Welcome to the Foundry Smart Contract Lottery F23! This project is designed to create a provably random, fully automated lottery using smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.
- Provably Random Draw: Utilizing Chainlink's VRF (Verifiable Random Function) to ensure randomness.
- Automated Draws: The lottery winner is automatically selected after a specified period using Chainlink Automation.
- Decentralized Tickets: Users can enter the raffle by purchasing a ticket. Ticket fees go into the prize pool.
- Fair & Secure: Built on top of Ethereum, ensuring transparency and security.
- Enter the Lottery: Users buy tickets by interacting with the smart contract.
- Prize Pool: Ticket fees accumulate, forming the prize for the lottery.
- Drawing the Winner: Chainlink VRF generates a random number, and Chainlink Automation triggers the lottery at regular intervals.
- Winner Receives Prize: The smart contract automatically sends the entire prize pool to the winner.
- Smart Contracts: Written in Solidity, deployed using Foundry.
- Randomness: Chainlink VRF for provable randomness.
- Automation: Chainlink Automation for triggering the draw.
- Testing: Foundry for unit tests.
βββ .github/workflows # GitHub actions for CI/CD
βββ lib # External libraries and dependencies
βββ script # Deployment and interaction scripts
βββ src # Core smart contracts
βββ test # Unit and integration tests
βββ .gitignore # Ignored files
βββ README.md # Project overview (this file)
βββ foundry.toml # Foundry configuration
βββ remappings.txt # Library remappings
git clone https://github.com/Steiner-254/foundry-smart-contract-lottery-f23.git
cd foundry-smart-contract-lottery-f23
- Ensure you have Foundry installed. If not, install it using:
curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash
forge build
forge test
forge script script/Deploy.s.sol
- This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
- Project Developed By:
- Feel free to fork this repo, submit issues, or create pull requests! Contributions are welcome.
for providing the VRF and Automation tools.Foundry
for making smart contract development and testing easy.Cyfrin Updraft
for the learning content aiding to this project development.
Happy Web3 Revolution <3