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* Original file: /npm/[email protected]/dist/umd/simple-datatables.js
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!function (t) { if ("object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module) module.exports = t(); else if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd) define([], t); else { ("undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : this).simpleDatatables = t() } }((function () { return function t(e, s, i) { function a(r, o) { if (!s[r]) { if (!e[r]) { var h = "function" == typeof require && require; if (!o && h) return h(r, !0); if (n) return n(r, !0); var l = new Error("Cannot find module '" + r + "'"); throw l.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", l } var d = s[r] = { exports: {} }; e[r][0].call(d.exports, (function (t) { return a(e[r][1][t] || t) }), d, d.exports, t, e, s, i) } return s[r].exports } for (var n = "function" == typeof require && require, r = 0; r < i.length; r++)a(i[r]); return a }({ 1: [function (t, e, s) { (function (t) { (function () { "use strict"; function e(t, e) { return t(e = { exports: {} }, e.exports), e.exports } "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : void 0 !== t || "undefined" != typeof self && self; var i = e((function (t, e) { t.exports = function () { var t = 6e4, e = 36e5, s = "millisecond", i = "second", a = "minute", n = "hour", r = "day", o = "week", h = "month", l = "quarter", d = "year", c = "date", u = "Invalid Date", p = /^(\d{4})[-/]?(\d{1,2})?[-/]?(\d{0,2})[Tt\s]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?[.:]?(\d+)?$/, f = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, g = { name: "en", weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_") }, m = function (t, e, s) { var i = String(t); return !i || i.length >= e ? t : "" + Array(e + 1 - i.length).join(s) + t }, b = { s: m, z: function (t) { var e = -t.utcOffset(), s = Math.abs(e), i = Math.floor(s / 60), a = s % 60; return (e <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + m(i, 2, "0") + ":" + m(a, 2, "0") }, m: function t(e, s) { if (e.date() < s.date()) return -t(s, e); var i = 12 * (s.year() - e.year()) + (s.month() - e.month()), a = e.clone().add(i, h), n = s - a < 0, r = e.clone().add(i + (n ? -1 : 1), h); return +(-(i + (s - a) / (n ? a - r : r - a)) || 0) }, a: function (t) { return t < 0 ? Math.ceil(t) || 0 : Math.floor(t) }, p: function (t) { return { M: h, y: d, w: o, d: r, D: c, h: n, m: a, s: i, ms: s, Q: l }[t] || String(t || "").toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, "") }, u: function (t) { return void 0 === t } }, y = "en", v = {}; v[y] = g; var w = function (t) { return t instanceof $ }, C = function (t, e, s) { var i; if (!t) return y; if ("string" == typeof t) v[t] && (i = t), e && (v[t] = e, i = t); else { var a = t.name; v[a] = t, i = a } return !s && i && (y = i), i || !s && y }, x = function (t, e) { if (w(t)) return t.clone(); var s = "object" == typeof e ? e : {}; return s.date = t, s.args = arguments, new $(s) }, M = b; M.l = C, M.i = w, M.w = function (t, e) { return x(t, { locale: e.$L, utc: e.$u, x: e.$x, $offset: e.$offset }) }; var $ = function () { function g(t) { this.$L = C(t.locale, null, !0), this.parse(t) } var m = g.prototype; return m.parse = function (t) { this.$d = function (t) { var e = t.date, s = t.utc; if (null === e) return new Date(NaN); if (M.u(e)) return new Date; if (e instanceof Date) return new Date(e); if ("string" == typeof e && !/Z$/i.test(e)) { var i = e.match(p); if (i) { var a = i[2] - 1 || 0, n = (i[7] || "0").substring(0, 3); return s ? new Date(Date.UTC(i[1], a, i[3] || 1, i[4] || 0, i[5] || 0, i[6] || 0, n)) : new Date(i[1], a, i[3] || 1, i[4] || 0, i[5] || 0, i[6] || 0, n) } } return new Date(e) }(t), this.$x = t.x || {}, this.init() }, m.init = function () { var t = this.$d; this.$y = t.getFullYear(), this.$M = t.getMonth(), this.$D = t.getDate(), this.$W = t.getDay(), this.$H = t.getHours(), this.$m = t.getMinutes(), this.$s = t.getSeconds(), this.$ms = t.getMilliseconds() }, m.$utils = function () { return M }, m.isValid = function () { return !(this.$d.toString() === u) }, m.isSame = function (t, e) { var s = x(t); return this.startOf(e) <= s && s <= this.endOf(e) }, m.isAfter = function (t, e) { return x(t) < this.startOf(e) }, m.isBefore = function (t, e) { return this.endOf(e) < x(t) }, m.$g = function (t, e, s) { return M.u(t) ? this[e] : this.set(s, t) }, m.unix = function () { return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3) }, m.valueOf = function () { return this.$d.getTime() }, m.startOf = function (t, e) { var s = this, l = !!M.u(e) || e, u = M.p(t), p = function (t, e) { var i = M.w(s.$u ? Date.UTC(s.$y, e, t) : new Date(s.$y, e, t), s); return l ? i : i.endOf(r) }, f = function (t, e) { return M.w(s.toDate()[t].apply(s.toDate("s"), (l ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : [23, 59, 59, 999]).slice(e)), s) }, g = this.$W, m = this.$M, b = this.$D, y = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : ""); switch (u) { case d: return l ? p(1, 0) : p(31, 11); case h: return l ? p(1, m) : p(0, m + 1); case o: var v = this.$locale().weekStart || 0, w = (g < v ? g + 7 : g) - v; return p(l ? b - w : b + (6 - w), m); case r: case c: return f(y + "Hours", 0); case n: return f(y + "Minutes", 1); case a: return f(y + "Seconds", 2); case i: return f(y + "Milliseconds", 3); default: return this.clone() } }, m.endOf = function (t) { return this.startOf(t, !1) }, m.