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File metadata and controls

710 lines (539 loc) · 31 KB

Upgrade Notes

|st2| v3.2

  • We have switched from unbuffered to fully buffered output for Python runner actions. This should result in better performance and smaller CPU utilization for actions which produce a lot of output.

    If you experience issues with some Python runner actions hanging out the real time action output is slower / less real-time than before, you can set actionrunner.stream_output_buffer_size config option to -1 and restart st2actionrunner processes (sudo st2ctl restart-component st2actionrunner).

    This will switch back to the unbuffered output.

    This config directly controls bufsize argument which is passed to function so you can also experiment with other values which are supported by Python subprocess.Popen ( function.

  • The workflow engine orquesta v1.1.0 made changes to the internal state of with items task. Before upgrading st2 to v3.2, please make sure all workflow executions are completed in the database. For example, if there is a workflow execution that has a with items task and is paused before st2 is upgraded to v3.2, the workflow execution will fail to run the with items task properly after the upgrade.

  • The key word continue is now a reserved word in orquesta v1.1.0. Orquesta will complain if the workflow definition contains a task that is named continue.

  • When installing packs from Exchange index st2 pack install <pack_name> will now download latest release from the remote repository, instead of using latest available git commit from master as before.

|st2| v3.0

  • CloudSlang (cloudslang) and Windows runners (windows-cmd, windows-script) have been deprecated and removed from the base distribution of |st2|.

    CloudSlang runner has been fully deprecated and winexe based Windows runners have been replaced with new more stable and robust WinRM based Windows runners (see :doc:`Windows runners </install/config/winrm_runners>` page for more details on the new WinRM based Windows runners).

    Support and bug fixes for those runners won't be provided by the |st2| team anymore, but they can still be used and installed from a git repository:

    # CloudSlang runner
    /opt/stackstorm/st2/bin/pip install "git+"
    # winexe based Windows runner
    /opt/stackstorm/st2/bin/pip install "git+"
    sudo st2ctl reload --register-runners
  • The :doc:`Inquiries </inquiries>` API has been promoted from the /api/exp path to /api/v1. If you have any external systems that use this API they will need to be updated to use the new path. st2client has been updated to use the new path.

  • If you are using |ewc| with RBAC you need to update your /etc/st2/st2.conf config file for RBAC to work after the upgrade.


    enable = True


    enable = True
    backend = enterprise

    After you do that, you need to restart st2api service for changes to take affect- sudo st2ctl restart-component st2api.

    If you get error similar to the one below after updating the config and restarting the services it means you don't have bwc-enterprise and / or st2-rbac-backend debian / rpm package installed.

    ValueError: "enterprise" RBAC backend is not available. Make sure "bwc-enterprise" and
    "st2-rbac-backend" system packages are installed.
  • In this release remote command and shell script runner has been fixed so new line characters produced by the commands and scripts which use sudo are not automatically converted from \n to \r\n.

    In the past, if you had an action which output hello\nworld to stdout, stdout attribute in execution result field would contain hello\r\nworld, but now it will correctly contain hello\nworld.

  • RBAC is now configured and enabled by default when installing bwc-enterprise (st2-rbac-backend) system package. If you don't want to use RBAC, you need to disable it in /etc/st2/st2.conf by setting rbac.enable config option to False.

    enable = False

|st2| v2.10

  • The GPG keys for StackStorm's apt and yum reposities metadata signing are updated. Any systems with StackStorm installed will complain about GPG key error on signature verification when running apt or yum update. Please see the :doc:`upgrades documentation <install/upgrades>` for how to update the GPG key.

  • Python |st2| client methods have been renamed from st2client.liveactions.* to st2client.executions.*. Previously those methods already represented operations on execution objects, but were incorrectly named.

    For backward compatibility reasons, old names will still work until v3.2.0 release when it will be fully removed.

  • Old runner names which have been deprecated in |st2| v0.9.0 have been removed. If you still have any actions which refer to runners using old names you need to update them to keep them working.

    • run-local -> local-shell-cmd
    • run-local-script -> local-shell-script
    • run-remote -> remote-shell-cmd
    • run-remote-script -> remote-shell-script
    • run-python -> python-script
    • run-http -> http-request
  • In |st2| v2.7 action runner modules have been refactored so they are now fully standalone and re-distributable Python packages.

    In this release we updated our runner loading mechanism which makes /opt/stackstorm/runners directory obsolete.

    All the runners are now installed as Python packages into |st2| virtual environment (/opt/stackstorm/st2) during package build process and dynamically loaded when requested.

