An unofficial port of Starling framework. Currently based on Starling v2.0.1.
haxelib git starling
haxelib git openfl
haxelib git lime
To use original version of away3d and openfl again, type these commands.
haxelib dev openfl
haxelib dev lime
starling-openfl limitations:
- Does not work with openfl-legacy compile option.
- Only works on html5, cpp, unofficial Node.js target, and unofficial C# target.
- I only tested with Windows and Android devices.
- DisplacementMapFilter don't work correctly. The filter just moves a object a little bit.
- Noises that are used in DisplacementMapFilter example cannot be generated on OpenFL for now.
Mini-Bitmap Font is not supported on html5.Mini-Bitmap Font now works correctly on html5 with latest version of OpenFL.
OpenFL Limitations(As of 3.6.1):
- You need to set vertices and shader variables after setting a shader program.
Haxe Limitations(As of 3.2.1):
- Rendering lots of objects is slow on flash target. (Probably because ByteArray operations are not optimized by Haxe Compiler)