$set = function (t, e) { var o, l = M.p(t), u = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : ""), p = (o = {}, o[r] = u + "Date", o[c] = u + "Date", o[h] = u + "Month", o[d] = u + "FullYear", o[n] = u + "Hours", o[a] = u + "Minutes", o[i] = u + "Seconds", o[s] = u + "Milliseconds", o)[l], f = l === r ? this.$D + (e - this.$W) : e; if (l === h || l === d) { var g = this.clone().set(c, 1); g.$d[p](f), g.init(), this.$d = g.set(c, Math.min(this.$D, g.daysInMonth())).$d } else p && this.$d[p](f); return this.init(), this }, m.set = function (t, e) { return this.clone().$set(t, e) }, m.get = function (t) { return this[M.p(t)]() }, m.add = function (s, l) { var c, u = this; s = Number(s); var p = M.p(l), f = function (t) { var e = x(u); return M.w(e.date(e.date() + Math.round(t * s)), u) }; if (p === h) return this.set(h, this.$M + s); if (p === d) return this.set(d, this.$y + s); if (p === r) return f(1); if (p === o) return f(7); var g = (c = {}, c[a] = t, c[n] = e, c[i] = 1e3, c)[p] || 1, m = this.$d.getTime() + s * g; return M.w(m, this) }, m.subtract = function (t, e) { return this.add(-1 * t, e) }, m.format = function (t) { var e = this, s = this.$locale(); if (!this.isValid()) return s.invalidDate || u; var i = t || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ", a = M.z(this), n = this.$H, r = this.$m, o = this.$M, h = s.weekdays, l = s.months, d = function (t, s, a, n) { return t && (t[s] || t(e, i)) || a[s].substr(0, n) }, c = function (t) { return M.s(n % 12 || 12, t, "0") }, p = s.meridiem || function (t, e, s) { var i = t < 12 ? "AM" : "PM"; return s ? i.toLowerCase() : i }, g = { YY: String(this.$y).slice(-2), YYYY: this.$y, M: o + 1, MM: M.s(o + 1, 2, "0"), MMM: d(s.monthsShort, o, l, 3), MMMM: d(l, o), D: this.$D, DD: M.s(this.$D, 2, "0"), d: String(this.$W), dd: d(s.weekdaysMin, this.$W, h, 2), ddd: d(s.weekdaysShort, this.$W, h, 3), dddd: h[this.$W], H: String(n), HH: M.s(n, 2, "0"), h: c(1), hh: c(2), a: p(n, r, !0), A: p(n, r, !1), m: String(r), mm: M.s(r, 2, "0"), s: String(this.$s), ss: M.s(this.$s, 2, "0"), SSS: M.s(this.$ms, 3, "0"), Z: a }; return i.replace(f, (function (t, e) { return e || g[t] || a.replace(":", "") })) }, m.utcOffset = function () { return 15 * -Math.round(this.$d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15) }, m.diff = function (s, c, u) { var p, f = M.p(c), g = x(s), m = (g.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * t, b = this - g, y = M.m(this, g); return y = (p = {}, p[d] = y / 12, p[h] = y, p[l] = y / 3, p[o] = (b - m) / 6048e5, p[r] = (b - m) / 864e5, p[n] = b / e, p[a] = b / t, p[i] = b / 1e3, p)[f] || b, u ? y : M.a(y) }, m.daysInMonth = function () { return this.endOf(h).$D }, m.$locale = function () { return v[this.$L] }, m.locale = function (t, e) { if (!t) return this.$L; var s = this.clone(), i = C(t, e, !0); return i && (s.$L = i), s }, m.clone = function () { return M.w(this.$d, this) }, m.toDate = function () { return new Date(this.valueOf()) }, m.toJSON = function () { return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null }, m.toISOString = function () { return this.$d.toISOString() }, m.toString = function () { return this.$d.toUTCString() }, g }(), T = $.prototype; return x.prototype = T, [["$ms", s], ["$s", i], ["$m", a], ["$H", n], ["$W", r], ["$M", h], ["$y", d], ["$D", c]].forEach((function (t) { T[t[1]] = function (e) { return this.$g(e, t[0], t[1]) } })), x.extend = function (t, e) { return t.$i || (t(e, $, x), t.$i = !0), x }, x.locale = C, x.isDayjs = w, x.unix = function (t) { return x(1e3 * t) }, x.en = v[y], x.Ls = v, x.p = {}, x }() })), a = e((function (t, e) { t.exports = function () { var t = { LTS: "h:mm:ss A", LT: "h:mm A", L: "MM/DD/YYYY", LL: "MMMM D, YYYY", LLL: "MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A", LLLL: "dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A" }, e = /(\[[^[]*\])|([-:/.()\s]+)|(A|a|YYYY|YY?|MM?M?M?|Do|DD?|hh?|HH?|mm?|ss?|S{1,3}|z|ZZ?)/g, s = /\d\d/, i = /\d\d?/, a = /\d*[^\s\d-_:/()]+/, n = {}, r = function (t) { return (t = +t) + (t > 68 ? 1900 : 2e3) }, o = function (t) { return function (e) { this[t] = +e } }, h = [/[+-]\d\d:?(\d\d)?|Z/, function (t) { (this.zone || (this.zone = {})).offset = function (t) { if (!t) return 0; if ("Z" === t) return 0; var e = t.match(/([+-]|\d\d)/g), s = 60 * e[1] + (+e[2] || 0); return 0 === s ? 0 : "+" === e[0] ? -s : s }(t) }], l = function (t) { var e = n[t]; return e && (e.indexOf ? e : e.s.concat(e.f)) }, d = function (t, e) { var s, i = n.meridiem; if (i) { for (var a = 1; a <= 24; a += 1)if (t.indexOf(i(a, 0, e)) > -1) { s = a > 12; break } } else s = t === (e ? "pm" : "PM"); return s }, c = { A: [a, function (t) { this.afternoon = d(t, !1) }], a: [a, function (t) { this.afternoon = d(t, !0) }], S: [/\d/, function (t) { this.milliseconds = 100 * +t }], SS: [s, function (t) { this.milliseconds = 10 * +t }], SSS: [/\d{3}/, function (t) { this.milliseconds = +t }], s: [i, o("seconds")], ss: [i, o("seconds")], m: [i, o("minutes")], mm: [i, o("minutes")], H: [i, o("hours")], h: [i, o("hours")], HH: [i, o("hours")], hh: [i, o("hours")], D: [i, o("day")], DD: [s, o("day")], Do: [a, function (t) { var e = n.ordinal, s = t.match(/\d+/); if (this.day = s[0], e) for (var i = 1; i <= 31; i += 1)e(i).replace(/\[|\]/g, "") === t && (this.day = i) }], M: [i, o("month")], MM: [s, o("month")], MMM: [a, function (t) { var e = l("months"), s = (l("monthsShort") || e.map((function (t) { return t.substr(0, 3) }))).indexOf(t) + 1; if (s < 1) throw new Error; this.month = s % 12 || s }], MMMM: [a, function (t) { var e = l("months").indexOf(t) + 1; if (e < 1) throw new Error; this.month = e % 12 || e }], Y: [/[+-]?