    This provides for more flexible installation and loading of runner modules. To install a custom runner, user now just needs to install Python package which contains runner module into |st2| virtual environment and restart |st2| services (sudo st2ctl restart) or run sudo st2ctl reload --register-runners command.

    Keep in mind that all the runners which are installed inside |st2| virtual environment are now automatically loaded and registered on each |st2| service start up. You only need to run sudo st2ctl reload --register-runners if you are using runner outside the service context or if you didn't restart the services.

    For examples:

    /opt/stackstorm/st2/bin/pip install "git+"
    sudo st2ctl reload --register-runners

    This change also makes content.runners_base_paths and content.system_runners_base_paths config option obsolete and unused.

    If you previously had any custom runners installed in /opt/stackstorm/runners/ directory, you need to make sure they follow Python package specification and install them in StackStorm virtual environment.

  • This version introduces a new st2scheduler service. This can be configured in a similar way to existing services, for example with this entry in the /etc/st2/st2.conf config file:

    logging = /etc/st2/logging.scheduler.conf

    Note the above setting is the default, and will be used if you do not have any site-specific [scheduler]] settings in /etc/st2/st2.conf.

    You can verify that the new st2scheduler service is running by checking the output of sudo st2ctl status and by inspecting the service log file at /var/log/st2/st2scheduler.log.

|st2| v2.9

  • Trigger parameters and payload schema validation is now enabled by default (system.validate_trigger_parameters and system.validate_trigger_payload config options now default to True).

    This means that trigger parameters are now validated against the parameters_schema defined on the trigger type when creating a rule and trigger payload is validated against payload_schema when dispatching a trigger via the sensor or via the webhooks API endpoint.

    This provides a much safer and user-friendly default value.

    Previously we didn't validate trigger payload for custom (non-system) triggers when dispatching a trigger via webhook which meant that webhooks API endpoint would silently accept an invalid trigger (e.g. referenced trigger doesn't exist in the database or the payload doesn't validate against the payload_schema), but TriggerInstanceDB object would never be created because creation failed inside the st2rulesengine service. This would make such issues very hard to troubleshoot because only way to find out about this failure would be to inspect the st2rulesengine service logs.

    If you want to revert to the old behavior (validation is only performed for system triggers), you can do that by setting system.validate_trigger_parameters and system.validate_trigger_payload config option to False and restart the services (sudo st2ctl restart).

    Keep in mind that having this functionality enabled is strongly advised since it allows users to catch various issues related to typos, invalid payload, etc. much easier and faster.

    Before (webhook references an invalid trigger which doesn't exist in the database):

    $ curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -data '{"trigger": "doesnt.exist", "payload": {"attribute1": "value1"}}' -H "St2-Trace-Tag: woo"
        "trigger": "doesnt.exist",
        "payload": {
            "attribute1": "value1"


    $ curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -data '{"trigger": "doesnt.exist", "payload": {"attribute1": "value1"}}' -H "St2-Trace-Tag: woo"
        "faultstring": "Trigger payload validation failed and validation is enabled, not dispatching a trigger \"doesnt.exist\" ({u'attribute1': u'value1'}): Trigger type with reference \"doesnt.exist\" doesn't exist in the database"

    Before (trigger payload doesn't validate against the payload schema):

    $ curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -data '{"trigger": "core.st2.webhook", "payload": {"headers": "invalid", "body": {}}}' -H "St2-Trace-Tag: woo"
        "trigger": "core.st2.webhook",
        "payload": {
            "body": {},
            "headers": "invalid"


    $ curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -data '{"trigger": "core.st2.webhook", "payload": {"headers": "invalid", "body": {}}}' -H "St2-Trace-Tag: woo"
        "faultstring": "Trigger payload validation failed and validation is enabled, not dispatching a trigger \"core.st2.webhook\" ({u'body': {}, u'headers': u'invalid'}): u'invalid' is not of type 'object', 'null'\n\nFailed validating 'type' in schema['properties']['headers']:\n    {'type': ['object', 'null']}\n\nOn instance['headers']:\n    u'invalid'"
  • GET /v1/executions/<execution id>/output[?output_type=stdout/stderr/other] API endpoint has been made non-blocking and it now only returns data produced by the execution so far (or all data if the execution has already finished).

    If you are interested in the real-time execution output as it's produced, you should utilize the general purpose stream API endpoint or a new execution output stream API endpoint which has been added in |st2| v2.9. For more information, please refer to the :doc:`/reference/action_output_streaming` documentation page.

