Releases: SpyNetGirl/MSEdgeFeatures
Edge Canary version 117.0.1963.0
Automated update
Processed at: 07/06/2023 06:47:40 (UTC+00:00)
4 New features were added
- msCallFromAnyPage
- msPhoenixCustomThemeEnabled
- msWalletNotificationRoamCardActionV2
- msWalletNotificationRoamCardHeaderV2
0 Features were removed
How to use the new features in this Edge canary update
First make sure your Edge canary is up to date
Copy and paste the code below in your PowerShell. NO admin privileges required. An Edge canary shortcut will be created in your Downloads folder. Double-click/tap on it to launch Edge canary with the features added in this update.
invoke-restMethod '' | Invoke-Expression
Edge Canary version 117.0.1962.0
Automated update
Processed at: 07/05/2023 18:47:02 (UTC+00:00)
1 New features were added
- msNurturingFrameworkV2HistogramUpdate
2 Features were removed
- msOmniboxHistoryIconHeader
- msOmniboxRelatedIconHeader
How to use the new features in this Edge canary update
First make sure your Edge canary is up to date
Copy and paste the code below in your PowerShell. NO admin privileges required. An Edge canary shortcut will be created in your Downloads folder. Double-click/tap on it to launch Edge canary with the features added in this update.
invoke-restMethod '' | Invoke-Expression
Edge Canary version 117.0.1960.0
Automated update
Processed at: 07/05/2023 06:46:07 (UTC+00:00)
6 New features were added
- msEdgeNewTabDropdown
- msShoppingExp34Success
- msTokenizedCardTransactionHistory
- msUndersideDummyScope
- msUndersideExperimentDummyScope
- msWalletCheckoutContactInfo
1 Features were removed
- msWalletCheckoutSE2
How to use the new features in this Edge canary update
First make sure your Edge canary is up to date
Copy and paste the code below in your PowerShell. NO admin privileges required. An Edge canary shortcut will be created in your Downloads folder. Double-click/tap on it to launch Edge canary with the features added in this update.
invoke-restMethod '' | Invoke-Expression
Edge Canary version 117.0.1959.0
Automated update
Processed at: 07/04/2023 06:47:59 (UTC+00:00)
4 New features were added
- msEdgeMouseGestureDisableInCN
- msEdgeSyncDataConsistency
- msEdgeTabOption
- msIEModeSetForegroundWhenActive
2 Features were removed
- msRNTP
- msShoppingExp34Success
How to use the new features in this Edge canary update
First make sure your Edge canary is up to date
Copy and paste the code below in your PowerShell. NO admin privileges required. An Edge canary shortcut will be created in your Downloads folder. Double-click/tap on it to launch Edge canary with the features added in this update.
invoke-restMethod '' | Invoke-Expression
Edge Canary version 117.0.1958.0
Automated update
Processed at: 07/03/2023 17:38:47 (UTC+00:00)
3 New features were added
- msAutoLaunchRestartOnSuppression
- msCodecFallbackUsingMFClear
- msNurturingFullSurfaceNotCreatedDueToTest
2 Features were removed
- MSb2E1
- msEdgeAutoLaunchRestartStartupBoostDuringBackOff
How to use the new features in this Edge canary update
First make sure your Edge canary is up to date
Copy and paste the code below in your PowerShell. NO admin privileges required. An Edge canary shortcut will be created in your Downloads folder. Double-click/tap on it to launch Edge canary with the features added in this update.
invoke-restMethod '' | Invoke-Expression
Edge Canary version 117.0.1953.0
Automated update
Processed at: 07/01/2023 20:10:41 (UTC+00:00)
💗 Sorry about publishing this release twice. It was just to test the new automated workflow. From now on it's easier to use the features of each Edge canary version/update. That means, even if you missed a previous version, you could always visit the Releases section of this GitHub repository and use the PowerShell code in it to create an Edge canary shortcut that has the new features added to that specific release.
12 New features were added
- MSb2E1
- msEdgeAskCopilotSearchChips
- msFavoritesV2SmallBreadcrumbView
- msNurturingGlobalSitePinningCustomTrigger
- msNurturingGlobalSitePinningOnCloseModal
- msNurturingWorkspacesMsaOnRestorePrompt
- msRNTP
- msSmartScreenSubResourceThrottle
- msWalletAddMembershipRewardIncentive
- msWalletChecoutDAFPaymentsOnly
- msWAMAADSignOut
- msWdagAutoCloseNavigatedTabs
2 Features were removed
- msFeatureOnDemandManagementUX
- msRestoreNTPEnabled
How to use the new features in this Edge canary update
First make sure your Edge canary is up to date
Copy and paste the code below in your PowerShell. NO admin privileges required. An Edge canary shortcut will be created in your Downloads folder. Double-click/tap on it to launch Edge canary with the features added in this update.
invoke-restMethod '' | Invoke-Expression
Edge Canary version 117.0.1951.0
Automated update
Processed at: 06/30/2023 18:34:59 (UTC+00:00)
8 New features were added
- msEdgeCopilotChataDataInFeedback
- msEdgeDetectInjectedKeyEvent
- msEdgeDiscoverBizChatClientUI
- msEdgeRewardsFeedbackV2
- msEdgeVerticalTabsPromoNoFlyoutWhenOmniboxFocused
- msManagedSiteIndicatorDLPPolicyView
- msUndersideChatSelectedTextListenerDisabled
- msUndersideFrontLoadServerExp
2 Features were removed
- msEdgeDiscoverBizChatClientHeader
- msWdagAutoCloseNavigatedTabs