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A hub for source code, issues and content suggestions for Serilum's mods on CurseForge.

You can create an issue if you have found a bug, got a feature idea, want to say something or just want to ask a question.
Please specify the correct category, thanks! :)

The current actively developed Minecraft versions are 1.16.5, 1.17.1, 1.18.2 for Forge and 1.16.x, 1.17.x, 1.18.2 for Fabric.
Other versions might get an update in rare cases, but the main development is focused on these three. Not all older versions can be maintained to allow me to spend more of my time on bugs and features.

I appreciate every submitted issue greatly, and will respond while working through them. This might take some time!

If you're a(n aspiring) mod developer, this list of all Forge events might be useful:

Waiting For Approval Mods:

CurseForge can take 1-3 days to approve new mods. The following links take you to posts on my Patreon Page, where you can get access to the downloads before they're available on CurseForge.


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The Vanilla Experience

Library Mods:


Active Mods:

Advancement Screenshot (Forge / Fabric)
All Loot Drops (Forge)
Altered Damage (Forge / Fabric)
Alternative World Save Location (Forge / Fabric)
Always a Wither Skull (Forge / Fabric)
Anvil Restoration (Forge / Fabric)
Areas (Forge)
Automatic Doors (Forge / Fabric)
Beautified Chat Client (Forge / Fabric)
Beautified Chat Server (Forge / Fabric)
Better Beacon Placement (Forge / Fabric)
Better Conduit Placement (Forge / Fabric)
Better Spawner Control (Forge / Fabric)
Bigger Sponge Absorption Radius (Forge)
Bottle Your Xp (Forge / Fabric)
Bottled Air (Forge / Fabric)
Bouncier Beds (Forge / Fabric)
Breedable Killer Rabbit (Forge / Fabric)
Campfire Spawn and Tweaks (Forge / Fabric)
Compact Help Command (Forge / Fabric)
Conduits Prevent Drowned (Forge / Fabric)
Configurable Despawn Timer (Forge)
Configurable Extra Mob Drops (Forge / Fabric)
Configurable Furnace Burn Time (Forge / Fabric)
Configurable Mob Potion Effects (Forge / Fabric)
Creative Block Replacer (Forge)
Crying Ghasts (Forge / Fabric)
Crying Portals (Forge / Fabric)
Cycle Paintings (Forge / Fabric)
Death Backup (Forge / Fabric)
Despawning Eggs Hatch (Forge / Fabric)
Difficulty Lock (Forge / Fabric)
Dismount Entity (Forge / Fabric)
Double Doors (Forge / Fabric)
Dragon Drops Elytra (Forge / Fabric)
Easy Elytra Takeoff (Forge / Fabric)
Edibles (Forge / Fabric)
Enchanting Commands (Forge / Fabric)
End Portal Recipe (Forge)
Entity Information (Forge / Fabric)
Eroding Stone Entities (Forge / Fabric)
Extended Bone Meal (Forge / Fabric)
Extended Creative Inventory (Forge)
Extract Poison (Forge / Fabric)
Fall Through Slime (Forge / Fabric)
Fish On The Line (Forge / Fabric)
Fire Spread Tweaks (Forge / Fabric)
First Join Message (Forge / Fabric)
Fixed Anvil Repair Cost (Forge / Fabric)
Full Brightness Toggle (Forge / Fabric)
Furnace Recycle (Forge / Fabric)
Giant Spawn (Forge / Fabric)
Grass Seeds (Forge / Fabric)
Grindstone Sharper Tools (Forge / Fabric)
GUI Clock (Forge / Fabric)
GUI Compass (Forge / Fabric)
GUI Followers (Forge / Fabric)
Hand Over Your Items (Forge / Fabric)
Healing Campfire (Forge / Fabric)
Healing Soup (Forge)
Hidden Recipe Book (Forge)
Hide Hands (Forge / Fabric)
Hoe Tweaks (Forge / Fabric)
Humbling Bundle (Forge)
Husk Spawn (Forge / Fabric)
Ice Prevents Crop Growth (Forge / Fabric)
Infinite Trading (Forge / Fabric)
Inventory Totem (Forge / Fabric)
Just Mob Heads (Forge / Fabric)
Just Player Heads (Forge / Fabric)
Keep My Soil Tilled (Forge / Fabric)
Kelp Fertilizer (Forge / Fabric)
Milk All The Mobs (Forge / Fabric)
Mineral Chance (Forge / Fabric)
Mooshroom Spawn (Forge / Fabric)
Mooshroom Tweaks (Forge / Fabric)
More Zombie Villagers (Forge / Fabric)
Move Boats (Forge)
Move Minecarts (Forge)
Name Tag Tweaks (Forge / Fabric)
Naturally Charged Creepers (Forge / Fabric)
Nether Portal Spread (Forge / Fabric)
No Hostiles Around Campfire (Forge / Fabric)
Nutritious Milk (Forge)
Omega Mute (Forge / Fabric)
OP Permission Fallback (Fabric)
Paper Books (Forge / Fabric)
Passive Endermen (Forge)
Passive Shield (Forge)
Pet Names (Forge / Fabric)
Placeable Blaze Rods (Forge)
Player Death Kick (Forge / Fabric)
Player Tracking (Forge / Fabric)
Player Tracking Compass (Forge)
Quick Paths (Forge / Fabric)
Rain Be Gone Ritual (Forge / Fabric)
Random Bone Meal Flowers (Forge / Fabric)
Random Mob Effects (Forge / Fabric)
Random Sheep Colours (Forge / Fabric)
Random Shulker Colours (Forge / Fabric)
Random Village Names (Forge)
Realistic Bees (Forge)
Recast (Forge / Fabric)
Recipe Commands (Forge / Fabric)
Replanting Crops (Forge / Fabric)
Respawn Delay (Forge / Fabric)
Respawning Shulkers (Forge / Fabric)
Save and Load Inventories (Forge / Fabric)
Scaffolding Drops Nearby (Forge / Fabric)
Set World Spawn Point (Forge / Fabric)
Shulker Drops Two (Forge / Fabric)
Silence Mobs (Forge / Fabric)
Skeleton Horse Spawn (Forge / Fabric)
Sleep Sooner (Forge / Fabric)
Smaller Nether Portals (Forge / Fabric)
Snowballs Freeze Mobs (Forge / Fabric)
Softer Hay Bales (Forge / Fabric)
Spiders Produce Webs (Forge / Fabric)
Stack Refill (Forge)
Starter Kit (Forge / Fabric)
Stray Spawn (Forge / Fabric)
Superflat World No Slimes (Forge / Fabric)
Surface Mushrooms (Forge / Fabric)
The Vanilla Experience (Forge)
TNT Breaks Bedrock (Forge / Fabric)
Trample Everything (Forge / Fabric)
Transcending Trident (Forge / Fabric)
Tree Harvester (Forge / Fabric)
Underwater Enchanting (Forge)
Village Spawn Point (Forge / Fabric)
Village Bell Recipe (Forge / Fabric)
Villager Death Messages (Forge / Fabric)
Villager Names (Forge / Fabric)
Vote Command (Forge / Fabric)
Weaker Spiderwebs (Forge / Fabric)
Welcome Message (Forge / Fabric)
Wool Tweaks (Forge / Fabric)
World Border (Forge / Fabric)
Your Items Are Safe (Forge / Fabric)
Zombie Horse Spawn (Forge / Fabric)
Zombie Proof Doors (Forge / Fabric)
Zombie Villagers From Spawner (Forge / Fabric)

Discontinued Mods: