Day to Day Coding Project with some KATA :) Difficulty Kata Name Valid Phone Number ValidPhoneNumber Split Strings SplitOddNumber Help the bookseller ! Bookseller Product of consecutive Fib numbers FibNumbers Best Travel BestTravel Scramblies Scramblies Pagination Helper PaginationHelper Gap In Primes GapInPrimes Count IP Addresses CountIPAddresses Text align justify TextAlignJustify Weight for weight WeightSort ConnectRopes AddAll Parse nice int from char problem ParseStringToInt Determine the date by the day number DateByDay Valid Parentheses ValidParentheses Mystery Function GrayCode Give me a Diamond Diamond Human Readable Time HumanReadableTime How many pages in a book? HowManyPagesInABook Recursion 101 Recursion101 Add Two Numbers SumOfNumbers Roman Numerals Encoder RomanEncoder Roman Numerals Helper RomanHelper Valid Braces ValidBraces Simple time difference SimpleTimeDifference Multiples of 3 or 5 Multiples3and5 Graph Operations, part 1: find neighbours of a vertex GraphOperations Graph Operations, part 2: Your distance from a colleague GraphOperationsPart2 Graph Operations, part 3: Friendly departments at work GraphOperationsPart3 Counting Change Combinations CountingChangeCombinations Paginating a huge book BookNum Array.diff ArrayDiff Playing with passphrases PlayPass Graph Operations, part 4: Is it connected? GraphOperationsPart4 Convert A Hex String To RGB HexToRGB Fibonacci Fibonacci Factorial Factorial Decimal to Factorial and Back Dec2Fact Simple Fun #206: Factorial Digits FactDigits Factorial decomposition FactDecomp Last digits of N^2 == N GreenNumbers Sort binary tree by levels SortBinaryTree Sum of Digits / Digital Root DRoot Simple Pig Latin PigLatin Sudoku Solution Validator SudokuValidator Fun with lists: length FunListLength Fun with lists: map FunListMap Fun with lists: indexOf FunListIndexOf Fun with lists: lastIndexOf FunListLastIndexOf Fun with lists: anyMatch + allMatch FunListMatch Fun with lists: filter FunListFilter Fun with lists: reduce FunListReduce Fun with lists: trees edition (Flatten) FunListTreeFlatten Fun with lists: trees edition (Flatten Node) FunListTreeFlatten Palindrome chain length Palindromes My Profiles: codewars leetcode Good code solutions: Programming tasks