  • |st2| timers moved from st2rulesengine to st2timersengine service in v2.9. Moving timers out of rules engine allows scaling rules and timers independently. st2timersengine is the new process that schedules all the user timers. Please note that when upgrading from older versions, you will need to carefully accept changes to st2.conf file. Otherwise, you risk losing access to st2 database in MongoDB.

    Please ensure that the following configuration section is enabled in /etc/st2/st2.conf:

    logging = /etc/st2/logging.timersengine.conf

    If you are already using a timer section in /etc/st2/st2.conf, you can append the logging configuration parameter to the timer section too.

    local_timezone = America/Los_Angeles
    logging = conf/logging.timersengine.conf

    We recommend renaming the timer config section to timersengine. Though deprecated, using the timer section is still supported for backwards compatibility. In a future release, support for the timer section will be removed and timersengine will be the only way to configure timers.

  • Support for new output_schema attribute has been added to the action metadata file. Keep in mind that action metadata files which contain this attribute will only work with |st2| v2.9.0 and above.

|st2| v2.8

  • This version introduces new Orquesta runner and Orquesta workflows. For this functionality to work, new st2workflowengine service needs to be installed and running.

    If you are installing StackStorm on a new server using the official installation script this service is automatically installed and started.

    If you are upgrading from a previous release using instructions from the :doc:`/install/upgrades` documentation page, you need to ensure /etc/st2/st2.conf file contains a new workflow_engine section with the corresponding logging config option, otherwise the service won't start.

    After you have completed all the steps from the "General Upgrade Procedure" page, you need to add the following entry to /etc/st2/st2.conf config file:

    logging = /etc/st2/logging.workflowengine.conf

    After you have saved the configuration file you need to start the st2workflowengine service (all other services should already be running).

    sudo st2ctl start

    You can verify that the new st2workflowengine service has indeed been started by running sudo st2ctl status and by inspecting the service log file at /var/log/st2/st2workflowengine.log.

|st2| v2.7

  • Update output (result) object returned by the Windows runner so it's consistent with and matches the format returned by the local and remote runners.

    result attribute has been removed (same information is available in the stdout attribute), exit_code renamed to return_code and two new attributes added - succeeded and failed.


    status: succeeded (1s elapsed)
      password: '********'
      stdout: "Uptime: 0 days, 18 hours, 15 minutes"
      stderr: ''
      result: "Uptime: 0 days, 18 hours, 15 minutes"
      exit_code: 0


    status: succeeded (1s elapsed)
      password: '********'
      stdout: "Uptime: 0 days, 18 hours, 15 minutes"
      stderr: ''
      return_code: 0
      succeeded: true
      failed: false

    Keep in mind that information contained in the result attribute which has been removed is also contained in stdout attribute so you only need to update your code if it relied on result and / or exit_code attribute being present.

|st2| v2.6

  • st2actions.runners.pythonrunner.Action class path for base Python runner actions has been deprecated since StackStorm v1.6.0 and will be fully removed in StackStorm v2.7.0. If you have any actions still using this path you are encouraged to update them to use st2common.runners.base_action.Action path.

    Old code:

    from st2actions.runners.pythonrunner import Action

    New code

    from st2common.runners.base_action import Action

|st2| v2.5

  • POST /v1/actionalias/match API endpoint now correctly returns a dictionary. Previously the code incorrectly returned an array with a single item (dictionary) on success. There is no need for this API endpoint to return an array since on success there will always only be a single item.

    If you have code which utilizes this API endpoint you need to update it to handle success response as a dictionary instead of an array with a single item (dictionary).

    Old response on a successful match:

            "actionalias": {
                "description": "Execute a command on a remote host via SSH.",
                "extra": {},
                "ack": {
                    "format": "Hold tight while I run command: *{{execution.parameters.cmd}}* on hosts *{{execution.parameters.hosts}}*"
                "enabled": true,
                "name": "remote_shell_cmd",
                "result": {
                    "format": "Ran command *{{execution.parameters.cmd}}* on *{{ execution.result | length }}* hosts.\n\nDetails are as follows:\n{% for host in execution.result -%}\n    Host: *{{host}}*\n    ---> stdout: {{execution.result[host].stdout}}\n    ---> stderr: {{execution.result[host].stderr}}\n{%+ endfor %}\n"
                "formats": [
                    "run {{cmd}} on {{hosts}}"
                "action_ref": "core.remote",
                "pack": "examples",
                "ref": "examples.remote_shell_cmd",
                "id": "59d2522a0640fd7e919fee7d",
                "uid": "action:examples:remote_shell_cmd"
            "display": "run {{cmd}} on {{hosts}}",
            "representation": "run {{cmd}} on {{hosts}}"

