssh-publickey
- hdinsight-linux-ssh-publickey-metastore-vnet
- hdinsight-linux-with-edge-node
- hdinsight-linux-with-hue-on-edge-node
- iis-2vm-sql-1vm
- intel-lustre-clients-on-centos
- intel-lustre-clients-vmss-centos
- jenkins-on-ubuntu
- kafka-on-ubuntu
- kafka-ubuntu-multidisks
- lamp-app
- lap-mysql-ubuntu
- mcafee-extension-windows-vm
- memcached-multi-vm-ubuntu
- mesos-swarm-marathon
- minecraft-on-ubuntu
- mongodb-high-availability
- mongodb-on-centos
- mongodb-on-ubuntu
- moodle-cluster-ubuntu
- moodle-singlevm-ubuntu
- multi-vm-chef-template-ubuntu-vm
- mysql-ha-pxc
- mysql-replication
- nagios-on-ubuntu
- netki-wns-api-server-on-ubuntu
- node-mongodb-high-availability
- octopusdeploy3-single-vm-windows
- openchain-blockchain-coinprism
- openjdk-tomcat-ubuntu-vm
- opensis-cluster-ubuntu
- opensis-singlevm-ubuntu
- postgresql-on-ubuntu
- puppet-agent-linux
- puppet-agent-windows
- python-proxy-on-ubuntu
- rds-deployment
- redis-high-availability
- scrapy-on-ubuntu
- service-fabric-secure-cluster-5-node-1-nodetype-wad
- service-fabric-unsecure-cluster-5-node-1-nodetype
- slurm
- slurm-on-sles12-hpc
- spark-on-ubuntu
- spark-ubuntu-multidisks
- sql-server-2014-alwayson-dsc
- sql-server-2014-alwayson-existing-vnet-and-ad
- sqldb-django-on-ubuntu
- sqlvm-provisioning-csp
- symantec-extension-windows-vm
- thinkbox-deadline
- torque-cluster
- ubuntu-desktop
- umbraco-cms-webapp-redis-cache
- vertx-openjdk-apache-mysql-on-ubuntu
- visual-studio-dev-vm
- visual-studio-vsobuildagent-vm
- windows-server-containers-preview
- wordpress-mysql-replication
- wordpress-single-vm-ubuntu
- xtremedata-dbx-cluster-centos
- zookeeper-cluster-ubuntu-vm
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Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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0 commit comments