\d+/, o("year")], YY: [s, function (t) { this.year = r(t) }], YYYY: [/\d{4}/, o("year")], Z: h, ZZ: h }; function u(s) { var i, a; i = s, a = n && n.formats; for (var r = (s = i.replace(/(\[[^\]]+])|(LTS?|l{1,4}|L{1,4})/g, (function (e, s, i) { var n = i && i.toUpperCase(); return s || a[i] || t[i] || a[n].replace(/(\[[^\]]+])|(MMMM|MM|DD|dddd)/g, (function (t, e, s) { return e || s.slice(1) })) }))).match(e), o = r.length, h = 0; h < o; h += 1) { var l = r[h], d = c[l], u = d && d[0], p = d && d[1]; r[h] = p ? { regex: u, parser: p } : l.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, "") } return function (t) { for (var e = {}, s = 0, i = 0; s < o; s += 1) { var a = r[s]; if ("string" == typeof a) i += a.length; else { var n = a.regex, h = a.parser, l = t.substr(i), d = n.exec(l)[0]; h.call(e, d), t = t.replace(d, "") } } return function (t) { var e = t.afternoon; if (void 0 !== e) { var s = t.hours; e ? s < 12 && (t.hours += 12) : 12 === s && (t.hours = 0), delete t.afternoon } }(e), e } } return function (t, e, s) { s.p.customParseFormat = !0, t && t.parseTwoDigitYear && (r = t.parseTwoDigitYear); var i = e.prototype, a = i.parse; i.parse = function (t) { var e = t.date, i = t.utc, r = t.args; this.$u = i; var o = r[1]; if ("string" == typeof o) { var h = !0 === r[2], l = !0 === r[3], d = h || l, c = r[2]; l && (c = r[2]), n = this.$locale(), !h && c && (n = s.Ls[c]), this.$d = function (t, e, s) { try { if (["x", "X"].indexOf(e) > -1) return new Date(("X" === e ? 1e3 : 1) * t); var i = u(e)(t), a = i.year, n = i.month, r = i.day, o = i.hours, h = i.minutes, l = i.seconds, d = i.milliseconds, c = i.zone, p = new Date, f = r || (a || n ? 1 : p.getDate()), g = a || p.getFullYear(), m = 0; a && !n || (m = n > 0 ? n - 1 : p.getMonth()); var b = o || 0, y = h || 0, v = l || 0, w = d || 0; return c ? new Date(Date.UTC(g, m, f, b, y, v, w + 60 * c.offset * 1e3)) : s ? new Date(Date.UTC(g, m, f, b, y, v, w)) : new Date(g, m, f, b, y, v, w) } catch (t) { return new Date("") } }(e, o, i), this.init(), c && !0 !== c && (this.$L = this.locale(c).$L), d && e !== this.format(o) && (this.$d = new Date("")), n = {} } else if (o instanceof Array) for (var p = o.length, f = 1; f <= p; f += 1) { r[1] = o[f - 1]; var g = s.apply(this, r); if (g.isValid()) { this.$d = g.$d, this.$L = g.$L, this.init(); break } f === p && (this.$d = new Date("")) } else a.call(this, t) } } }() })); i.extend(a), s.parseDate = (t, e) => { let s = !1; if (e) switch (e) { case "ISO_8601": s = t; break; case "RFC_2822": s = i(t.slice(5), "DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ").unix(); break; case "MYSQL": s = i(t, "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss").unix(); break; case "UNIX": s = i(t).unix(); break; default: s = i(t, e).valueOf() }return s } }).call(this) }).call(this, "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : {}) }, {}], 2: [function (t, e, s) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(s, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const i = t => "[object Object]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t), a = (t, e) => { const s = document.createElement(t); if (e && "object" == typeof e) for (const t in e) "html" === t ? s.innerHTML = e[t] : s.setAttribute(t, e[t]); return s }, n = t => { t instanceof NodeList ? t.forEach((t => n(t))) : t.innerHTML = "" }, r = (t, e, s) => a("li", { class: t, html: `<a href="#" data-page="${e}">${s}</a>` }), o = (t, e) => { let s, i; 1 === e ? (s = 0, i = t.length) : -1 === e && (s = t.length - 1, i = -1); for (let a = !0; a;) { a = !1; for (let n = s; n != i; n += e)if (t[n + e] && t[n].value > t[n + e].value) { const s = t[n], i = t[n + e], r = s; t[n] = i, t[n + e] = r, a = !0 } } return t }; class h { constructor(t, e) { return this.dt = t, this.rows = e, this } build(t) { const e = a("tr"); let s = this.dt.headings; return s.length || (s = t.map((() => ""))), s.forEach(((s, i) => { const n = a("td"); t[i] && t[i].length || (t[i] = ""), n.innerHTML = t[i], n.data = t[i], e.appendChild(n) })), e } render(t) { return t } add(t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) { const e = this.dt; Array.isArray(t[0]) ? t.forEach((t => { e.data.push(this.build(t)) })) : e.data.push(this.build(t)), e.data.length && (e.hasRows = !0), this.update(), e.columns().rebuild() } } remove(t) { const e = this.dt; Array.isArray(t) ? (t.sort(((t, e) => e - t)), t.forEach((t => { e.data.splice(t, 1) }))) : "all" == t ? e.data = [] : e.data.splice(t, 1), e.data.length || (e.hasRows = !1), this.update(), e.columns().rebuild() } update() { this.dt.data.forEach(((t, e) => { t.dataIndex = e })) } } class l { constructor(t) { return this.dt = t, this } swap(t) { if (t.length && 2 === t.length) { const e = []; this.dt.headings.forEach(((t, s) => { e.push(s) })); const s = t[0], i = t[1], a = e[i]; e[i] = e[s], e[s] = a, this.order(e) } } order(t) { let e, s, i, a, n, r, o; const h = [[], [], [], []], l = this.dt; t.forEach(((t, i) => { n = l.headings[t], r = "false" !