Releases: Sinytra/Connector
Releases · Sinytra/Connector
Connector 1.0.0-beta.33+1.20.1
- Develop beta 33 (#692) (Su5eD)
- Fix AutoSlab compatibility (Matyrobbrt)
- Bump adapter (Matyrobbrt)
- Add mixinextras to compile cp of mod (Matyrobbrt)
- Resolve matching variable ordinals for injectors (Su5eD)
- Derive the upstream FLoader version based on the FFLoader version (Matyrobbrt)
- Actually bump loader version (Su5eD)
- Update adapter definition to 1.10.4 (Su5eD)
- Add compatibility with mods using the vanilla key binds map #731 from Sinytra/fix-723 (Matyrobbrt)
- Make returned attribute modifiers mutable (Su5eD)
- Hold off throwing discovery errors until scan completion (Su5eD)
- Patch calls to EnchantmentCategory.canEnchant (Su5eD)
- Move hacks to hacks package (Su5eD)
- Bump mixinextras (Su5eD)
- Fix setting FJP thread factory (Su5eD)
- Fix remapping Kotlin class metadata (Su5eD)
- Bump adapter definition to 1.10.0 (Su5eD)
- Bump Forgified Fabric Loader version (Su5eD)
- Update issue templates (Su5eD)
- Create Pull Request template (Su5eD)
Connector 1.0.0-beta.32+1.20.1
- Develop beta 32 (#627) (Su5eD)
- Update adapter definition to 1.9.10 (Su5eD)
- Fix
entrypoint executing too late. (#640) (melontini) - Update forgified fabric loader to 2.6.1+0.15.0+1.20.1 (Su5eD)
- Update adapter definition to 1.9.9 (Su5eD)
- Recreate local variables in extracted mixins (Su5eD)
- Add BFU patch for RangedBowAttackGoal#mob (Su5eD)
- Make FieldTypeUsageTransformer a class transformer again (Su5eD)
- Fix status bar render cancellation (Su5eD)
- Update FFAPI to 0.90.7+1.10.3+1.20.1 (Su5eD)
- Reset owners map before taking registry snapshot (Su5eD)
- Patch and split calls to ItemStack#useOn (Su5eD)
Connector 1.0.0-beta.31+1.20.1
- Develop beta 31 (#624) (Su5eD)
- Redirect renderVehicleHealth mixins to ForgeGui#renderHealthMount (Su5eD)
- Improve HUD mixin patches (Su5eD)
- Update adapter definition to 1.9.3 (Su5eD)
Connector 1.0.0-beta.30+1.20.1
- Develop beta 30 (#593) (Su5eD)
- Fix enhanced params diff insertions ordering (Su5eD)
- Update adapter definition to 1.9.1 (Su5eD)
- Regen chunk render type IDs on client init (Su5eD)
- Inline FluidTags.WATER usage in Boat (Su5eD)
- Update to Adapter definition 1.9.0 (Su5eD)
- Apply fix for SJH service provider inheritance (Su5eD)
- Ensure public parent class access for field AWs (Su5eD)
- Update adapter definition to 1.8.25 (Su5eD)
- Remap string constants used in reflection and mapping calls (Su5eD)
- Expand scope of local variable in forceAddEffect (Su5eD)
- Fix NPE in HumanoidArmorLayer mixin (Su5eD)
- Patch redirectors to use ElytraLayer.shouldRender (Su5eD)
- Develop beta 29 (#576) (Su5eD)
- Bump mixin transmogrifier to 0.4.3 (Su5eD)
- Re-enable environment field stripping (Su5eD)
- Fix LenientRuntimeEnumExtender finalizing fields (Su5eD)
Connector 1.0.0-beta.29+1.20.1
- Develop beta 29 (#576) (Su5eD)
- Bump mixin transmogrifier to 0.4.3 (Su5eD)
- Re-enable environment field stripping (Su5eD)
- Fix LenientRuntimeEnumExtender finalizing fields (Su5eD)
Connector 1.0.0-beta.28+1.20.1
- Develop beta 28 (#550) (Su5eD)
- Fix method remapping fallback (Su5eD)
- Disable mixins targeting removed code in PlayerList (Su5eD)
- Fix intermediate mappings in production (Su5eD)
- Include Mixin Extras (Su5eD)
- Handle duplicate intermediary names in mapping (Su5eD)
- Use fabricloader upstream version for the builtin mod (Su5eD)
- Bump Fabric Loader version to 0.15.0 (Su5eD)
- Promote authlib to the GAME layer and make it transformable (Su5eD)
- Handle null annotation values in renaming transformer (Su5eD)
- Bump mixin transmog to 0.4.2 (Su5eD)
- Update issue template instructions (Su5eD)
- Remapped jars are not generated libraries (Su5eD)
- Replace runtime enum extender with a lenient version (Su5eD)
- Update adapter definition to 1.8.21 (Su5eD)
- Patch injection target in ShovelItem#onUse (Su5eD)
Connector 1.0.0-beta.27+1.20.1
- Develop beta 27 (#541) (Su5eD)
- Update adapter definition to 1.8.20 (Su5eD)
- Also match init methods (Su5eD)
- Fix refmap method regex matching fields (Su5eD)
Connector 1.0.0-beta.26+1.20.1
- Develop beta 26 (#520) (Su5eD)
- Fix refmap remapper NPE when desc is missing (Su5eD)
- Update adapter definition to 1.8.18 (Su5eD)
- Fix refmap remapper method qualifier pattern (Su5eD)
- Fix remapping of non-refmap mixin annotation values (Su5eD)
- Fix running Fabric ASM's fork (Su5eD)
- Mixin cleanup (Su5eD)
- Add clean artifact path snipped to userdev installation instructions (Su5eD)
- Improve README (#531) (Su5eD)
Connector 1.0.0-beta.25+1.20.1
- Develop beta 25 (#509) (Su5eD)
- Ensure level PlayerList view is always up-to-date (Su5eD)
- Fix Connector Mod not being deobfuscated in userdev (Su5eD)
- Patch injectors targeting Item.getFoodProperties (Su5eD)
- Patch injecting into nether fortress spawn entries (Su5eD)
- Update adapter definition to 1.8.16 (Su5eD)
- Improve mixin refmap copying (Su5eD)
- Patch armor injections into health bar rendering (Su5eD)
- Fix mixin target remapping of method names with descriptors (Su5eD)
- Update adapter definition to 1.8.12 (Su5eD)
- Update adapter definition to 1.8.11 (Su5eD)
Connector 1.0.0-beta.24+1.20.1
- Develop beta 24 (#483) (Su5eD)
- Patch HUD armor rendering mixins (Su5eD)
- Apply fabric's package access fix (Su5eD)
- Improve omitting registry path prefixes (Su5eD)
- Patch redirected fluid height calls moved to lambda (Su5eD)
- Patch redirected fluid height calls (Su5eD)
- Locate missing refmaps in other mod jars (Su5eD)
- Update mixin transmogrifier to 0.4.1 (Su5eD)
- Update adapter definition to 1.8.9 (Su5eD)
- Handle mixin cancellation for hud render (Su5eD)
- Fix package filter for game libraries (Su5eD)
- Update to adapter definition 1.8.7 (Su5eD)
- Update to adapter definition 1.8.6 (Su5eD)