diff --git a/Debug/1heart.bmp b/Debug/1heart.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2df14a6
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/1heart.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/2hearts.bmp b/Debug/2hearts.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6f18fc
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/2hearts.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/3hearts.bmp b/Debug/3hearts.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8986c7b
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/3hearts.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/MarioProject.vcxproj b/Debug/MarioProject.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c9964d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Debug/MarioProject.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ Release
+ Win32
+ Debug
+ x64
+ Release
+ x64
+ 15.0
+ {47256415-959D-4D2F-B533-065D91001A13}
+ MarioProject
+ 10.0.16299.0
+ Application
+ true
+ v141
+ MultiByte
+ Application
+ false
+ v141
+ true
+ MultiByte
+ Application
+ true
+ v141
+ MultiByte
+ Application
+ false
+ v141
+ true
+ MultiByte
+ Level3
+ Disabled
+ true
+ true
+ Windows
+ Level3
+ Disabled
+ true
+ true
+ Level3
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Level3
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Debug/MarioProject.vcxproj.filters b/Debug/MarioProject.vcxproj.filters
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5eb544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Debug/MarioProject.vcxproj.filters
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ {4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}
+ cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx
+ {93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB}
+ h;hh;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd
+ {67DA6AB6-F800-4c08-8B7A-83BB121AAD01}
+ rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx;tiff;tif;png;wav;mfcribbon-ms
+ Source Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Debug/Mreka2.0.bmp b/Debug/Mreka2.0.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fb831c
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/Mreka2.0.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/coin.bmp b/Debug/coin.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..908cfc3
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/coin.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/data.inc b/Debug/data.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0784367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Debug/data.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+vy dword 0
+time dword 0
+acl dword 1
+scr0 byte "Score:0",0
+scrone byte "Score:1",0
+scrtwo byte "Score:2",0
+scrthree byte "Score:3",0
+scrfour byte "Score:4",0
+scrfive byte "Score:5",0
+scrsix byte "Score:6",0
+score dword 0
+numH dword 3
+jumpUp dword 0
+picture byte "mario.bmp",0
+pictureScnd byte "mario2.bmp",0
+ info Img<> ;0-19
+ pos POINT<0,380> ;20-27
+ centerP POINT<24,54> ;28-35
+ rad dword 28 ;36-39
+ centerT POINT<> ;40-47
+ draw dword 1 ;48-51
+ drc POINT<0,0> ;52-59
+ borderx DWORD 800
+ borderyU DWORD 200
+ borderyD DWORD 476
+ picNum dword 1
+Dmoot ENDS
+mario Dmoot<>
+mario2 Dmoot<>
+rekka byte "Mreka2.0.bmp",0
+ info Img<>
+ xinpic dword 0
+ winpic dword 800
+Reka ENDS
+bckrnd Reka<>
+coin byte "coin.bmp",0
+coins STRUCT
+ info Img<>
+ pos POINT<400,260>
+ centerP POINT<18,18>
+ rad dword 20
+ centerT POINT<>
+ draw dword 1
+ drc POINT<-1,0>
+coins ENDS
+coin1 coins<>
+coin2 coins<<>,<50,260>,<>,<>,<>,<>,<-3,0>>
+coin3 coins<<>,<200,300>,<>,<>,<>,<>,<-5,0>>
+coin4 coins<<>,<700,280>,<>,<>,<>,<>,<-4,0>>
+coin5 coins<<>,<500,320>,<>,<>,<>,<>,<-2,0>>
+enemyR byte "enemies.bmp",0
+enemyL byte "enemisL.bmp",0
+enemys STRUCT
+ info Img<>
+ pos POINT<700,432>
+ centerP POINT<23,23>
+ rad dword 23
+ centerT POINT<>
+ drc POINT<-2,0>
+ picNum dword 2
+ border dword 800
+ bordery dword ?