== n.getAttribute("data-sortable"), e = n.cloneNode(!0), e.originalCellIndex = i, e.sortable = r, h[0].push(e), l.hiddenColumns.includes(t) || (s = n.cloneNode(!0), s.originalCellIndex = i, s.sortable = r, h[1].push(s)) })), l.data.forEach(((e, s) => { i = e.cloneNode(!1), a = e.cloneNode(!1), i.dataIndex = a.dataIndex = s, null !== e.searchIndex && void 0 !== e.searchIndex && (i.searchIndex = a.searchIndex = e.searchIndex), t.forEach((t => { o = e.cells[t].cloneNode(!0), o.data = e.cells[t].data, i.appendChild(o), l.hiddenColumns.includes(t) || (o = e.cells[t].cloneNode(!0), o.data = e.cells[t].data, a.appendChild(o)) })), h[2].push(i), h[3].push(a) })), l.headings = h[0], l.activeHeadings = h[1], l.data = h[2], l.activeRows = h[3], l.update() } hide(t) { if (t.length) { const e = this.dt; t.forEach((t => { e.hiddenColumns.includes(t) || e.hiddenColumns.push(t) })), this.rebuild() } } show(t) { if (t.length) { let e; const s = this.dt; t.forEach((t => { e = s.hiddenColumns.indexOf(t), e > -1 && s.hiddenColumns.splice(e, 1) })), this.rebuild() } } visible(t) { let e; const s = this.dt; return t = t || s.headings.map((t => t.originalCellIndex)), isNaN(t) ? Array.isArray(t) && (e = [], t.forEach((t => { e.push(!s.hiddenColumns.includes(t)) }))) : e = !s.hiddenColumns.includes(t), e } add(t) { let e; const s = document.createElement("th"); if (!this.dt.headings.length) return this.dt.insert({ headings: [t.heading], data: t.data.map((t => [t])) }), void this.rebuild(); this.dt.hiddenHeader ? s.innerHTML = "" : t.heading.nodeName ? s.appendChild(t.heading) : s.innerHTML = t.heading, this.dt.headings.push(s), this.dt.data.forEach(((s, i) => { t.data[i] && (e = document.createElement("td"), t.data[i].nodeName ? e.appendChild(t.data[i]) : e.innerHTML = t.data[i], e.data = e.innerHTML, t.render && (e.innerHTML = t.render.call(this, e.data, e, s)), s.appendChild(e)) })), t.type && s.setAttribute("data-type", t.type), t.format && s.setAttribute("data-format", t.format), t.hasOwnProperty("sortable") && (s.sortable = t.sortable, s.setAttribute("data-sortable", !0 === t.sortable ? "true" : "false")), this.rebuild(), this.dt.renderHeader() } remove(t) { Array.isArray(t) ? (t.sort(((t, e) => e - t)), t.forEach((t => this.remove(t)))) : (this.dt.headings.splice(t, 1), this.dt.data.forEach((e => { e.removeChild(e.cells[t]) }))), this.rebuild() } filter(t, e, s, i) { const a = this.dt; if (a.filterState || (a.filterState = { originalData: a.data }), !a.filterState[t]) { const e = [...i, () => !0]; a.filterState[t] = function () { let t = 0; return () => e[t++ % e.length] }() } const n = a.filterState[t](), r = Array.from(a.filterState.originalData).filter((e => { const s = e.cells[t], i = s.hasAttribute("data-content") ? s.getAttribute("data-content") : s.innerText; return "function" == typeof n ? n(i) : i === n })); a.data = r, a.data.length ? (this.rebuild(), a.update()) : (a.clear(), a.setMessage(a.options.labels.noRows)), s || a.emit("datatable.sort", t, e) } sort(e, s, i) { const a = this.dt; if (a.hasHeadings && (e < 0 || e > a.headings.length)) return !1; const n = a.options.filters && a.options.filters[a.headings[e].textContent]; if (n && 0 !== n.length) return void this.filter(e, s, i, n); a.sorting = !0, i || a.emit("datatable.sorting", e, s); let r = a.data; const h = [], l = []; let d = 0, c = 0; const u = a.headings[e], p = []; if ("date" === u.getAttribute("data-type")) { let e = !1; u.hasAttribute("data-format") && (e = u.getAttribute("data-format")), p.push(Promise.resolve().then((function () { return t("./date-ee454f51.js") })).then((({ parseDate: t }) => s => t(s, e)))) } Promise.all(p).then((t => { const n = t[0]; let p, f; Array.from(r).forEach((t => { const s = t.cells[e], i = s.hasAttribute("data-content") ? s.getAttribute("data-content") : s.innerText; let a; a = n ? n(i) : "string" == typeof i ? i.replace(/(\$|,|\s|%)/g, "") : i, parseFloat(a) == a ? l[c++] = { value: Number(a), row: t } : h[d++] = { value: "string" == typeof i ? i.toLowerCase() : i, row: t } })), s || (s = u.classList.contains("asc") ? "desc" : "asc"), "desc" == s ? (p = o(h, -1), f = o(l, -1), u.classList.remove("asc"), u.classList.add("desc")) : (p = o(l, 1), f = o(h, 1), u.classList.remove("desc"), u.classList.add("asc")), a.lastTh && u != a.lastTh && (a.lastTh.classList.remove("desc"), a.lastTh.classList.remove("asc")), a.lastTh = u, r = p.concat(f), a.data = []; const g = []; r.forEach(((t, e) => { a.data.push(t.row), null !== t.row.searchIndex && void 0 !== t.row.searchIndex && g.push(e) })), a.searchData = g, this.rebuild(), a.update(), i || a.emit("datatable.sort", e, s) })) } rebuild() { let t, e, s, i; const a = this.dt, n = []; a.activeRows = [], a.activeHeadings = [], a.headings.forEach(((t, e) => { t.originalCellIndex = e, t.sortable = "false" !== t.getAttribute("data-sortable"), a.hiddenColumns.includes(e) || a.activeHeadings.push(t) })), a.data.forEach(((r, o) => { t = r.cloneNode(!1), e = r.cloneNode(!1), t.dataIndex = e.dataIndex = o, null !== r.searchIndex && void 0 !== r.searchIndex && (t.searchIndex = e.searchIndex = r.searchIndex), Array.from(r.cells).forEach((n => { s = n.cloneNode(!0), s.data = n.data, t.appendChild(s), a.hiddenColumns.includes(s.cellIndex) || (i = s.cloneNode(!0), i.data = s.data, e.appendChild(i)) })), n.push(t), a.activeRows.push(e) })), a.data = n, a.update() } } const d = function (t) { let e = !1, s = !1; if ((t = t || this.options.data).headings) { e = a("thead"); const s = a("tr"); t.headings.forEach((t => { const e = a("th", { html: t }); s.appendChild(e) })), e.appendChild(s) } t.data && t.data.length && (s = a("tbody"), t.data.forEach((e => { if (t.headings && t.headings.length !