Notice that this is just a practice and it has no value. This is a way for me to get familiar with git/magit/elisp. The practices are based on the video series by System Crafters youtube channel. I just type what he was talking about to get more focused on the topic. For more details see: Learning Emacs Lisp (by System Crafters)
(defun the-meaning-of-life (answer)
(message "The answer is %s" answer))
(list 1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9)
- Strings
- Numbers (both integer and floeag)
- Symbols
- Cons Cells
- Arrays and Vectors
- etc…
- Buffers
(switch-to-buffer (other-buffer))
- Windows
- Frames
- Threads
- Keymaps
- etc…
Different for:
- Lists
- Symbols
- Other objects
self evaluating
"This is a string"
not self evaluating
evaluates a function
(+ 300 11)
(300 11)
result: invalid function 300
Some things cannot be avaluated
It is an object, but it’s not self-evaluating.
- Convert from one type to another:
- Define a namespace for the simbol:
- Indicates a global variable:
- Check if something is equal to something else:
Evaluated symbol returns its value
Function names cannot be evaluated:
results: eval: Symbol’s value as variable is void: get-file-buffer
(+ 300 (- 12 1))
Compared to a conventional programming language: (300 + 11) * 50
;another list definition
(list 1 2 3)
(car (car '(1 2 3)))
[1 2 3]
(stringp "Is this a string?")
(eq 3.1 3.1)
(eq "string" "string")
(eq '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3))
(setq test-val '(1 2 3))
(eq test-val test-val)
(eql 1 1)
(eql 3.1 3.1)
(eql "string" "string")
(eql '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3))
(setq test-val '(1 2 3))
(eql test-val test-val)
(equal 1 1)
(equal 3.1 3.1)
(equal "string" "string")
(equal '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3))
(setq test-val '(1 2 3))
(eq test-val test-val)
(% 11 5)
(mod 11.1 5)
Incrementation function (for loops, e.g.)
(1+ 5)
(1- 5)
Convert between ingeters and floats:
- truncate
- round
- floor
- ceiling
(truncate 1.2)
(truncate -1.2)
(floor 1.2)
(floor -1.2)
(ceiling 1.2)
(round 1.5)
(integerp 1)
(numberp "text")
(= 1 1.0)
(max 1 5 6 4 2)
(min 34 65 2 -123)
Control and meta char syntax:
(kbd "C-c")
(char-equal ?A ?A)
(make-string 5 ?a)
(string ?H ?e ?l ?l ?o ?!)
(string= "hello" "hello")
(string< "bello" "hello")
(string> "hello" "bello")
(substring "hello" 0 4)
(concat "hello " "bello")
This is based on a pattern. ???
(split-string "Hello bello" "[o]")
(cons 1 2)
(cons 1 2)
(car '(1 . 2))
(setq some-array [1 2 3 4])
(aset some-array 1 5)
(setq some-array "Hello!")
(aset some-array 3 ?b)
(if t 'true 'false)
(if 5 'true 'false)
(if "text" 'ture 'false)
(if nil 'ture 'false) ; false - nil
(not t)
(not 3)
(not nil)
(and t t t t 'foo) ; 'foo
(and t t t 'foo t)
(and nil 'something) ; nil
(or nil 'something) ; 'something
(or nil 'something t) ; 'something
(or (- 3 3) (+2 0))
(if t 5
(message "true branch")
(+ 2 2))
(if t ; nil
(message "test")
(message "someting else")
(+ 2 2))
(when (> 2 1) 'foo) ; foo
(unless (> 2 1) 'foo) ; nil
(setq a 1)
(setq a 2)
(setq a -1)
(cond ((eql a 1) "Equal to 1")
((> a 1) "Greater than 1")
(t "Something else!"))
(setq my-loop-counter 0)
(while (< my-loop-counter 5)
(message "I'm looping! %d" my-loop-counter)
(setq my-loop-counter (1+ my-loop-counter)))
(dotimes (count 5)
(message "I'm looping with dotimes. %d" count))
(dolist (item '("one" "two" "three" "four" "five"))
(message "Item %s" item))
(defun efs/recursion-test (counter limit)
(when (< counter limit)
(message "Recursion: %d" counter)
(efs/recursion-test (1+ counter) limit)))
(efs/recursion-test 0 5)
Function is a reusable piece of code.
(defun do-some-math (x y)
(* (+ x 20)
(- y 10)))
(do-some-math 100 50)
(defun multiply-maybe (x &optional y z)
(* x
(or y 1)
(or z 1)))
(multiply-maybe 5)
(multiply-maybe 5 2 10)
(defun multiply-many(x &rest operands)
(dolist (operand operands)
(when operand
(setq x (* x operand))))
(multiply-many 5 10)
after defun
(lambda (x y)
(+ 100 x y))
((lambda (x y)
(+ 100 x y))
10 20)
Usual way:
(+ 2 2)
(funcall '+ 2 2)
(defun gimmie-function (fun x)
(message "Function: %s -- Result: %d"
(funcall fun x)))