If running a Python simulator certain commands and steps should be added and followed in order for the test suite to run correctly. A time slice (looking at the entire grid at certain times) and/or observation point (looking at one point over the entire time) can be implemented. If only running a time slice, the observation additions may be ignored and vice versa. Error metrics are implemented the same way as for other simulators, by setting plot_error and/or print_error to True in the options file.
Import sys, traceback, qa_common, and simulator_modules. Make sure paths are set correctly to simulator modules.
import sys import traceback sys.path.insert(0,'..') sys.path.insert(0, '../simulator_module') from qa_common import * from qa_solution import QASolutionWriter from simulator_modules.python import *
Define filename variable which will be used to get the solution filename.
filename = __file__
Set up your file by using a main function and then execute using a try and except block.
def main(options):
if __name__ == "__main__": cmdl_options=[] try: suite_status = main(cmdl_options) sys.exit(suite_status) except: print(str(error)) traceback.print_exc() print("failure") sys.exit(1)
In the main function make sure the folloinwg are set:
If the time unit is different than years than a time unit variable must be set.
time_unit = 'd'
Acceptable values include:
- 'y', 'yr', 'yrs', 'year', 'years' = years
- 'mo', 'month' = month
- 'd', 'day' = day
- 'h', 'hr', 'hour' = hour
- 'm', 'min', 'minute' = minute
- 's', 'sec', 'second' = second
Make a SolutionWriter object which the test suite will use to convert the solution to h5 format.
solution_filename = get_python_solution_filename(filename) solution = QASolutionWriter(solution_filename, time_unit)
The time_unit variable is an optional input paramater into SolutionWriter, as mentioned above if time units are in years this is not needed.
Define x, y, and z numpy arrays even when working in less than 3D. For an observation point this will represent a point matching what is in the options file under locations.
Time Slice Example:
x_time_slice = np.linspace(0. + (dx/2.),Lx-(dx/2.),nx) y_time_slice = np.array([0.5]) z_time_slice = np.array([0.5])
Observation Point Example:
x_observation = np.array([15]) y_observation = np.array([0.5]) z_observation = np.array([0.5])
If creating a solution for an observation point write the time and solution to the SolutionWriter object.
Where t_soln is an array of times the function will run over.
#solution.write_dataset(coordinates,solution,variable_string,'Observation') solution.write_dataset(np.concatenate((x_observation,y_observation,z_observation)),p_soln,'Liquid Pressure','Observation')
Coordinates must be in 3D (x,y,z), solution can be in 1D, 2D, or 3D, and variable_string matches what was inputted into the variables key in the options file.
If creating a solution for a time slice output write the coordinates and solution to the SolutionWriter object.
#solution.write_dataset(time,solution,variable_string) solution.write_dataset(t_soln[time],p_soln[time,:],'Liquid Pressure')
Time is the time the solution is for and is 1D, the solution is a numpy array that can be 1D, 2D, or 3D, and variable_string matches what was inputted into the variables key in the options file.
Destroy the solution object.
Putting it all together an example python file is below with added commands highlighted.
import sys import traceback sys.path.insert(0,'..') sys.path.insert(0,'../simulator_module') import numpy as np import math from qa_common import * from qa_solution import QASolutionWriter from simulator_modules.python import * filename = __file__ epsilon_value = 1.e-30 def main(options): print('Beginning {}.'.format(filename)) nx = swap{nx,10} tx = 10 time_unit = 'd' ####Unit for time Lx = 100 dx = Lx/nx k = 1.0e-14 mu = 1.728e-3 por = 0.20 kappa = 1.0e-9 chi = k/(por*kappa*mu) p_offset = .101325 t_soln = np.linspace(0,0.50,tx) ##array of times x_observation = np.array([15.0]) y_observation = np.array([0.5]) z_observation = np.array([0.5]) p_soln = np.zeros((t_soln.size))#,tx)) solution_filename = get_python_solution_filename(filename) solution = QASolutionWriter(solution_filename,time_unit) #THIS IS AN OBSERVATION POINT EXAMPLE# ########################################################### solution.write_time(t_soln) for time in range(t_soln.size): t = t_soln[time]*24.0*3600.0 # [sec] sum_term_old = 0 # np.zeros(nx) sum_term = 0 #np.zeros(nx) n = 1 epsilon = 1.0 while epsilon > epsilon_value: sum_term_old = sum_term sum_term = sum_term_old + (np.cos(n*math.pi*x_observation/Lx)*np.exp(-chi*pow(n,2)*pow(math.pi,2)*t/pow(Lx,2))*(80./(3.*pow((n*math.pi),2)))*np.cos(n*math.pi/2.)*np.sin(n*math.pi/4.)*np.sin(3.*n*math.pi/20.)) epsilon = np.max(np.abs(sum_term_old-sum_term)) n = n + 1 p_soln[time] = ((0.50 + sum_term) + p_offset)*1.0e6 #solution.write_dataset((x,y,z),solution,variable_string,'Observation') solution.write_dataset(np.concatenate((x_observation,y_observation,z_observation)),p_soln,'Liquid Pressure','Observation') ####################################################### #TIME SLICE EXAMPLE# ###################################################### t_soln = np.array([0.05,0.10,0.25,0.50]) p_soln = np.zeros((t_soln.size,nx)) x_time_slice = np.linspace(0.+(dx/2.),Lx-(dx/2.),nx) y_time_slice = np.array([0.5]) z_time_slice = np.array([0.5]) solution.write_coordinates(x_time_slice,y_time_slice,z_time_slice) for time in range(4): t = t_soln[time]*24.0*3600.0 # [sec] sum_term_old = np.zeros(nx) sum_term = np.zeros(nx) n = 1 epsilon = 1.0 while epsilon > epsilon_value: sum_term_old = sum_term sum_term = sum_term_old + (np.cos(n*math.pi*x_time_slice/Lx)*np.exp(-chi*pow(n,2)*pow(math.pi,2)*t/pow(Lx,2))*(80./(3.*pow((n*math.pi),2)))*np.cos(n*math.pi/2.)*np.sin(n*math.pi/4.)*np.sin(3.*n*math.pi/20.)) epsilon = np.max(np.abs(sum_term_old-sum_term)) n = n + 1 p_soln[time,:] = ((0.50 + sum_term) + p_offset)*1.0e6 #solution.write_dataset(time,solution,variable_string) solution.write_dataset(t_soln[time],p_soln[time,:],'Liquid Pressure') ###################################################### solution.destroy() print('Finished with {}.'.format(filename)) if __name__ == "__main__": cmdl_options=[] try: suite_status=main(cmdl_options) sys.exit(suite_status) except Exception as error: print(str(error)) traceback.print_exc() print("failure") sys.exit(1)