== e.length) throw new Error("The number of rows do not match the number of headings."); const i = a("tr"); e.forEach((t => { const e = a("td", { html: t }); i.appendChild(e) })), s.appendChild(i) }))), e && (null !== this.dom.tHead && this.dom.removeChild(this.dom.tHead), this.dom.appendChild(e)), s && (this.dom.tBodies.length && this.dom.removeChild(this.dom.tBodies[0]), this.dom.appendChild(s)) }, c = { sortable: !0, searchable: !0, paging: !0, perPage: 10, perPageSelect: [10, 25, 50, 100], nextPrev: !0, firstLast: !1, prevText: "‹", nextText: "›", firstText: "«", lastText: "»", ellipsisText: "…", ascText: "▴", descText: "▾", truncatePager: !0, pagerDelta: 0.2, scrollY: "", fixedColumns: !0, fixedHeight: !1, header: !0, hiddenHeader: !1, footer: !1, labels: { placeholder: "Search...", perPage: "{select} entries per page", noRows: "No entries found", info: "Showing {start} to {end} of {rows} entries" }, layout: { top: "{select}{search}", bottom: "{info}{pager}" } }; class u { constructor(t, e = {}) { const s = "string" == typeof t ? document.querySelector(t) : t; if (this.options = { ...c, ...e, layout: { ...c.layout, ...e.layout }, labels: { ...c.labels, ...e.labels } }, this.initialized = !1, this.initialLayout = s.innerHTML, this.initialSortable = this.options.sortable, this.options.header || (this.options.sortable = !1), null === s.tHead && (!this.options.data || this.options.data && !this.options.data.headings) && (this.options.sortable = !1), s.tBodies.length && !s.tBodies[0].rows.length && this.options.data && !this.options.data.data) throw new Error("You seem to be using the data option, but you've not defined any rows."); this.dom = s, this.table = this.dom, this.listeners = { onResize: t => this.onResize(t) }, this.init() } static extend(t, e) { "function" == typeof e ? u.prototype[t] = e : u[t] = e } init(t) { if (this.initialized || this.dom.classList.contains("dataTable-table")) return !1; Object.assign(this.options, t || {}), this.currentPage = 1, this.onFirstPage = !0, this.hiddenColumns = [], this.columnRenderers = [], this.selectedColumns = [], this.render(), setTimeout((() => { this.emit("datatable.init"), this.initialized = !0, this.options.plugins && Object.entries(this.options.plugins).forEach((([t, e]) => { this[t] && "function" == typeof this[t] && (this[t] = this[t](e, { createElement: a }), e.enabled && this[t].init && "function" == typeof this[t].init && this[t].init()) })) }), 10) } render(t) { if (t) { switch (t) { case "page": this.renderPage(); break; case "pager": this.renderPager(); break; case "header": this.renderHeader() }return !1 } const e = this.options; let s = ""; if (e.data && d.call(this), this.body = this.dom.tBodies[0], this.head = this.dom.tHead, this.foot = this.dom.tFoot, this.body || (this.body = a("tbody"), this.dom.appendChild(this.body)), this.hasRows = this.body.rows.length > 0, !this.head) { const t = a("thead"), s = a("tr"); this.hasRows && (Array.from(this.body.rows[0].cells).forEach((() => { s.appendChild(a("th")) })), t.appendChild(s)), this.head = t, this.dom.insertBefore(this.head, this.body), this.hiddenHeader = e.hiddenHeader } if (this.headings = [], this.hasHeadings = this.head.rows.length > 0, this.hasHeadings && (this.header = this.head.rows[0], this.headings = [].slice.call(this.header.cells)), e.header || this.head && this.dom.removeChild(this.dom.tHead), e.footer ? this.head && !this.foot && (this.foot = a("tfoot", { html: this.head.innerHTML }), this.dom.appendChild(this.foot)) : this.foot && this.dom.removeChild(this.dom.tFoot), this.wrapper = a("div", { class: "dataTable-wrapper dataTable-loading" }), s += "<div class='dataTable-top'>", s += e.layout.top, s += "</div>", e.scrollY.length ? s += `<div class='dataTable-container' style='height: ${e.scrollY}; overflow-Y: auto;'></div>` : s += "<div class='dataTable-container'></div>", s += "<div class='dataTable-bottom'>", s += e.layout.bottom, s += "</div>", s = s.replace("{info}", e.paging ? "<div class='dataTable-info'></div>" : ""), e.paging && e.perPageSelect) { let t = "<div class='dataTable-dropdown'><label>"; t += e.labels.perPage, t += "</label></div>"; const i = a("select", { class: "dataTable-selector" }); e.perPageSelect.forEach((t => { const s = t === e.perPage, a = new Option(t, t, s, s); i.add(a) })), t = t.replace("{select}", i.outerHTML), s = s.replace("{select}", t) } else s = s.replace("{select}", ""); if (e.searchable) { const t = `<div class='dataTable-search'><input class='dataTable-input' placeholder='${e.labels.placeholder}' type='text'></div>`; s = s.replace("{search}", t) } else s = s.replace("{search}", ""); this.hasHeadings && this.render("header"), this.dom.classList.add("dataTable-table"); const i = a("nav", { class: "dataTable-pagination" }), n = a("ul", { class: "dataTable-pagination-list" }); i.appendChild(n), s = s.replace(/\{pager\}/g, i.outerHTML), this.wrapper.innerHTML = s, this.container = this.wrapper.querySelector(".dataTable-container"), this.pagers = this.wrapper.querySelectorAll(".dataTable-pagination-list"), this.label = this.wrapper.querySelector(".dataTable-info"), this.dom.parentNode.replaceChild(this.wrapper, this.dom), this.container.appendChild(this.dom), this.rect = this.dom.getBoundingClientRect(), this.data = Array.from(this.body.rows), this.activeRows = this.data.slice(), this.activeHeadings = this.headings.slice(), this.update(), this.setColumns(), this.fixHeight(), this.fixColumns(), e.header || this.wrapper.classList.add("no-header"), e.footer || this.wrapper.classList.add("no-footer"), e.sortable && this.wrapper.classList.add("sortable"), e.searchable && this.wrapper.classList.add("searchable"), e.fixedHeight && this.wrapper.classList.add("fixed-height"), e.fixedColumns && this.wrapper.classList.add("fixed-columns"), this.bindEvents() } renderPage() { if (this.hasHeadings && (n(this.header), this.activeHeadings.forEach((t => this.header.appendChild(t)))), this.hasRows && this.totalPages) { this.currentPage > this.totalPages && (this.currentPage = 1); const t = this.currentPage - 1, e = document.createDocumentFragment(); this.pages[t].forEach((t => e.appendChild(this.rows().render(t)))), this.clear(e), this.onFirstPage = 1 === this.currentPage, this.onLastPage = this.currentPage === this.lastPage } else this.setMessage(this.options.labels.noRows); let t, e = 0, s = 0, i = 0; if (this.totalPages && (e = this.currentPage - 1, s = e * this.options.perPage, i = s + this.pages[e].length, s += 1, t = this.searching ? this.searchData.length : this.data.length), this.label && this.options.labels.info.length) { const e = this.options.labels.info.replace("{start}", s).replace("{end}", i).replace("{page}", this.currentPage).replace("{pages}", this.totalPages).replace("{rows}", t); this.label.innerHTML = t ? e : "" } 1 == this.currentPage && this.fixHeight() } renderPager() { if (n(this.pagers), this.totalPages > 1) { const t = "pager", e = document.createDocumentFragment(), s = this.onFirstPage ? 1 : this.currentPage - 1, i = this.onLastPage ? this.totalPages : this.currentPage + 1; this.options.firstLast && e.appendChild(r(t, 1, this.options.firstText)), this.options.nextPrev && !this.onFirstPage && e.appendChild(r(t, s, this.options.prevText)); let n = this.links; this.options.truncatePager && (n = ((t, e, s, i, n) => { let r; const o = 2 * (i = i || 2); let h = e - i, l = e + i; const d = [], c = []; e < 4 - i + o ? l = 3 + o : e > s - (3 - i + o) && (h = s - (2 + o)); for (let e = 1; e <= s; e++)if (1 == e || e == s || e >= h && e <= l) { const s = t[e - 1]; s.classList.remove("active"), d.push(s) } return d.forEach((e => { const s = e.children[0].getAttribute("data-page"); if (r) { const e = r.children[0].getAttribute("data-page"); if (s - e == 2) c.push(t[e]); else if (s - e != 1) { const t = a("li", { class: "ellipsis", html: `<a href="#">${n}</a>` }); c.push(t) } } c.push(e), r = e })), c })(this.links, this.currentPage, this.pages.length, this.options.pagerDelta, this.options.ellipsisText)), this.links[this.currentPage - 1].classList.add("active"), n.forEach((t => { t.classList.remove("active"), e.appendChild(t) })), this.links[this.currentPage - 1].classList.add("active"), this.options.nextPrev && !this.onLastPage && e.appendChild(r(t, i, this.options.nextText)), this.options.firstLast && e.appendChild(r(t, this.totalPages, this.options.lastText)), this.pagers.forEach((t => { t.appendChild(e.cloneNode(!0)) })) } } renderHeader() { this.labels = [], this.headings && this.headings.length && this.headings.forEach(((t, e) => { if (this.labels[e] = t.textContent, t.firstElementChild && t.firstElementChild.classList.contains("dataTable-sorter") && (t.innerHTML = t.firstElementChild.innerHTML), t.sortable = "false" !== t.getAttribute("data-sortable"), t.originalCellIndex = e, this.options.sortable && t.sortable) { const e = a("a", { href: "#", class: "dataTable-sorter", html: t.innerHTML }); t.innerHTML = "", t.setAttribute("data-sortable", ""), t.appendChild(e) } })), this.fixColumns() } bindEvents() { const t = this.options; if (t.perPageSelect) { const e = this.wrapper.querySelector(".dataTable-selector"); e && e.addEventListener("change", (() => { t.perPage = parseInt(e.value, 10), this.update(), this.fixHeight(), this.emit("datatable.perpage", t.perPage) }), !1) } t.searchable && (this.input = this.wrapper.querySelector(".dataTable-input"), this.input && this.input.addEventListener("keyup", (() => this.search(this.input.value)), !1)), this.wrapper.addEventListener("click", (e => { const s = e.target.closest("a"); s && "a" === s.nodeName.toLowerCase() && (s.hasAttribute("data-page") ? (this.page(s.getAttribute("data-page")), e.preventDefault()) : t.sortable && s.classList.contains("dataTable-sorter") && "false" != s.parentNode.getAttribute("data-sortable") && (this.columns().sort(this.headings.indexOf(s.parentNode)), e.preventDefault())) }), !1), window.addEventListener("resize", this.listeners.onResize) } onResize() { this.rect = this.container.getBoundingClientRect(), this.rect.width && this.fixColumns() } setColumns(t) { t || this.data.forEach((t => { Array.from(t.cells).forEach((t => { t.data = t.innerHTML })) })), this.options.columns && this.headings.length && this.options.columns.forEach((t => { Array.isArray(t.select) || (t.select = [t.select]), t.hasOwnProperty("render") && "function" == typeof t.render && (this.selectedColumns = this.selectedColumns.concat(t.select), this.columnRenderers.push({ columns: t.select, renderer: t.render })), t.select.forEach((e => { const s = this.headings[e]; t.type && s.setAttribute("data-type", t.type), t.format && s.setAttribute("data-format", t.format), t.hasOwnProperty("sortable") && s.setAttribute("data-sortable", t.sortable), t.hasOwnProperty("hidden") && !1 !