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File metadata and controls

107 lines (70 loc) · 4.33 KB

to install pymysql

python3 -m pip install PyMySQL

SQL vs mySQL

MySQL (/ˌmaɪˌɛsˌkjuːˈɛl/ "My S-Q-L")[5] is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS).[5][6]

Connecting to a MySQL server requires a username and password. You may also need to specify the name of the host on which the server is running.

The arguments to mysql include -h localhost to connect to the MySQL server running on the local host, -u root to connect as the MySQL root user, and -p to tell mysql to prompt for a password:

mysql -h -u root --port=5005 -p mysql -h -u root --port=5005 -p < samyak.sql

show tables;

1.6. Executing SQL Statements Read from a File or Program

fetchone() retrieves a single item, when you know the result set contains a single row. fetchall() retrieves all the items, when you know the result set contains a limited number of rows that can fit comfortably into memory. fetchmany() is the general-purpose method when you cannot predict the size of the result set: you keep calling it and looping through the returned items, until there are no more results to process

iterating over the result of a query

Using tabulate

python3 -m pip install tabulate

Viewing all tables in database

select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'airport_db';

Select AVG(Aadhar_card_number) from Passenger where Gender='Male';

SELECT fk_to_capacity_Manufacturer,COUNT(*) from Aircraft Group By fk_to_capacity_Manufacturer;

SELECT fk_to_capacity_Model,COUNT(*) from Aircraft Group By fk_to_capacity_Model;

SELECT fk_to_capacity_Model,COUNT() from Aircraft Group By fk_to_capacity_Model ORDER BY COUNT();

SELECT fk_to_capacity_Model,COUNT( fk_to_airline_owner_airline_IATA_code) from Aircraft Group By fk_to_capacity_Model ORDER BY COUNT(*);

SELECT fk_to_capacity_Model,COUNT(DISTINCT fk_to_airline_owner_airline_IATA_code) from Aircraft Group By fk_to_capacity_Model ORDER BY COUNT(*);

Select * FROM Aircraft ORDER BY Flight ID desc;

UPDATE Route ,Runway SET Runway.Status="Assigned" WHERE Runway ID=fk_to_runway_Take off runway id AND Route ID=6 AND fk_to_airport_src_iata_code=fk_to_airport_IATA_airport_codes;

SELECT fk_to_airline_employer_IATA_code,COUNT(*) FROM airline_crew GROUP BY fk_to_airline_employer_IATA_code;

SELECT IATA airline designators,Company Name,COUNT() as love_quotient FROM Airline,Aircraft,boarding_pass,Route WHERE (IATA airline designators=fk_to_airline_owner_airline_IATA_code) AND (registration_num=fk_to_aircraft_registration_num) AND(fk_to_route_Route ID=Route ID) GROUP BY IATA airline designators ORDER BY COUNT() DESC;

SELECT fk_to_airport_src_iata_code AS 'Source airport' , fk_to_airport_dest_iata_code AS 'Destination Airport', Date, fk_to_airline_owner_airline_IATA_code AS 'Airline', Flight ID, Scheduled arrival FROM Route,Aircraft WHERE (fk_to_airport_src_iata_code="DEL") AND (fk_to_airport_dest_iata_code="MUM") AND (fk_to_aircraft_registration_num=registration_num) ;

checking simultaneous updation

Update Route SET Status='Delayed' WHERE Route ID=1; Update Runway SET Status='Assigned' WHERE Runway ID=0 AND fk_to_airport_IATA_airport_codes=BLR ; Update Runway SET Status='Assigned' WHERE Runway ID=0 AND fk_to_airport_IATA_airport_codes=DEL ;


SELECT * FROM Aircraft WHERE registration_num=345;

SELECT * FROM Pilot WHERE fk_to_flight_crew_Aadhar_card_number=427691459617;

SELECT * FROM Runway WHERE Runway ID=0;

Captain -> 139446154652
Pilot -> 271274517218,723531887630
Engineer-> 186480088941
Another flight attendant ->996366605513

SELECT * FROM Route where Route ID=26; SELECT * FROM flight_crew_serves_on_route WHERE fk_to_route_Route ID=26; SELECT * FROM stopover_airports_on_route;