This example is based upon bug #42
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:Ge xmlns:ns2="">
Envelope & Body - Envelope.kt
* The Envelope class is a very simple implementation of the SOAP Envelope (ignoring existence of headers). The
* `@XmlSerialName` annotation specifies how the class is to be serialized, including namespace and prefix to try to use
* (the serializer will try to reuse an existing prefix for the namespace if it already exists in the document).
* @property body `body` is a property that contains the body of the envelope. It merely wraps the data, but needs to exist
* for the purpose of generating the tag.
* @param BODYTYPE SOAP is a generic protocol and the wrappers should not depend on a particular body data. That is why
* the type is parameterized (this works fine with Serialization).
@XmlSerialName("Envelope", "", "S")
class Envelope<BODYTYPE> private constructor(
private val body: Body<BODYTYPE>
) {
* Actual constructor so users don't need to know about the body element
constructor(data: BODYTYPE) : this(Body(data))
* Accessor to the data property that hides the body element.
val data: BODYTYPE get() =
override fun toString(): String {
return "Envelope(body=$body)"
* The body class merely wraps a data element (the SOAP standard requires this to be a single element). There is no
* need for this type to specify the serial name explicitly because:
* 1. Body is a class, thus serialized as element. The name used is therefore (by default) determined by the name
* of the type (`Body`).
* 2. The namespace (and prefix) used for a type is by default the namespace of the containing tag.
* 3. Package names are normally elided in the naming
* The content of data is polymorphic to allow for different message types.
* @property data The data property contains the actual message content for the soap message.
private data class Body<BODYTYPE>(@Polymorphic val data: BODYTYPE)
GeResult - GeResult.kt:
* This class represents an actual message in the gtxlink webservice. It carries its own namespace and has a predefined
* prefix. There needs to be a prefix here as the content in the example uses the unnamed namespace.
@XmlSerialName("Ge", "", "ns2")
data class GeResult<out T>(
* Code is a primitive, so the name comes from here (the use site). The example data has this in the empty namespace
* so we must specify this namespace to avoid the default (inheriting the namespace). We want to write this as
* element so need to specify the `@XmlElement` annotation.
@XmlSerialName("code", "", "")
val code: Int,
* The data property does not require annotation. It is not a primitive so by default the name comes from the actual
* serialized type and is serialized as element (by default).
val data: T
GeResultData - GeResultData.kt:
* This class represents the actual data payload of the message. The name needs to be specified, as well as the namespace
* (and prefix).
@XmlSerialName("data", "", "")
data class GeResultData(
val project: String,
val unit: String
* This is a simple example representing issue #42 on the parsing of soap messages. Note that it doesn't address
* the idea of making
fun main() {
val data = Envelope(GeResult(0, GeResultData("get", "p")))
val module = SerializersModule {
polymorphic(Any::class) {
subclass(GeResult::class as KClass<GeResult<GeResultData>>, serializer())
val xml = XML(module) {
indentString = " "
xmlDeclMode = XmlDeclMode.Minimal
autoPolymorphic = true
val serializer = serializer<Envelope<GeResult<GeResultData>>>()
println("SOAP descriptor:\n${xml.xmlDescriptor(serializer).toString().prependIndent(" ")}")
val encodedString = xml.encodeToString(/*serializer, */data) // both versions are available
println("SOAP output:\n${encodedString.prependIndent(" ")}\n")
// the inline reified version is is also available
val reparsedData = xml.decodeFromString(serializer, encodedString)
println("SOAP input: $reparsedData")