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Mar 1, 2022
10737d2 · Mar 1, 2022


144 lines (109 loc) · 7.52 KB

File metadata and controls

144 lines (109 loc) · 7.52 KB

TODO list


  • use JSDoc to move types back to implementations as much as possible, so subclassing etc works
    • probably everything we need is covered by JSDoc now
  • allow using as a backend for a distributed DB
  • Change the multi-access tests to use "file:memdb1?mode=memory&cache=shared" for shared access to the same in-memory db (probably when using better-sqlite, it requires file uri support)
  • Give DB and ESDB the same API for registering models (.addModel)
  • Optimize:
    • create benchmark
    • API to get prepared statements from JM .search
  • Some mechanism to quit running processes when the schema changes. Maybe store a user-defined schema version in PRAGMA application_id? Isn't nice to have to check it every time data_version changes though :(



  • sync interface for e.g. pragma data_version and BEGIN IMMEDIATE. Already did some work on it but it segfaults. Alternatively, use better-sqlite in a worker



  • when opening, handle the error {code: 'SQLITE_CANTOPEN'} by retrying later

Nice to have

  • event emitter proxying the sqlite3 events

  • ensureTable(columns): accept column defs and create/add if needed, using pragma table_info

    > pragma table_info("_migrations");
  • ensureIndexes(indexes, dropUnused) manage indexes, using PRAGMA index*list. Drop unused indexes with \_sdb* prefix

  • create a worker thread version that uses better-sqlite. Benchmark.

  • support better-sqlite if it's ok for the main thread to hang


  • use the btree info extension to provide index sizes at startup if debug enabled
  • async iterators for db.each(). Although node-sqlite3 actually slurps the entire table into an array so it would only be useful for better-sqlite


Nice to have

  • if migration is {undo:fn} run the undo only if the migration ran before. We never needed down migrations so far.
    • if you want to run something only on existing databases, first deploy a no-op ()=>{} migration and then change it to an undo



  • .each() limit should apply to total fetched, breaking change
  • FTS5 support for text searching on columns
    • It uses the table as a backing table
    • Real columns marked fts: true|object generate a FTS5 index
      • true is shorthand for {group: 'all', allColumns: false}
      • group is a name for the index so you can group columns in separate indexes, for example by language
      • allColumns, if true, means to search all columns for this group. This can be used on non-real columns
      • Content columns have to be real columns, otherwise FTS5 can't refer to them. So, throw an error if the column not real except if allColumns: true.
      • textSearch: true should be deprecated and means fts: {group: 'all'} if real: true
      • other options could be added to configure tokenizing
    • one index per value (, defaults to 'all')
    • Searching passes the search argument to the FTS5 index of the group
      • The search is limited to the column unless allColumns: true
    • ¿Updates to the FTS index are applied by JsonModel, not triggers? why/why not
  • columns using the same path should get the same JSON path. There are some edge cases.
  • falsyBool paging doesn't work because it tries to >= and that fails for null. It should add a "sortable: false" flag

Nice to have

  • removeFalsy column decorator: remove falsy elements (except '' and 0) from JSON before storing
  • validate(value): must return truthy given the current value (from path or value()) or storing throws
  • column.version: defaults to 1. When version increases, all rows are rewritten
    • do not change extra columns, that is what migrations are for
  • recreate index if expression changes
  • indexes: [{expression, where}] extra indexes
    • auto-delete other indexes, API change
  • column helpers:
    • objectColumn() helper -> type=JSON, NULL === {}, stringify checks if object (char 0 is {)
    • boolColumn() -> type="INTEGER"; parse = Boolean; stringify=Boolean
    • falsyColumn() -> implement falsyBool
      • note that col.where = (${col.sql} IS NULL)=? doesn't need a where function but won't use a sparse index. So maybe, for sparse index falsybool, only do 'is not null' and throw if false
    • uuidColumn() -> use buffer stringify/parse to implement efficient UUID by default. See
  • foreign key support
  • prepared statements for .search
    • q = m.prepareSearch(args, options);, options) // not allowed to change arg items, where or sort
    • However, whereVal values should be allowed to change
    • But where should stay the same and should not be recalculated, so best if it is not a function. Most of the time this can be done.
    • Probably .makeSelect() would need to return an intermediate query object
    • Note: When using prepared statements, replace IN (?,?,?) clauses with IN (SELECT value FROM json_each(?)) and pass the array as a JSON string. That way the prepared statement can handle any array length
  • Benchmark test that warns if runtime increases on current system
    • getting/setting can be optimized by creating Functions instead of lodash get/set, but first create benchmark
    • it's probably better to always create same object from columns and then assign json if not null
  • Test for uniqueSlugId
  • Booleans should be stored as 0/1 if real, except when sparse indexing, then NULL/1. If not real, the index and where clause should be IFNULL(json..., false)



  • allow marking an event as being processed, by setting worker id where workerId is null or something similar
  • workers should register in a table and write timestamps for a watchdog
  • while an event is being worked, next event can't be worked on.
  • it may be better to INSERT IF NOT EXISTS a knownV event instead of using the sequence table?

Nice to have

  • split history into multiple files, per 1GB, automatically attach for queries. (make sure it's multi-process safe - lock the db, make sure new writes are not possible in old files)
  • test multi-process changes


Nice to have

  • .get for the RO ESModel uses .getCached, with a caching-map limiting the amount, cleared when the version changes
  • .changeId (mv:[[oldId, newId],…] apply action?)



  • split queue in history (append-only) and results. The results are only for debugging and include one row per subevent and a diff vs the original data after preprocessing.
    • Ideally, the results go in a different db that can be split at will.
    • for multi-process, lock the result db exclusively to worker
    • re-processing events clears all subevent rows
  • Add beforeApply phase which runs after all reducers ran so it has access to the state of the DB before the changes are applied.

Nice to have

  • add eventSpy, e.g. eSDB.debug(boolean|{filter()})
  • in non-prod, randomly run preprocessor twice (keep event in memory and restart handling) to verify repeatability
  • don't store empty result sub-events
  • reducerByType object keyed by type that gets the same arguments as preprocessor
    • same for preprocessor/deriver/transact
  • explore read-only clones that get the event queue changes only, dispatches go to primary db. Will need Raft implementation.