    New response on a successful match:

        "actionalias": {
            "description": "Execute a command on a remote host via SSH.",
            "extra": {},
            "ack": {
                "format": "Hold tight while I run command: *{{execution.parameters.cmd}}* on hosts *{{execution.parameters.hosts}}*"
            "enabled": true,
            "name": "remote_shell_cmd",
            "result": {
                "format": "Ran command *{{execution.parameters.cmd}}* on *{{ execution.result | length }}* hosts.\n\nDetails are as follows:\n{% for host in execution.result -%}\n    Host: *{{host}}*\n    ---> stdout: {{execution.result[host].stdout}}\n    ---> stderr: {{execution.result[host].stderr}}\n{%+ endfor %}\n"
            "formats": [
                "run {{cmd}} on {{hosts}}"
            "action_ref": "core.remote",
            "pack": "examples",
            "ref": "examples.remote_shell_cmd",
            "id": "59d2522a0640fd7e919fee7d",
            "uid": "action:examples:remote_shell_cmd"
        "display": "run {{cmd}} on {{hosts}}",
        "representation": "run {{cmd}} on {{hosts}}"

|st2| v2.4

|st2| v2.3

  • The dest_server parameter has been removed from the linux.scp action and replaced with the destination parameter.

    This offers more flexibility. source and destination parameters can now contain a local path or a full source/destination which includes the server part (e.g. server.fqdn:/etc/hosts).

  • The API endpoint for searching or showing packs has been updated to return an empty list instead of None when the pack was not found in the index. This is technically a breaking change, but a necessary one because returning None caused the client to throw an exception.

  • Notifier now consumes the ActionExecution RabbitMQ exchange with queue name Notifier used to scan the LiveAction exchange with queue name. When you upgrade from |st2| versions older than v2.3, make sure the queue size is 0 before upgrading. If you upgrade when it's non-empty, you might miss notifications. Post-upgrade, please delete the queue manually using rabbitmqadmin delete queue If this is not done, the queue will grow indefinitely and RabbitMQ will consume large amounts of disk space. See issue 3622 for details.

  • Introduced a backward incompatible change (PR #3514) in the st2client API query() method. It returns a tuple of (result, total_number_of_items) instead of result. This is fixed in v2.3.2. Upgrade to v2.3.2 if you are seeing errors similar to those in issue #3606 or if you are using the st2client API's query() method.

|st2| v2.2

  • Additional validation has been introduced for triggers.

    1. Trigger payload is now validated against the trigger payload_schema schema when dispatching a trigger inside the sensor.

      Validation is only performed if the system.validate_trigger_payload config option is enabled and if the trigger object defines a payload_schema attribute.

    2. Trigger parameters are now validated for non-system (user-defined) triggers when creating a rule.

      Validation is only performed if the system.validate_trigger_parameters config option is enabled and if the trigger object defines parameters_schema attribute.

    Both of these configuration options are disabled by default with v2.2. In future they will be enabled by default.

  • The database schema for Mistral has changed. The executions_v2 table is no longer used. The table has been broken down into workflow_executions_v2, task_executions_v2, and action_executions_v2. After upgrade, using the Mistral CLI commands such as mistral execution-list will return an empty table. The records in executions_v2 have not been deleted. The commands are reading from the new tables. There is currently no migration script to move existing records from executions_v2 into the new tables. To read from executions_v2, either use psql or install an older version of the python-mistralclient in a separate Python virtual environment.

  • If you’re seeing an error event_triggers_v2 already exists when running mistral-db-manage upgrade head, this means the mistral services started before the mistral-db-manage commands were run. Refer to this :ref:`procedure <mistral_db_recover>` to recover the system.

  • Jinja notations {{user.key}} and {{system.key}} to access datastore items under user and system scopes are now unsupported. Please use {{st2kv.user.key}} and {{st2kv.system.key}} notations instead. Also, please update your |st2| content (actions, rules and workflows) to use the new notation.

  • When installing StackStorm using the installer script a random password is generated for MongoDB and PostgreSQL. This means you now need to explicitly pass the --config-file /etc/st2/st2.conf argument to all st2 CLI scripts (e.g. st2-apply-rbac-definitions) which need access to the database (MongoDB). If you don't do that, "access denied" error will be returned, because it will try to use a default password when connecting to the database.

    st2-apply-rbac-definitions --config-file /etc/st2/st2.conf

    If you need access to the plain-text version of the password used by StackStorm services to talk to MongoDB and PostgreSQL, you can find it in /etc/st2/st2.conf ([database] section) /etc/mistral/mistral.conf ([database] section) files.

|st2| v2.1

  • WARNING: The following changes may require you to update your custom packs during the upgrade.