+enemys ENDS
+enemy1 enemys<>
+enemy2 enemys<>
+lose byte "youlost.bmp",0
+won byte "youwon.bmp",0
+opening byte "openingScreen.bmp",0
+screenPic STRUCT
+ info Img<>
+ pos POINT<150,150>
+ show dword 0
+screenPic ENDS
+youLost screenPic<>
+youwon screenPic<>
+open screenPic<<>,<0,0>>
+heart1 byte "1heart.bmp",0
+heart2 byte "2hearts.bmp",0
+heart3 byte "3hearts.bmp",0
+num0 byte "num0.bmp",0
+num1 byte "num1.bmp",0
+num2 byte "num2.bmp",0
+num3 byte "num3.bmp",0
+num4 byte "num4.bmp",0
+num5 byte "num5.bmp",0
+ info Img<>
+ pos POINT<0,0>
+Count ENDS
+oneH Count<>
+twoH Count<>
+threeH Count<>
+nm0 Count<<>,<746,0>>
+nm1 Count<<>,<746,0>>
+nm2 Count<<>,<746,0>>
+nm3 Count<<>,<746,0>>
+nm4 Count<<>,<746,0>>
+nm5 Count<<>,<746,0>>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Debug/drd.inc b/Debug/drd.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b395ad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Debug/drd.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+; initialize a window or full screen display
+; width & height in pixels
+; can be called multiple times to change view
+drd_init PROTO STDCALL wdth:DWORD, heght:DWORD, flags:DWORD
+; - flags needs to be one of the following:
+; normal window with a frame
+; sets the screen resolution and take over the screen
+; notice: in this mode, you must redraw the entire screen in each frame from scratch (since there are two separate buffers)
+; windown which covers the entive screen, don't take over the screen, width, height are ignored
+; - and can have any of the following ored
+; set the created window as top most and allow mouse events to fall through it to other applications
+; add resizing option to the window border
+; size of the drawing surface changes when window is resized. see drd_setResizeHandler to get the new size
+; same as above but the size of the drawing surface always remains the same and is stretched across the resized window
+; used for drawing pixles using direct memory access
+PixelPaint STRUCT
+ bufPtr DWORD ? ; address for the start of the buffer
+ pitch DWORD ? ; how much to add to bufPtr to get to the next scan line
+ bytesPerPixel DWORD ? ; number of bytes per pixel the draw surface has (depends on windows display settings, can be 2 or 4)
+ cheight DWORD ?
+ cwidth DWORD ?
+ wpitch DWORD ?
+PixelPaint ENDS
+; lock the back surface for painting
+; @param pp address to a PixelPaint instance
+drd_pixelsBegin PROTO pp:DWORD
+; must be called at the end of painting the frame, before drd_flip()
+drd_pixelsEnd PROTO
+; fill the back buffer in black
+drd_pixelsClear PROTO color:DWORD
+; flip display and back buffers
+drd_flip PROTO
+; setup a keyboard handler, called when a keyboard key is pressed down while in drd_processMessages
+; func should be a pointer to a function which takes 1 DWORD which is the vkey code of the key
+drd_setKeyHandler PROTO func:DWORD
+; setup a mouse message handler.
+; func should be a pointer to a function which takes 3 DWORD: msg, wParam, lParam
+drd_setMouseHandler PROTO func:DWORD
+; setup an error handler
+; func should be a pointer to a function which takes 1 DWORD which is a pointer to a string describing the error
+; if no handler is defined, an error messagebox appears
+drd_setErrorHandler PROTO func:DWORD
+; setup a window resize handler. relevant only if INIT_RESIZABLE is passed to drd_init
+; func should be a pointer to a function which takes 2 DWORDs, the new width and height of the resized window
+; this function can be called before drd_init if you want the resize handler to be called when the window is created
+drd_setResizeHandler PROTO func:DWORD
+; processes window messages from the user, return FALSE if Escape key was clicked
+; this function should be called in a loop
+drd_processMessages PROTO
+; set window to be translucent, alpha between 0 to 255
+drd_windowSetTranslucent PROTO alpha:BYTE
+; returns an HDC handle which can be used with GDI drawing functions.
+drd_beginHdc PROTO
+; end GDI drawing on the hdc. a call to this function must be made with the value returned by drd_beginHdc
+; otherwise drd_flip will fail
+drd_endHdc PROTO hdc:DWORD
+; returns the handle (HWND) of the main window
+drd_getMainHwnd PROTO
+; holds information about a loaded image
+ surface DWORD ?
