From 2877bbf9447de8c96ac3461519a5930ae881c189 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vojtech Bocek <>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2013 19:11:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Installer: specify supported USB drive filesystems

 installer/manifest.txt | 22 ++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/installer/manifest.txt b/installer/manifest.txt
index 337d7d48..b45799c5 100644
--- a/installer/manifest.txt
+++ b/installer/manifest.txt
@@ -25,21 +25,23 @@ devices="grouper tilapia"
 # Use \n to make newlines
 install_text="Generic ROM\nWelcome to Generic ROM!\n\n This installation process may take a while"
-# Available install locations, "1" means it can be installed to that location
-# You usually want all of these
-# loc_internal - Internal memory
-# loc_usb_dir - USB drive with extX filesystem
-# loc_usb_img - USB drive with FAT32/NTFS filesystem, so ext4 images are used
+# Enable installation to internal ext4 memory
+# USB flash drive installation, set to empty string to disable.
+# You can install to either subdirectory or ext4 disk image.
+# Subdirectory is prefered.
+# usb_dir_fs - list of supported fs types
+# usb_img_fs - list of supported underlaying fs types, images are always ext4
+usb_dir_fs="ext2 ext3 ext4"
+usb_img_fs="vfat ntfs"
 # ROM base folders - the ones in root of ROM folder.
 # There can only be maximum of 5 base folders!
-# If USB drive w/ FAT32/NTFS image is used, each of these is separate image.
+# If USB drive with filesystem for images is used, each of these is ext4 image
 # If this is a Linux ROM, you usually want just "root". If it is Android-based,
 # you probably want "cache", "system" and "data"
-# Specify also min and default size of the image craeted for FAT32/NTFS drives
+# Specify also min and default size of the image created for USB drives
 # in megabytes. Min value is used to check free space if it is not installed
 # to image.
 # Syntax: name:MIN:DEFAULT name2:MIN:DEFAULT ...