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File metadata and controls

134 lines (80 loc) · 5.78 KB



The example configuration file.

How to configure

config.yml is an example configuration file. Equivalent config.{json|toml|ini} files are also supported. See config-rs for supported formats.

Exporting environment variables can override settings in the config file. All environment variables should be prefixed with APP_, Eg: export APP_PORT=2333 overrides the port field to 2333.

You may also use command line arguments.

    -c, --config <FILE>    Sets a custom config file. Default config.yml

Data type

The type of size in the config file is string. E.g: 1000 (B), 42 KB, 2.33 MB, 666 GiB.

Common Options

port specifies the port number to listen on.

metrics_port: specifies the port of Prometheus metrics server.

url specifies the base URL for the application. It is used in upstream rewriting for some upstream like PyPI index pages.

log_level specifies the log level. Allowed values are trace, debug, info, warn, error.

hot_reload specifies whether to enable configuration hot reloading. Default false.


url is the Redis connection string.


metadata_path: specifies the path to store sled disk file.


Rules are an array of customized proxy rules.

  • path: the path to match, supports regular expression. If the given string is a plain string, a simple prefix removal and reverse proxying is performed: the target url is the content after path appended to the upstream.
  • policy: the name of policy to use, defined in policies
  • upstream: the upstream of the path, the reverse proxy will try to fetch targets from the upstream
  • size_limit: Optional The maximum size of package that the program would fetch and cache. If the size of the package exceeds the number, the response will be a 302 Found to the upstream url. Use 0 for unlimited size. The default value is 0.
  • options: Optional Additional options for the rule.
    • content-type: Override the content-type of the response. Some endpoints like PyPI index requires this header.


Policies are an array of customized cache policies.

  • name: the unique name of the policy. Used in database key spaces and metrics to identify the policy in a user-friendly way.
  • type: the type of the policy, see Cache Policies for details
  • metadata_db: the metadata database to use: redis or sled. See Cache Policies for details
  • storage: the name of storage to use. See Storage for details

For other policy-specific options, see Cache Policies for details.


storages is an array of storage backends.

  • name: the unique name of the storage. Used in policies to identify the storage in a user-friendly way.
  • type: the type of the storage.
    • MEM: temporary in-mem storage (config: Mem)

    • FS: local filesystem. (config: Fs)

      • path: the path of cached data
    • S3: S3 (Simple Storage Service) storage (config: S3)

      • endpoint: the endpoint of S3
      • bucket: the bucket name

      For S3 authentication, just export the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (We use the default rusoto_s3 authentication, please checkout its documents).

  • config: the configuration of storage. The config starts with a config key (unique for each type), its value is a map of avaliable options for that type. See above for config key and avaliable options.

Hot reloading

Any changes on the configuration file will trigger a configuration reload after a delay of 2 secs.

Note that some configurations like port, log_level and hot_reload cannot be updated.

Cache Policies

Cache policies are implemented on top of metadata database. Currently Redis and Sled are supported.


In config: type: LRU

Supported metadata_db: redis, sled

LRU is a cache policy that limits the total disk space usage. All files are cached to the local filesystem.

If the size of all cached files exceeds specied limit, the program will evict a cache entry base on least recent used (LRU) policy. Every time a file is accessed, its access time is updated to a newer one. Those cache entries with lease recent access time are evicted until we have enough space for the new cache entry.

Avaliable options in policy:

  • size: the maximum size of the space usage.


In config: type: TTL

Supported metadata_db: redis, sled

TTL stands for "time to live". When an entry is cached, the entry is only valid within the given TTL. After TTL, the cache entry will be evicted.

Avaliable options in policy:

  • timeout: The TTL in seconds.

Redis Caveats

To use this cache policy, please enable redis keyspace notifications and enable notifications for key expirations, that is: notify-keyspace-events Kx.

The policy is implemented on top of the redis command EXPIRE. A cache hit happens if the program can GET cache key from redis. Otherwise a cache miss happens, and the program then put the cache entry. A cache entry put is composed of two redis operations: SET the cache key and EXPIRE it.

If a key expiration notification is published while the program is not running, some cache data may not be removed from storage. You may need to manually remove them based on the TTL you configured.

Sled Caveats

In sled implementation of the cache, expired cache entries are cleaned periodically with specified interval (clean_interval in policy, default 3 secs).


The prometheus metrics server is exposed on the specified port in config. You may launch a prometheus client and configure the target with the port.