+ iwidth DWORD ?
+ iheight DWORD ?
+ hasSrcKey DWORD ?
+ hbitmap DWORD ?
+; load an image from file `filename` into an Img struct
+drd_imageLoadFile PROTO filename:DWORD, pimg:DWORD
+; load an image from a resource compiled into the exe
+drd_imageLoadResource PROTO id:DWORD, pimg:DWORD
+; draw the image on the back buffer, starting at coord (dstX,dstY). must be outside drd_pixelsBegin
+drd_imageDraw PROTO pimg:DWORD, dstX:DWORD, dstY:DWORD
+; draw the image on the back buffer, take from the image the square [srcX, srcY, srcX+srcWidth, srcY+srcHeight] and put it at coord (dstX,dstY). must be outside drd_pixelsBegin
+drd_imageDrawCrop PROTO pimg:DWORD, dstX:DWORD, dstY:DWORD, srcX:DWORD, srcY:DWORD, srcWidth:DWORD, srcHeight:DWORD
+; set the color which will be interpreted as transparency
+drd_imageSetTransparent PROTO pimg:DWORD, color:DWORD
+; destroy the Img object
+drd_imageDelete PROTO pimg:DWORD
+; each second, print the frame-per-second count
+; append text to filename. if filename is NULL, the default file is c:/temp/drd_fps.txt
+drd_printFps PROTO filename:DWORD
+; set the title of the main window to the given null-terminated string
+drd_setWindowTitle PROTO strng:DWORD
+; setup a handler to any window message
+; msg is the WM_ message to register to, callback is a function the takes 3 DWORDs: message, wParam, lParam
+; return value from the callback >= 0 is returned from the WinProc without further processing. returning -1 falls through the default drd message processing.
+; This callback is useful for interception MM_MCINOTIFY sent by mciSendString "notify" flag
+; warning: interception messages that are handled by drd may cause it not to function properly. see drd code for the messaged processed.
+drd_setWinMsgHandler PROTO msg:DWORD, callback:DWORD
+; initialize an OpenGL context
+drd_initGL PROTO
+; flip OpenGL's back and front buffers
+drd_flipGL PROTO
+;------- crt replacement functions -----
+mrand PROTO
+msrand PROTO seed:DWORD
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Debug/drd.lib b/Debug/drd.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..193d65d
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/drd.lib differ
diff --git a/Debug/enemies.bmp b/Debug/enemies.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69247d3
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/enemies.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/enemisL.bmp b/Debug/enemisL.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54ac0bc
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/enemisL.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/main.asm b/Debug/main.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2af088a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Debug/main.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+include main_funcs.inc
+main proc
+ invoke init
+ invoke borders
+ invoke transparent
+ loopp:
+ invoke Sleep,20
+ invoke update
+ invoke drd_pixelsClear,0
+ invoke bckgrDraw
+ invoke openGame
+ mov ebx,mario.draw
+ cmp ebx,0
+ je drawLs
+ mov ebx,score
+ cmp ebx,5
+ jg drawWn
+ mov ebx,0
+ cmp open.show,ebx
+ je openingscreen
+ invoke Mariodraw
+ invoke control_keyboard
+ invoke move
+ invoke coinB, offset coin1
+ invoke coinB, offset coin2
+ invoke coinB, offset coin3
+ invoke coinB, offset coin4
+ invoke coinB, offset coin5
+ invoke coinMove, offset coin1
+ invoke coinMove, offset coin2
+ invoke coinMove, offset coin3
+ invoke coinMove, offset coin4
+ invoke coinMove, offset coin5
+ invoke coinDraw
+ invoke EMove
+ invoke Edraw
+ invoke Mchangedrc
+ invoke setPoints, offset mario
+ invoke setPoints, offset coin1
+ invoke setPoints, offset coin2
+ invoke setPoints, offset coin3
+ invoke setPoints, offset coin4
+ invoke setPoints, offset coin5
+ invoke setPoints, offset enemy1
+ invoke collisionE, offset enemy1, offset mario
