- Website where customer can buy food of their choice, Would able to add their food items to cart, and purchase via online payment method.
- User will be authenticated via authentication process for their privacy, the user details they provide will be saved in an encrypted format.
- User would able to search restaurant of their choice according to their mood preference.
The Web Application is created using following technologies and features.
|_ Front-End
| |_ React.Js
| |_ Redux
| |_ React Routers
| |_ Axios
| |_ Javascript
| |_ CSS
| |_ HTML
|_ Backend [ MVC (Modal View Controller) structure ]
|_ Server
| |_ Node.Js
| |_ Express.Js
| |_ JWT - Json Web Token
| |_ Bcrypt
| |_ Axios
| |_ Mongoose
| |_ PostMan
| |_ Food & Restaurant API data (Fetched from zomato food ordering website)
|_ Database
|_ MongoDB
• The Routing Process doesn't work on GitHub-Pages, thus deployed version would not be able to preview.