== t.hidden && this.columns().hide([e]), t.hasOwnProperty("sort") && 1 === t.select.length && this.columns().sort(t.select[0], t.sort, !0) })) })), this.hasRows && (this.data.forEach(((t, e) => { t.dataIndex = e, Array.from(t.cells).forEach((t => { t.data = t.innerHTML })) })), this.selectedColumns.length && this.data.forEach((t => { Array.from(t.cells).forEach(((e, s) => { this.selectedColumns.includes(s) && this.columnRenderers.forEach((i => { i.columns.includes(s) && (e.innerHTML = i.renderer.call(this, e.data, e, t)) })) })) })), this.columns().rebuild()), this.render("header") } destroy() { this.dom.innerHTML = this.initialLayout, this.dom.classList.remove("dataTable-table"), this.wrapper.parentNode.replaceChild(this.dom, this.wrapper), this.initialized = !1, window.removeEventListener("resize", this.listeners.onResize) } update() { this.wrapper.classList.remove("dataTable-empty"), this.paginate(this), this.render("page"), this.links = []; let t = this.pages.length; for (; t--;) { const e = t + 1; this.links[t] = r(0 === t ? "active" : "", e, e) } this.sorting = !1, this.render("pager"), this.rows().update(), this.emit("datatable.update") } paginate() { const t = this.options.perPage; let e = this.activeRows; return this.searching && (e = [], this.searchData.forEach((t => e.push(this.activeRows[t])))), this.options.paging ? this.pages = e.map(((s, i) => i % t == 0 ? e.slice(i, i + t) : null)).filter((t => t)) : this.pages = [e], this.totalPages = this.lastPage = this.pages.length, this.totalPages } fixColumns() { if ((this.options.scrollY.length || this.options.fixedColumns) && this.activeHeadings && this.activeHeadings.length) { let t, e = !1; if (this.columnWidths = [], this.dom.tHead) { if (this.options.scrollY.length && (e = a("thead"), e.appendChild(a("tr")), e.style.height = "0px", this.headerTable && (this.dom.tHead = this.headerTable.tHead)), this.activeHeadings.forEach((t => { t.style.width = "" })), this.activeHeadings.forEach(((t, s) => { const i = t.offsetWidth, n = i / this.rect.width * 100; if (t.style.width = `${n}%`, this.columnWidths[s] = i, this.options.scrollY.length) { const t = a("th"); e.firstElementChild.appendChild(t), t.style.width = `${n}%`, t.style.paddingTop = "0", t.style.paddingBottom = "0", t.style.border = "0" } })), this.options.scrollY.length) { const t = this.dom.parentElement; if (!this.headerTable) { this.headerTable = a("table", { class: "dataTable-table" }); const e = a("div", { class: "dataTable-headercontainer" }); e.appendChild(this.headerTable), t.parentElement.insertBefore(e, t) } const s = this.dom.tHead; this.dom.replaceChild(e, s), this.headerTable.tHead = s, this.headerTable.parentElement.style.paddingRight = `${this.headerTable.clientWidth - this.dom.clientWidth + parseInt(this.headerTable.parentElement.style.paddingRight || "0", 10)}px`, t.scrollHeight > t.clientHeight && (t.style.overflowY = "scroll") } } else { t = [], e = a("thead"); const s = a("tr"); Array.from(this.dom.tBodies[0].rows[0].cells).forEach((() => { const e = a("th"); s.appendChild(e), t.push(e) })), e.appendChild(s), this.dom.insertBefore(e, this.body); const i = []; t.forEach(((t, e) => { const s = t.offsetWidth, a = s / this.rect.width * 100; i.push(a), this.columnWidths[e] = s })), this.data.forEach((t => { Array.from(t.cells).forEach(((t, e) => { this.columns(t.cellIndex).visible() && (t.style.width = `${i[e]}%`) })) })), this.dom.removeChild(e) } } } fixHeight() { this.options.fixedHeight && (this.container.style.height = null, this.rect = this.container.getBoundingClientRect(), this.container.style.height = `${this.rect.height}px`) } search(t) { return !!this.hasRows && (t = t.toLowerCase(), this.currentPage = 1, this.searching = !0, this.searchData = [], t.length ? (this.clear(), this.data.forEach(((e, s) => { const i = this.searchData.includes(e); t.split(" ").reduce(((t, s) => { let i = !1, a = null, n = null; for (let t = 0; t < e.cells.length; t++)if (a = e.cells[t], n = a.hasAttribute("data-content") ? a.getAttribute("data-content") : a.textContent, n.toLowerCase().includes(s) && this.columns(a.cellIndex).visible()) { i = !0; break } return t && i }), !0) && !i ? (e.searchIndex = s, this.searchData.push(s)) : e.searchIndex = null })), this.wrapper.classList.add("search-results"), this.searchData.length ? this.update() : (this.wrapper.classList.remove("search-results"), this.setMessage(this.options.labels.noRows)), void this.emit("datatable.search", t, this.searchData)) : (this.searching = !1, this.update(), this.emit("datatable.search", t, this.searchData), this.wrapper.classList.remove("search-results"), !1)) } page(t) { return t != this.currentPage && (isNaN(t) || (this.currentPage = parseInt(t, 10)), !