DSPlib is a library of commonly used DSP functions optimized for AI Engines. To facilitate the use of these functions in a design, Vitis Model Composer provides different DSPlib functions as blocks within the Xilinx Toolbox/AI Engine library. You can conveniently drag and drop one of these blocks into your model from the Simulink Library browser and configure the block.
Here we demonstrate how you can use these functions in Vitis Model Composer.
Here you see examples for FIR,FFT and Matrix Multiply functions.
💡 For FIR and FFT examples, we are using the blocks available in AIEngine/DSPlib library directly. However, for matrix multiply example, we are importing the function as a graph from the DSPlib shipped with Vitis Model Composer.
💡 You can find the DSPlib functions shipped with Vitis Model Composer at $DSPLIB_ROOT/L2/include/aie/ where the environmental variable $DSPLIB_ROOT can be set in MATLAB command window using the command setenv("DSPLIB_ROOT",xmcLibraryPath('get','dsplib')).
- Using the AI Engine FIR block from the library browser
- Using the AI Engine SSR FIR block from the library bowser to achieve 4 Gsps
- Usign the AI Engine FFT block from the library browser
- Importing Matrix Multiply from DSPLib as a block
- Using DSPLib AI Engine SSR FIR
- AI Engine Dynamic Point FFT
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