Use a case statement to select the name of each product in the
table as well as a column named "customer_segment" that contains:- "Luxury" if the list price is more than $1500
- "HENRY" if the list price is between $1500 and $500
- "Standard" if the list price is less than $500
AdventureWorks is initiating a mandatory vacation policy for employees who have accumulated too many vacation hours. Write a query that uses case/when and does the following:
- Ignores inactive employees.
- Includes the employee's name, role, number of accumulated vacation hours and a column which reads:
- "Mandatory vacation" if the vacation hours are > 40
- "gentle reminder" if the vacation hours are between 39 and 30
- "No action" otherwise.
Use an aggregate and a case statement to select all
and a column that indicates for each entry if that productvendor has a higheraverageleadtime
than the global average across all products. That column should read "More Lead Time" if so, and "Standard Lead Time" if not.