yum install GraphicsMagick ImageMagick
lists metadata in tsd archive s3 bucket and puts them in metadata.json.
- takes and parses xml files, then puts them into Azure Search.
aws lambda add-permission --profile tsd --function-name archives-resizer --principal s3.amazonaws.com --statement-id id1 --action "lambda:InvokeFunction" --source-arn arn:aws:s3:::stanforddailyarchive-source --source-account 607998788272
~ $aws lambda get-policy --function-name archives-resizer --profile tsd { "Policy": "{"Version":"2012-10-17","Id":"default","Statement":[{"Sid":"id1","Effect":"Allow","Principal":{"Service":"s3.amazonaws.com"},"Action":"lambda:InvokeFunction","Resource":"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:607998788272:function:archives-resizer","Condition":{"StringEquals":{"AWS:SourceAccount":"607998788272"},"ArnLike":{"AWS:SourceArn":"arn:aws:s3:::stanforddailyarchive-source"}}}]}", "RevisionId": "d5c99623-ee01-4126-ba8b-a248aeaad095" }
sudo yum install libjpeg-turbo8-dev libfreetype6-dev zlib1g-dev
liblcms2-dev liblcms2-utils libtiff5-dev python-dev libwebp-dev apache2
shopt -s globstar rename -n 's/special/regular/' **
rename -n 's/<[0-9]>/0&/' **
du -h text find text -type f | wc -l
File Name: 1900-1919/1900/12/13/MODSMD_ARTICLE4.article.txt
1900-1919 1920-1929 1930-1939 1940-1949 1950-1959
ffmpeg -i opening.mkv -i episode.mkv -i ending.mkv
-filter_complex "[0:v] [0:a] [1:v] [1:a] [2:v] [2:a] concat=n=3:v=1:a=1 [v] [a]"
-map "[v]" -map "[a]" output.mkv
See cloudsearch level readme for details
Assumes that you have a copy of archives text in the same directory that archives-scripts
is located. I would make a script for this, but it's like slow and it's just a git clone.
Next, some more setup
conda create -n [env name] python=3.7.4
conda activate cloudsearch_env
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can now do a test to make sure everything works.
In main()
, call tests()
. Your output should end like this:
# Quads.
— President Jordan will return
to the University next week.
— Prof. Burt Estes Howard is to
lecture before the Economic League
of San Francisco on " Education
and Democracy."
—H. A. Sprague, '04, who was
recently operated upon for appendi
citis, will leave Lane's Hospital lo
mor row for his home in Los
A ngeles.
—The large live oak in the cor
ner between the railroad and the
post-office is being cut down to
make way for the Mechanical En
gineering building.
• -President. Wheeler of Califor
nia and President Jordan spoke in
Los Angeles Wednesday sit the
Southern California Teachers' As
sociat ion and Inst it ute.
In the last number of the Uni
versity Chronicle, published by the
students of the University of Utah,
a recent story by Isaac Russell, '04,
is reprinted from the Sequoia.
— By August a new building will
have been erected on the corner
next to the Haberdasher for receiv
ing a new line of dry goods which
will be managed, in conjunction
with the mens' furnishing depart
ment, by the Haberdasher Com
—E. A. Strout, '01, will leave on
the 27tli for liossland 112 British Co
lumbia, to take the position of min
ing engineer in charge of under
ground surveying, for the Good ham,
Clackstock Syndicate of Montreal.
He will lie associated with liose,
'01, who has been head engineer
for some time.
if you compare with https://github.com/TheStanfordDaily/archives-text/tree/master/1899/12 you should see matching results
If that works, then replace tests()
with process_archives_text()
And finally:
python fix-repeats.py > fix-repeats.log
Once that's done cat fix-repeats.log | grep "error"
to check for any errors. You should also go through log manually and make sure everything makes sense.
If you're satisfied, you can use
nohup sh archives-text-git.sh &
to commit and push all the changes in archives-text
(maybe we don't need nohup since we're going to detatch the tmux session anyways.)
then, ctrl + b
and d
to leave and detatch the tmux session, so that it will continue running and you can go do other stuff.
tmux list-sessions
and verify that you see the session you just created.
Verify that the script worked with cat nohup.out
, making sense the output makes sense. Will take a while.