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Day to Day Coding

Project with some KATA :)

Difficulty Kata Name
6 kyu Valid Phone Number ValidPhoneNumber
6 kyu Split Strings SplitOddNumber
6 kyu Help the bookseller ! Bookseller
5 kyu Product of consecutive Fib numbers FibNumbers
5 kyu Best Travel BestTravel
5 kyu Scramblies Scramblies
5 kyu Pagination Helper PaginationHelper
5 kyu Gap In Primes GapInPrimes
5 kyu Count IP Addresses CountIPAddresses
4 kyu Text align justify TextAlignJustify
5 kyu Weight for weight WeightSort
6 kyu ConnectRopes AddAll
8 kyu Parse nice int from char problem ParseStringToInt
6 kyu Determine the date by the day number DateByDay
5 kyu Valid Parentheses ValidParentheses
4 kyu Mystery Function GrayCode
6 kyu Give me a Diamond Diamond
5 kyu Human Readable Time HumanReadableTime
6 kyu How many pages in a book? HowManyPagesInABook
7 kyu Recursion 101 Recursion101
LeetCode Add Two Numbers SumOfNumbers
6 kyu Roman Numerals Encoder RomanEncoder
4 kyu Roman Numerals Helper RomanHelper
6 kyu Valid Braces ValidBraces
6 kyu Simple time difference SimpleTimeDifference
6 kyu Multiples of 3 or 5 Multiples3and5
6 kyu Graph Operations, part 1: find neighbours of a vertex GraphOperations
5 kyu Graph Operations, part 2: Your distance from a colleague GraphOperationsPart2
6 kyu Graph Operations, part 3: Friendly departments at work GraphOperationsPart3
4 kyu Counting Change Combinations CountingChangeCombinations
5 kyu Paginating a huge book BookNum
6 kyu Array.diff ArrayDiff
6 kyu Playing with passphrases PlayPass
5 kyu Graph Operations, part 4: Is it connected? GraphOperationsPart4
5 kyu Convert A Hex String To RGB HexToRGB
7 kyu Fibonacci Fibonacci
7 kyu Factorial Factorial
5 kyu Decimal to Factorial and Back Dec2Fact
5 kyu Simple Fun #206: Factorial Digits FactDigits
5 kyu Factorial decomposition FactDecomp
4 kyu Last digits of N^2 == N GreenNumbers
4 kyu Sort binary tree by levels SortBinaryTree
6 kyu Sum of Digits / Digital Root DRoot
5 kyu Simple Pig Latin PigLatin
4 kyu Sudoku Solution Validator SudokuValidator
7 kyu Fun with lists: length FunListLength
6 kyu Fun with lists: map FunListMap
7 kyu Fun with lists: indexOf FunListIndexOf
7 kyu Fun with lists: lastIndexOf FunListLastIndexOf
7 kyu Fun with lists: anyMatch + allMatch FunListMatch
6 kyu Fun with lists: filter FunListFilter
6 kyu Fun with lists: reduce FunListReduce
5 kyu Fun with lists: trees edition (Flatten) FunListTreeFlatten
5 kyu Fun with lists: trees edition (Flatten Node) FunListTreeFlatten
7 kyu Palindrome chain length Palindromes

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