- Make it possible to override the default --splinter-webdriver (pelme)
- Fix screenshots for function scoped fixtues (pelme)
- Support pytest 3 (bubenkoff)
- Less opionated override of splinter's visit (bubenkoff)
- escape screenshot paths for path separators (bubenkoff)
- use tmpdir_factory to get session scoped tmpdir (RonnyPfannschmidt, bubenkoff)
- fixed Firefox freezing when opening a missing codec extension (olegpidsadnyi)
- fixed taking a screenshot with pytest>=2.9.0 (olegpidsadnyi)
- pytest warnings fixed (firebirdberlin)
- remove firefox firstrun script (aaugustin, bubenkoff)
- add possibility to clean cookies on given domains during the browser cleanup, document cookies cleanup (bubenkoff)
- screenshot encoding made flexible (bubenkoff)
- pass timeout to restored connection (bubenkoff)
- added html screenshot (bubenkoff, blueyed)
- remote webdriver fixes (bubenkoff)
- respect splinter_make_screenshot_on_failure (bubenkoff)
- use native selenium socket timeout feature (pelme)
- pytest tmpdir_factory support (bubenkoff)
- depend on splinter 0.7.3, remove the previous status_code monkey patch (pelme)
- add option --splinter-wait-time to specify splinter explicit wait timeout (pelme)
- ensure base tempdir exists (bubenkoff)
- introduce splinter_browser_class fixture (bubenkoff, ecesena)
- correctly handle zope.testbrowser splinter driver (bubenkoff)
- pass splinter_selenium_implicit_wait as wait_time to splinter Browser (lrowe)
- properly respect webdriver executable command line option (bubenkoff, bh)
- add option --splinter-webdriver-executable for phantomjs and chrome (sureshvv)
- make
session scoped, addsession_browser
fixture (bubenkoff, sureshvv)
- make
comparible with more use-cases (bubenkoff)
- properly handle driver switch during the test run (bubenkoff)
- respect splinter_session_scoped_browser fixture (bubenkoff)
- handle exceptions during screenshot saving (blueyed, bubenkoff)
- documentation improvements (blueyed)
- status_code is back in a lazy way (bubenkoff)
- Fix automatic download of pdf content type (bubenkoff)
- fix failing the test run if pytest-xdist is not installed, as it's completely optional dependency (bubenkoff, slafs)
- improve exception handing when preparing the browser instance (bubenkoff)
- require pytest (bubenkoff)
- automatic screenshot capture on test failure (bubenkoff)
- improvements to the browser preparation procedure (bubenkoff)
- boolean config options made more clear (bubenkoff)
- restore browser parameters on each test run instead of once for browser start (bubenkoff)
- added possibility to have multiple browser instances for single test (amakhnach, bubenkoff)
- Fixed browser fixture to support splinter_browser_load_condition and splinter_browser_load_timeout by default. (markon)
- unicode fixes to setup.py (bubenkoff, valberg)
- wait_for_condition now receives pytest_bdd.plugin.Browser object, not selenium webdriver one (bubenkoff)
- Refactoring and cleanup (bubenkoff)
- Initial public release