Create issue in Testlio:
- priority mapped correctly (high - p1, medium - p2, low - p3)
- title, description, tags
- created under correct project
- tag “testlio” attached
- Update issue in client system
- title, description sync to testlio
- tags sync to testlio
- add html description|title|comment in client system - should not break anything!
- state (mark as complete)
- mark as completed - close issue in Testlio
Update issue in Testlio
- title, description sync to client system
- tags sync to client system
- add html description|title|comment in testlio - should not break anything!
- state
- mark as approved - task appears to client system
- mark as closed|duplicate - task completed in client system
- reopen issue in testlio - task reappears to client system
Modify data in Testlio and client system at the same time (same field) - should prioritise client system version of data (testlios change should be overwritten!)
Create comment on issue in Testlio - should sync to client system
Create comment on task in client system - should sync to testlio
Add attachment to comment in testlio - attachment and comment sync to client system
Add large-file (up to 10MB) attachment to testlio - should sync to client system
Attachments sync from Testlio to client system
Create issue in client system. Add testlio tag. -> Issue should be created to Testlio.
Close issue in client system. Issue should get a close comment in Testlio.
Change issue project in client system. Issue should still keep syncing!
Create lot of issues to one project - should not break