blink.indent provides indent guides with scope on every keystroke (0.1-2ms per render), including on massive files, without Treesitter. These indent guides work in the vast majority of valid code and compute quicker than via Treesitter. If you want something more accurate, consider using indent-blankline instead.
-- all modules handle lazy loading internally
lazy = false,
opts = {
indent = {
enabled = true,
-- start with indent guides visible
visible = true,
blocked = {
buftypes = {},
filetypes = {},
static = {
enabled = true,
char = '▎',
priority = 1,
-- specify multiple highlights here for rainbow-style indent guides
-- highlights = { 'BlinkIndentRed', 'BlinkIndentOrange', 'BlinkIndentYellow', 'BlinkIndentGreen', 'BlinkIndentViolet', 'BlinkIndentCyan' },
highlights = { 'BlinkIndent' },
scope = {
enabled = true,
char = '▎',
priority = 1024,
-- set this to a single highlight, such as 'BlinkIndent' to disable rainbow-style indent guides
-- highlights = { 'BlinkIndent' },
highlights = {
underline = {
-- enable to show underlines on the line above the current scope
enabled = false,
highlights = {