+ invoke collisionC, offset mario, offset coin1
+ invoke collisionC, offset mario, offset coin2
+ invoke collisionC, offset mario, offset coin3
+ invoke collisionC, offset mario, offset coin4
+ invoke collisionC, offset mario, offset coin5
+ invoke Hdraw
+ invoke Sdraw
+ jmp loopp
+ ret
+ openingscreen:
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset open.info,open.pos.x,open.pos.y
+ jmp loopp
+ drawLs:
+ invoke yLst
+ invoke GetAsyncKeyState,VK_SPACE
+ cmp eax,0
+ jmp loopp
+ drawWn:
+ invoke yWon
+ invoke GetAsyncKeyState,VK_SPACE
+ cmp eax,0
+ jmp loopp
+ invoke playAgain
+ jmp loopp
+main endp
+end main
diff --git a/Debug/main_funcs.inc b/Debug/main_funcs.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40df6ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Debug/main_funcs.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
+include \masm32\include\masm32rt.inc
+include drd.inc
+includelib drd.lib
+include data.inc
+init proc
+ invoke drd_init, 800,500,0 ;opens window, x=800, y=500
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset rekka,offset bckrnd.info ;moves the file (image) from the hard disc to the ram and puts the information in the obj.info-Img stuct
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset opening,offset open.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset picture,offset mario.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset pictureScnd,offset mario2.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset coin,offset coin1.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset coin,offset coin2.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset coin,offset coin3.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset coin,offset coin4.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset coin,offset coin5.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset enemyR,offset enemy1.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset enemyL,offset enemy2.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset lose,offset youLost.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset heart1,offset oneH.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset heart2,offset twoH.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset heart3,offset threeH.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset num0,offset nm0.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset num1,offset nm1.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset num2,offset nm2.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset num3,offset nm3.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset num4,offset nm4.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset num5,offset nm5.info
+ invoke drd_imageLoadFile,offset won,offset youwon.info
+ ret
+init endp
+update proc
+ invoke drd_processMessages ;the window and it's buttons can be responsive
+ invoke drd_flip ;display objects from the buffer
+ ret
+update endp
+bckgrDraw proc
+ pusha
+ inc bckrnd.xinpic
+ dec bckrnd.winpic
+ mov ebx,bckrnd.info.iwidth
+ cmp bckrnd.xinpic,ebx
+ jge Tag_Reset
+ Ret_Reset:
+ ;pimg:DWORD, dstX:DWORD, dstY:DWORD, srcX:DWORD, srcY:DWORD, srcWidth:DWORD, srcHeight:DWORD;
+ invoke drd_imageDrawCrop,offset bckrnd.info,0,0,bckrnd.xinpic,0,bckrnd.info.iwidth,bckrnd.info.iheight
+ invoke drd_imageDrawCrop,offset bckrnd.info,bckrnd.winpic,0,0,0,bckrnd.xinpic,bckrnd.info.iheight
+ popa
+ ret
+ Tag_Reset:
+ mov bckrnd.xinpic,0
+ mov ebx,bckrnd.info.iwidth
+ mov bckrnd.winpic,ebx
+ jmp Ret_Reset
+ popa
+ ret
+bckgrDraw endp
+transparent proc
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset mario, 0ffffffffh ;gets the offset of the image and the color in hexa and turns it to transparent
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset coin1, 0ffffffffh
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset coin2, 0ffffffffh
