- [keyop] protect command variables with a mutex, #41
- [core] ros_ prefixes dropped, custom_logging & raw_data_stream demos, #40
- [infra] recommended firmware versions 1.1.4, 1.2.0, #37
- [all] LegacyPose2D -> Vector3d, #36
- [infra] kobuki_dock_drive and kobuki_driver merged into kobuki_core, #31
- [tools] kobuki_simple_keyop -> kobuki-simple-keyop, #35.
- [tools] kobuki_version_info -> kobuki-version-info, #35.
- [udev] bugfix low latency ftdi operation, #28.
- [demos] added an event demo, also minor cleanup, #27.
- [infra] don't use system headers for dependencies, #27.
- [infra] ament_export_interfaces -> ament_export_targets, #21.
- [driver] bugfix correct size for pyaload length lookup, #19 <kobuki-base#19>`_.
- [infra] license links updated, #15.
- [infra] port and release for ROS2/Eloquent
- [infra] udev rule and debian installation thereof, #13.
- remove unused and dodgy float builder, fixed uninitialised warnings, #53.
- updated build infra for changes ament/eloquent
- accel limiter variable initialisation bugfix
- doxygen updates
- drop spurious debugging cmake message that was throwing warnings
- Pose2D -> LegacyPose2D
- isnan -> std::isnan
- bugfix cliff header packet
- enable the cx11 compiler
- add linear and angular test plot image
- kobuki_core : Updated doxygen. Issue #10.
- Contributors: Younghun Ju, jihoonl
- Updated doxygen documentation.
- Documentation and other text files reviewed.
- Updated license info.
- Updated doxygen in the code.
- Update firmware_changelog.md.
- Added debug topic of raw control command of robot.
- Removed debugging message.
- Updated doxygen about factory-default value of PID gain.
- Add firmware version checking on PID commands.
- Updated protocol specification in doxygen about custom PID gain setting.
- Updated doxygen script to let user do something when authentification of repository is failed.
- Bump minor version for firmware (new version is 1.2.0).
- Improved packet integrity checking. Issue #245.
- Added new protocol about custom PID gain setting. Issue #249.
- Updated doxygen.
- Removed ros logging code.
- Removed meaningless buffer size check in serialization of command packet.
- Fixed typo; mayor --> major.
- Added integrity check for each packets.
- Removed old printf codes.
- Removed meaningless buffer size check in serialization of packets.
- Fixed typo on update_doxygen.bash script.
- Added extra url info on all packages.
- Added brief description of update_doxygen.bash script.
- Added convenient script for automated update of doxygen document to the github.io page.
- Updated doxygen.
- Updated old rnd email address.
- Removed SetPower command packet from doxygen. It is not for external powers and unnecessary for kobuki.
- Corrected typos on doxygen about external power.
- lock api for protecting data access with asynchronous getXXX calls.
- Fix URL to the previous changelog wiki
- Changelogs at package level
- Reset odometry also for heading
- Updated raw_control_command topic to publish recevied command velocity also.
- Added a debug topic that publish actual base command sent to robot.
- Added simple_keyop application to control kobuki directly from keyboard without ROS.
- Fixed broken synchronity of base control command caused by recent bugfix of acceleration limiter module.
- Added flexible logging features to using named logging system of ros/log4cxx.
- Reset odometry also works for heading (gyro).
- Do not use robot_pose_ekf; use imu for heading and encoders for position.
- Windows compatible.
- Update doxygen documentation for using wstool and for windows compilation.
- New scripts to help serve firmware and windows downloads from our file server.
- Delay demo program finish so kobuki can beep alive.
- Serial connection made much more robust.
- Install using wstool
- Update firmware_changelog.md with latest verions and rewrite with for markdown formatting.
Available in ROS wiki: http://ros.org/wiki/kobuki/ChangeList