    • The version attribute in pack.yaml metadata must now contain a valid semver version string (<major>.<minor>.<patch>, e.g. 1.0.1). In addition, the email attribute must be a valid email address.
    • Pack ref and action parameter names can now only contain valid word characters (a-z, 0-9 and _). No dashes! hpe_icsp is ok, but hpe-icsp is not.

    The st2ctl and st2-register-content scripts are now doing additional validation. If you happen to have a pack which doesn't satisfy these new validation criteria, it will fail to load. Therefore, to upgrade |st2| from v2.0.* to 2.1.*, follow these steps:

    1. Use yum or apt-get to upgrade to the newest version.
    2. Update community packs to the latest version from StackStorm Exchange with st2 pack install <pack>.
    3. Reload the content with st2ctl reload --register-all.
    4. If you have packs that don't satisfy the rules above, validation fails and the pack load will throw errors. Fix the packs to conform to the rules above, and reload the content again.

    In 2.1.0, |st2| attempts to auto-correct some validation failures and display a warning. In a future release this auto-correction will be removed. Please update your packs ASAP.

  • st2contrib is now deprecated and replaced by StackStorm Exchange . All the packs from st2contrib have been migrated to StackStorm Exchange. For more information see :doc:`/reference/pack_management_transition`.

  • Pack "subtree" repositories (repositories containing multiple packs inside the packs/ subdir) are no longer supported. The subtree parameter in packs.install is removed. The new convention is one pack per git/GitHub repo. If you happen to use subtrees with your private packs, they will have to be split into multiple single-pack repositories in order for st2 pack install to be able to install the packs.

  • The packs pack is deprecated starting from 2.1; in future versions it will be completely replaced with the st2 pack <...> commands and API endpoints.

  • Pack metadata file (pack.yaml) can now contain a new ref attribute, in addition to name. ref acts as a unique identifier; it offers for a more readable name. For example, if a pack name is Travis CI, a repo containing it is stackstorm-travis_ci, and ref is travis_ci. Previously the pack files would live in travis_ci/ directory and pack directory name served as a unique identifier for a pack.

  • Support for .gitinfo file has been removed and as such the action has also been removed. All the pack directories at /opt/stackstorm/packs are now direct git checkouts of the corresponding pack repositories from Exchange or your own origin, so this file is not needed anymore.

  • Datastore scopes are now st2kv.system and st2kv.user as opposed to system and user. If you are accessing datastore items in your content, you should now use the Jinja expressions {{}} and {{}}. The older Jinja expressions {{}} and {{}} are still supported for backward compatibility but will be removed in future releases.

  • Runners are now pluggable. With this version, we are piloting an ability to register runners just like other |st2| content. You can register runners by simply running st2ctl reload --register-runners. This feature is in beta. No backward compatibility is guaranteed. Please wait for a release note indicating general availability of this feature.

  • Config schemas now also support nested objects. Previously config schema and configuration files needed to be fully flat to be able to utilize default values from the config schema and dynamic configuration values.

    The config schema file can now contain arbitrary levels of nesting of the attributes and it will still work as expected.

    Old approach (flat schema):

        description: "API server host."
        type: "string"
        required: true
        secret: false
        description: "API server port."
        type: "integer"
        required: true
        description: "API server token."
        type: "string"
        required: true
        secret: true
        description: "Auth server host."
        type: "string"
        required: true
        secret: false
        description: "Auth server port."
        type: "integer"
        required: true

    New approach (nested schemas are supported):

        description: "API related configuration options."
        type: "object"
        required: false
        additionalProperties: false
            description: "API server host."
            type: "string"
            required: true
            secret: false
            description: "API server port."
            type: "integer"
            required: true
            description: "API server token."
            type: "string"
            required: true
            secret: true
        description: "Auth API related configuration options."
        type: "object"
        required: false
        additionalProperties: false
            description: "Auth server host."
            type: "string"
            required: true
            secret: false
            description: "Auth server port."
            type: "integer"
            required: true

|st2| v2.0

  • st2ctl reload now also registers rules by default. Prior to this release actions, aliases, sensors, triggers and configs were registered. Now rules are also registered by default.