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset coin3, 0ffffffffh
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset coin4, 0ffffffffh
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset coin5, 0ffffffffh
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset mario2,0ffffffffh
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset enemy1, 0FFFF80h
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset enemy2, 0FFFF80h
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset youLost, 0000000h
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset youwon, 0000000h
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset youLost, 0ffffffffh
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset youwon, 0ffffffffh
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset open, 0ffffffffh
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset oneH, 0ffffffffh
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset twoH, 0ffffffffh
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset threeH, 0ffffffffh
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset nm0, 0ffffffffh
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset nm1, 0ffffffffh
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset nm2, 0ffffffffh
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset nm3, 0ffffffffh
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset nm4, 0ffffffffh
+ invoke drd_imageSetTransparent ,offset nm5, 0ffffffffh
+transparent endp
+openGame proc ;opens the game and sees if the player pressed the enter key in order to start the game
+ pusha
+ invoke GetAsyncKeyState,VK_RETURN
+ cmp eax,0
+ jne SHOW
+ popa
+ ret
+ mov ebx,1
+ mov open.show,ebx
+ popa
+ ret
+openGame endp
+playAgain proc ;if the player loses or wins so it resets all the values to their original value
+ pusha
+ mov eax,380
+ mov mario.pos.y,eax
+ mov eax,0
+ mov mario.pos.x,eax
+ mov mario.picNum,eax
+ mov mario.drc.x,eax
+ mov mario.drc.y,eax
+ mov score,eax
+ mov eax,1
+ mov mario.draw,eax
+ mov coin1.draw,eax
+ mov coin2.draw,eax
+ mov coin3.draw,eax
+ mov coin4.draw,eax
+ mov coin5.draw,eax
+ mov eax,3
+ mov numH,eax
+ mov eax,700
+ mov enemy1.pos.x,eax
+ popa
+ ret
+playAgain endp
+Mariodraw proc
+ pusha
+ mov ecx,mario.draw
+ cmp ecx,0 ;if you can draw mario
+ je returning
+ mov eax,mario.picNum ;if can, so which one of the two
+ cmp eax,1
+ je firstPic
+ cmp eax,2
+ je scndPic
+ returning:
+ popa
+ ret
+ firstPic:
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset mario.info,mario.pos.x,mario.pos.y ;draws the one facing right
+ jmp returning
+ scndPic:
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset mario2.info,mario.pos.x,mario.pos.y ;daws the one facing left
+ jmp returning
+Mariodraw endp
+coinMove proc objctAdr1:DWORD ;adds to each coin its speed and direction
+ pusha
+ mov eax,objctAdr1
+ mov ebx,[eax+52]
+ add [eax+20],ebx
+ popa
+ ret
+coinMove endp
+coinB proc adrObj:dword
+ pusha
+ mov eax,adrObj
+ mov ebx,[eax+20] ;gets the pos.x of the coin
+ cmp ebx,-40
+ jle chngX ;if it's less then -40 so...
+ popa
+ ret
+ chngX:
+ mov ebx,950
+ mov [eax+20],ebx ;moving 950 to pos.x
+ mov ecx,1 ;now able to draw the coin
+ mov [eax+48],ecx
+ popa
+ ret
+coinB endp
+coinDraw proc ;sees if can draw each coin
+ pusha
+ mov eax,coin1.draw
+ cmp eax,0 ;if coin.draw=0, it can't draw the coin and it jumps to the next one
+ je scnd
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset coin1.info,coin1.pos.x,coin1.pos.y
+ scnd:
+ mov eax,coin2.draw
+ cmp eax,0
+ je thrd
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset coin2.info,coin2.pos.x,coin2.pos.y
+ thrd:
+ mov eax,coin3.draw
+ cmp eax,0
+ je forth
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset coin3.info,coin3.pos.x,coin3.pos.y
+ forth:
+ mov eax,coin4.draw
+ cmp eax,0
+ je fifth
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset coin4.info,coin4.pos.x,coin4.pos.y