(t > this.pages.length || t < 0) && (this.render("page"), this.render("pager"), void this.emit("datatable.page", t))) } sortColumn(t, e) { this.columns().sort(t, e) } insert(t) { let e = []; if (i(t)) { if (t.headings && !this.hasHeadings && !this.hasRows) { const e = a("tr"); t.headings.forEach((t => { const s = a("th", { html: t }); e.appendChild(s) })), this.head.appendChild(e), this.header = e, this.headings = [].slice.call(e.cells), this.hasHeadings = !0, this.options.sortable = this.initialSortable, this.render("header"), this.activeHeadings = this.headings.slice() } t.data && Array.isArray(t.data) && (e = t.data) } else Array.isArray(t) && t.forEach((t => { const s = []; Object.entries(t).forEach((([t, e]) => { const i = this.labels.indexOf(t); i > -1 && (s[i] = e) })), e.push(s) })); e.length && (this.rows().add(e), this.hasRows = !0), this.update(), this.setColumns(), this.fixColumns() } refresh() { this.options.searchable && (this.input.value = "", this.searching = !1), this.currentPage = 1, this.onFirstPage = !0, this.update(), this.emit("datatable.refresh") } clear(t) { this.body && n(this.body); let e = this.body; this.body || (e = this.dom), t && ("string" == typeof t && (document.createDocumentFragment().innerHTML = t), e.appendChild(t)) } export(t) { if (!this.hasHeadings && !this.hasRows) return !1; const e = this.activeHeadings; let s = []; const a = []; let n, r, o, h; if (!i(t)) return !1; const l = { download: !0, skipColumn: [], lineDelimiter: "\n", columnDelimiter: ",", tableName: "myTable", replacer: null, space: 4, ...t }; if (l.type) { if ("txt" !== l.type && "csv" !== l.type || (s[0] = this.header), l.selection) if (isNaN(l.selection)) { if (Array.isArray(l.selection)) for (n = 0; n < l.selection.length; n++)s = s.concat(this.pages[l.selection[n] - 1]) } else s = s.concat(this.pages[l.selection - 1]); else s = s.concat(this.activeRows); if (s.length) { if ("txt" === l.type || "csv" === l.type) { for (o = "", n = 0; n < s.length; n++) { for (r = 0; r < s[n].cells.length; r++)if (!l.skipColumn.includes(e[r].originalCellIndex) && this.columns(e[r].originalCellIndex).visible()) { let t = s[n].cells[r].textContent; t = t.trim(), t = t.replace(/\s{2,}/g, " "), t = t.replace(/\n/g, " "), t = t.replace(/"/g, '""'), t = t.replace(/#/g, "%23"), t.includes(",") && (t = `"${t}"`), o += t + l.columnDelimiter } o = o.trim().substring(0, o.length - 1), o += l.lineDelimiter } o = o.trim().substring(0, o.length - 1), l.download && (o = `data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,${o}`) } else if ("sql" === l.type) { for (o = `INSERT INTO \`${l.tableName}\` (`, n = 0; n < e.length; n++)!l.skipColumn.includes(e[n].originalCellIndex) && this.columns(e[n].originalCellIndex).visible() && (o += `\`${e[n].textContent}\`,`); for (o = o.trim().substring(0, o.length - 1), o += ") VALUES ", n = 0; n < s.length; n++) { for (o += "(", r = 0; r < s[n].cells.length; r++)!l.skipColumn.includes(e[r].originalCellIndex) && this.columns(e[r].originalCellIndex).visible() && (o += `"${s[n].cells[r].textContent}",`); o = o.trim().substring(0, o.length - 1), o += ")," } o = o.trim().substring(0, o.length - 1), o += ";", l.download && (o = `data:application/sql;charset=utf-8,${o}`) } else if ("json" === l.type) { for (r = 0; r < s.length; r++)for (a[r] = a[r] || {}, n = 0; n < e.length; n++)!l.skipColumn.includes(e[n].originalCellIndex) && this.columns(e[n].originalCellIndex).visible() && (a[r][e[n].textContent] = s[r].cells[n].textContent); o = JSON.stringify(a, l.replacer, l.space), l.download && (o = `data:application/json;charset=utf-8,${o}`) } return l.download && (l.filename = l.filename || "datatable_export", l.filename += `.${l.type}`, o = encodeURI(o), h = document.createElement("a"), h.href = o, h.download = l.filename, document.body.appendChild(h), h.click(), document.body.removeChild(h)), o } } return !1 } import(t) { let e = !1; if (!i(t)) return !1; const s = { lineDelimiter: "\n", columnDelimiter: ",", ...t }; if (s.data.length || i(s.data)) { if ("csv" === s.type) { e = { data: [] }; const t = s.data.split(s.lineDelimiter); t.length && (s.headings && (e.headings = t[0].split(s.columnDelimiter), t.shift()), t.forEach(((t, i) => { e.data[i] = []; const a = t.split(s.columnDelimiter); a.length && a.forEach((t => { e.data[i].push(t) })) }))) } else if ("json" === s.type) { const t = (t => { let e = !1; try { e = JSON.parse(t) } catch (t) { return !1 } return !(null === e || !Array.isArray(e) && !i(e)) && e })(s.data); t && (e = { headings: [], data: [] }, t.forEach(((t, s) => { e.data[s] = [], Object.entries(t).forEach((([t, i]) => { e.headings.includes(t) || e.headings.push(t), e.data[s].push(i) })) }))) } i(s.data) && (e = s.data), e && this.insert(e) } return !1 } print() { const t = this.activeHeadings, e = this.activeRows, s = a("table"), i = a("thead"), n = a("tbody"), r = a("tr"); t.forEach((t => { r.appendChild(a("th", { html: t.textContent })) })), i.appendChild(r), e.forEach((t => { const e = a("tr"); Array.from(t.cells).forEach((t => { e.appendChild(a("td", { html: t.textContent })) })), n.appendChild(e) })), s.appendChild(i), s.appendChild(n); const o = window.open(); o.document.body.appendChild(s), o.print() } setMessage(t) { let e = 1; this.hasRows ? e = this.data[0].cells.length : this.activeHeadings.length && (e = this.activeHeadings.length), this.wrapper.classList.add("dataTable-empty"), this.label && (this.label.innerHTML = ""), this.totalPages = 0, this.render("pager"), this.clear(a("tr", { html: `<td class="dataTables-empty" colspan="${e}">${t}</td>` })) } columns(t) { return new l(this, t) } rows(t) { return new h(this, t) } on(t, e) { this.events = this.events || {}, this.events[t] = this.events[t] || [], this.events[t].push(e) } off(t, e) { this.events = this.events || {}, t in this.events != 0 && this.events[t].splice(this.events[t].indexOf(e), 1) } emit(t) { if (this.events = this.events || {}, t in this.events != 0) for (let e = 0; e < this.events[t].length; e++)this.events[t][e].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)) } } s.DataTable = u }, { "./date-ee454f51.js": 1 }] }, {}, [2])(2) }));
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