- Fix tests for Python3 (#40)
- [ROS1] Fix Noetic release / Python3 (#39) Resolves #22
- [ROS1] Add GitHub Actions CI (#38)
- Contributors: Wolfgang Merkt
- Install joystick_relay.py with catkin_install_python (#37)
- Some more logical operator fixes
- Use standard logical or operator
- Contributors: Bence Magyar, Tobias Fischer, Wolfgang Merkt
- Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048
- Contributors: Bence Magyar
- Merge pull request #8 from ros-teleop/update_jade_from_indigo_devel fix queue_size SyntaxWarning
- fix queue_size SyntaxWarning
- Update README.md Add documentation link and build status.
- Contributors: Enrique Fernández Perdomo, Jeremie Deray
- Add rosindex tags http://rosindex.github.io/contribute/metadata/#metadata-elements
- Add missed test dependencies on rospy, rostopic
- Add .gitignore for *.pyc in test
- Fix rostest dependency
- Contributors: Enrique Fernandez
- Update maintainer email
- Contributors: Enrique Fernandez
- Increase version to 1.0.1 for indigo release
- Add diagnostic_updater dependency
- Contributors: Enrique Fernández
- Add twist multiplexer
- Contributors: Enrique Fernandez, Siegfried Gevatter, Paul Mathieu