+ fifth:
+ mov eax,coin5.draw
+ cmp eax,0
+ je returning
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset coin5.info,coin5.pos.x,coin5.pos.y
+ returning:
+ popa
+ ret
+coinDraw endp
+move proc
+ pusha
+ mov ebx,mario.drc.y
+ mov ecx,jumpUp ;sees if mario can jump
+ cmp ecx,1
+ je GO_UP
+ popa
+ ret
+ GO_UP:
+ add ebx,2 ;adds to the drc.y +2
+ mov mario.drc.y,ebx
+ popa
+ ret
+move endp
+borders proc ;sets the border of mario and enemy1
+ pusha
+ mov eax,mario.borderx
+ sub eax,mario.info.iwidth
+ mov mario.borderx,eax ;x border based on image width
+ mov eax,mario.borderyD
+ sub eax,mario.info.iheight
+ mov mario.borderyD,eax ;y border according to image height
+ mov eax,enemy1.border
+ sub eax,enemy1.info.iwidth
+ mov enemy1.border,eax ;enemy x border based on image width
+ popa
+ ret
+borders endp
+Mchangedrc proc
+ pusha
+ mov ebx,mario.drc.x
+ mov ecx,mario.drc.y
+ add mario.pos.x,ebx ;adds the speed in x to the x position
+ mov eax,mario.borderx
+ cmp mario.pos.x,eax ;sees if the pos.x equal or greater than the right x border
+ cmp mario.pos.x,0 ;sees if the pos.x less or equal to 0
+ add mario.pos.y,ecx ;adds the y speed to pos.y
+ mov eax,mario.borderyU
+ cmp mario.pos.y,eax ;sees if pos.y less or equal to the upper y border
+ mov eax,mario.borderyD
+ cmp mario.pos.y,eax ;sees if pos.y greater or equal to the down y border
+ jge TAG_STAYy
+ popa
+ ret
+ mov ebx,mario.drc.x
+ imul ebx,-1 ;switches the direction of the speed
+ mov mario.drc.x,ebx
+ mov ebx,2 ; switches the number of picture
+ mov mario.picNum,ebx
+ mov ebx,mario.borderx ;sets the x position to start
+ mov mario.pos.x,ebx
+ mov ebx,mario.drc.x
+ imul ebx,-1 ;switches the direction of the speed
+ mov mario.drc.x,ebx
+ mov ebx,1 ; switches the number of picture
+ mov mario.picNum,ebx
+ mov ebx,0 ;sets the x position to start
+ mov mario.pos.x,ebx
+ mov ebx,mario.drc.y
+ imul ebx,-1 ;changes the direction of y
+ mov mario.drc.y,ebx
+ mov ebx,0 ;sets the drc.y to 0
+ mov mario.drc.y,ebx
+Mchangedrc endp
+Edraw proc
+ mov eax,enemy1.picNum
+ cmp eax,1
+ je firstPic ;if picNum=1
+ cmp eax,2
+ je scndPic ;if picNum=2
+ returning:
+ ret
+ firstPic:
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset enemy1.info,enemy1.pos.x,enemy1.pos.y
+ jmp returning
+ scndPic:
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset enemy2.info,enemy1.pos.x,enemy1.pos.y
+Edraw endp
+EMove proc
+ pusha
+ mov eax,enemy1.drc.x
+ add enemy1.pos.x,eax
+ mov ebx,enemy1.border
+ cmp enemy1.pos.x,ebx ;if pos.x greater or equal to the right x border
+ jge cngL
+ cmp enemy1.pos.x,0 ;if pos.x greater or equal to the 0 -x border
+ jle cngR
+ mov ecx,mario.pos.x
+ cmp enemy1.pos.x,ecx ;if enemy1.pos.x is less than mario.pos.x
+ jl mroR
+ jmp mroL
+ cngL:
+ mov eax,enemy1.drc.x
+ imul eax,-1 ;switches the direction of the speed
+ mov enemy1.drc.x,eax
+ mov ecx,2 ; switches the number of picture
+ mov enemy1.picNum,ecx
+ popa
+ ret
+ cngR:
+ mov eax,enemy1.drc.x
+ imul eax,-1 ;switches the direction of the speed
+ mov enemy1.drc.x,eax
+ mov ecx,1 ; switches the number of picture
+ mov enemy1.picNum,ecx
+ popa
+ ret
+ mroR:
+ mov edx,enemy1.drc.x
+ cmp edx,0 ;if the drc.x is less than 0
+ jl cngR
+ popa
+ ret
+ mroL:
+ mov edx,enemy1.drc.x
+ cmp edx,0 ;if the drc.x is more than 0
+ jg cngL
+ popa
+ ret
+EMove endp
+yLst proc
+ pusha
+ mov eax,numH
+ cmp eax,0 ;if the player lost all his life (3 hearts)
+ je draw
+ popa
+ ret
+ draw:
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset youLost.info,youLost.pos.x,youLost.pos.y ;shows the losing image
+ popa
+ ret
+yLst endp
+yWon proc
+ pusha
+ mov eax,score
+ cmp eax,5 ;if the player collected 5 coins
+ jle cnt
+ mov ebx,950 ;moves all the images to pos.x outside the window
+ mov mario.pos.x,ebx
+ mov coin1.pos.x,ebx
+ mov coin2.pos.x,ebx
+ mov coin3.pos.x,ebx
+ mov coin4.pos.x,ebx
