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SirEnder125 edited this page Jan 16, 2021 · 10 revisions

How to create Action Replay codes (cheats >:))

You will need:

CTRPF Blank Plugin (or a CTRPF plugin for the game you want to hack) A working hacked (o/n)3ds/2ds A game you would like to hack (In this case, TKCD!)

Careful! Doing something to the wrong address could result in corrupted savegames!!


  1. Ensure that luma plugin loader is enabled on your device and start the game with the .3gx plugin file in the correct directory. (default.3gx in sdmc:/luma/plugins/ will be loaded if no plugin is found and it is found.)

  2. In this case, we will be editing the amount of gem apples that you currently have. So, note the amount you have now.

  3. Open plugin menu (by pressing select) and press 'Search'. Make sure you see 'All Memory', '4 bytes' and 'Specified Value'. Make sure the 'Hex' button is grayed out. In the value box, enter the amount of gem apples you have and press 'Search'.

  4. Once the search ends, there will be a lot of addresses and you could never guess which it could be. So, you will have to earn some more gem apples manually, and search again. (Making 'Scan Type' be 'Bigger than' if you earned more, or 'Smaller than' if you used some up.)

  5. Once there are very few addresses, you can easily see which address holds the value you want! Use DPadUp and DPadDown to select that address and then press X, then 'edit' and input the amount of gem apples you would like! :)

The same strategy can be used to get other values, such as rare fragments, etc. You can also use this on any other 3ds game. (Careful, some values are encrypted!) Feel free to make a github issue here: if you do not understand something. :)

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