+ mov coin5.pos.x,ebx
+ mov enemy1.pos.x,ebx
+ mov enemy2.pos.x,ebx
+ invoke drd_setWindowTitle, offset scrsix ;writes on the window title scrsix
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset youwon.info,youwon.pos.x,youwon.pos.y ;shows the winning image
+ cnt:
+ popa
+ ret
+yWon endp
+Hdraw proc
+ pusha
+ mov eax,numH
+ cmp eax,3
+ jne two
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset threeH.info,threeH.pos.x,threeH.pos.y ;if there are 3 hearts (numH)
+ mov ebx,1
+ mov mario.draw,ebx ;allows to show mario again
+ popa
+ ret
+ two:
+ cmp eax,2
+ jne one
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset twoH.info,twoH.pos.x,twoH.pos.y ;if there are 2 hearts (numH)
+ mov ebx,1
+ mov mario.draw,ebx ;allows to show mario again
+ popa
+ ret
+ one:
+ cmp eax,1
+ jne dntDraw
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset oneH.info,oneH.pos.x,oneH.pos.y ;if there are 1 hearts (numH)
+ mov ebx,1
+ mov mario.draw,ebx ;allows to show mario again
+ popa
+ ret
+ dntDraw:
+ popa
+ ret
+Hdraw endp
+Sdraw proc
+ pusha
+ mov eax,score
+ cmp eax,0
+ jne one
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset nm0.info,nm0.pos.x,nm0.pos.y ;if the score equals to 0
+ invoke drd_setWindowTitle, offset scr0 ;writes on the window title scr0
+ jmp cont
+ one:
+ cmp eax,1
+ jne two
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset nm1.info,nm1.pos.x,nm1.pos.y ;if the score equals to 1
+ invoke drd_setWindowTitle, offset scrone ;writes on the window title scrone
+ jmp cont
+ two:
+ cmp eax,2
+ jne three
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset nm2.info,nm2.pos.x,nm2.pos.y ;if the score equals to 2
+ invoke drd_setWindowTitle, offset scrtwo ;writes on the window title scrtwo
+ jmp cont
+ three:
+ cmp eax,3
+ jne four
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset nm3.info,nm3.pos.x,nm3.pos.y ;if the score equals to 3
+ invoke drd_setWindowTitle, offset scrthree ;writes on the window title scrthree
+ jmp cont
+ four:
+ cmp eax,4
+ jne five
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset nm4.info,nm4.pos.x,nm4.pos.y ;if the score equals to 4
+ invoke drd_setWindowTitle, offset scrfour ;writes on the window title scrfour
+ jmp cont
+ five:
+ cmp eax,5
+ jne cont
+ invoke drd_imageDraw,offset nm5.info,nm5.pos.x,nm5.pos.y ;if the score equals to 5
+ invoke drd_setWindowTitle, offset scrfive ;writes on the window title scrfive
+ jmp cont
+ cont:
+ popa
+ ret
+Sdraw endp
+control_keyboard proc
+ pusha
+ invoke GetAsyncKeyState,VK_LEFT
+ cmp eax,0
+ jne TAG_GO_LEFT ;if the left key has been pressed
+ invoke GetAsyncKeyState,VK_RIGHT
+ cmp eax,0
+ jne TAG_GO_RIGHT ;if the right key has been pressed
+ invoke GetAsyncKeyState,VK_UP
+ cmp eax,0
+ jne TAG_GO_UP ;if the upper key has been pressed
+ popa
+ ret
+ mov mario.drc.x,-5 ;changes the mario.drc.x to -5
+ mov ebx,2
+ mov mario.picNum,ebx ;sets the picNum to 2
+ mov mario.drc.x,5 ;changes the mario.drc.x to 5
+ mov ebx,1
+ mov mario.picNum,ebx ;sets the picNum to 1
+ mov eax,mario.pos.y
+ cmp mario.borderyD,eax ;sees if mario still on the ground
+ jge NOTUP
+ mov mario.drc.y,-8 ;changes the mario.pos.y to 08
+ mov jumpUp,1
+ mov eax, mario.drc.x
+ cmp eax,0
+ jne KEEP
+ mov mario.drc.x,5 ;changes the mario.drc.x to 5
+ popa
+ ret
+ mov jumpUp,0
+ popa
+ ret
+control_keyboard endp
+setPoints proc objctAdr1:DWORD
+ pusha
+ mov eax,objctAdr1
+ mov ebx,[eax+20] ;pos.x
+ add ebx,[eax+28] ;centerP.x
+ mov ecx,[eax+24] ;pos.y
+ add ecx,[eax+32] ;centerP.y
+ mov [eax+40],ebx ;centerT.x
+ mov [eax+44],ecx ;centerT.y
+setPoints endp
+collisionC proc objctAdr1:DWORD, objctAdr2:DWORD ;the second might be erased during the game
+ pusha
+ mov eax,objctAdr1
+ mov ebx,objctAdr2
+ mov ecx,[eax+40] ;x1
+ sub ecx,[ebx+40] ;x1-x2
+ mov edx,[eax+44] ;y1
+ sub edx,[ebx+44] ;y1-y2
+ imul ecx,ecx ;dx*dx
+ imul edx,edx ;dy*dy
+ add ecx,edx ;dx^2+dy^2
+ mov eax,[eax+36] ;R1
+ add eax,[ebx+36] ;R1+R2
+ imul eax,eax ;Rt*Rt
+ cmp ecx,eax
+ jl DontDraw
+ popa
+ ret
+ DontDraw:
+ mov eax,950
+ mov [ebx+20],eax ;moves the coin to pos.x outside the window
+ mov eax,score
+ inc eax
+ mov score,eax ;adds +1 to the score
+ popa
+ ret
+collisionC endp
+collisionE proc objctAdr1:DWORD, objctAdr2:DWORD ;the second might be erased during the game
+ pusha
+ mov eax,objctAdr1
+ mov ebx,objctAdr2
+ mov ecx,[eax+40] ;x1
+ sub ecx,[ebx+40] ;x1-x2
+ mov edx,[eax+44] ;y1
+ sub edx,[ebx+44] ;y1-y2
+ imul ecx,ecx ;dx*dx
+ imul edx,edx ;dy*dy
+ add ecx,edx ;dx^2+dy^2
+ mov eax,[eax+36] ;R1
+ add eax,[ebx+36] ;R1+R2
+ imul eax,eax ;Rt*Rt
+ cmp ecx,eax
+ jl DontDraw
+ popa
+ ret
+ DontDraw:
+ xor eax,eax
+ mov [ebx+48],eax ;dont draw mario
+ mov eax,numH
+ dec eax
+ mov numH,eax ;sub -1 from hearts (numH)
+ mov ebx,0
+ mov mario.pos.x,ebx ;moves 0 to mario.pos.x
+ mov mario.drc.y,ebx ;moves 0 to mario.drc.y
+ mov mario.drc.x,ebx ;moves 0 to mario.drc.x
+ mov ebx,380
+ mov mario.pos.y,ebx ;moves 380 to mario.pos.y
+ popa
+ ret
+collisionE endp
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Debug/mario.bmp b/Debug/mario.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..650a658
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/mario.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/mario2.bmp b/Debug/mario2.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c11c42
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/mario2.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/num0.bmp b/Debug/num0.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b68513
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/num0.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/num1.bmp b/Debug/num1.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..262358b
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/num1.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/num2.bmp b/Debug/num2.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acd945b
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/num2.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/num3.bmp b/Debug/num3.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ded3aa
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/num3.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/num4.bmp b/Debug/num4.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ed763b
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/num4.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/num5.bmp b/Debug/num5.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ed8728
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/num5.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/openingScreen.bmp b/Debug/openingScreen.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..624d1a4
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/openingScreen.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/reka.bmp b/Debug/reka.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..011a948
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/reka.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/reka2.bmp b/Debug/reka2.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..833b413
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/reka2.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/star1.bmp b/Debug/star1.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc8ae06
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/star1.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/youlost.bmp b/Debug/youlost.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfdd0a6
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/youlost.bmp differ
diff --git a/Debug/youwon.bmp b/Debug/youwon.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2573eed
Binary files /dev/null and b/Debug/youwon.bmp differ