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+ https://github.com/SUSE/suse-best-practices/issues/new
+ SAP Convergent Mediation ControlZone High Availability Cluster - Setup Guide SLES15
+ SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications
+ 15
+SUSE Best Practices
+SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15
+Convergent Mediation
+ Fabian
+ Herschel
+ Distinguished Architect SAP
+ Lars
+ Pinne
+ Systems Engineer
+ SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications is
+ optimized in various ways for SAP® applications.
+ This document explains how to deploy a Convergent Mediation ControlZone
+ High Availability Cluster solution.
+ It is based on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP4.
+ The concept however can also be used with
+ newer service packs of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications.
+ Disclaimer:
+ Documents published as part of the SUSE Best Practices series have been contributed voluntarily
+ by SUSE employees and third parties. They are meant to serve as examples of how particular
+ actions can be performed. They have been compiled with utmost attention to detail.
+ However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. SUSE cannot verify that actions described
+ in these documents do what is claimed or whether actions described have unintended consequences.
+ SUSE LLC, its affiliates, the authors, and the translators may not be held liable for possible
+ errors or the consequences thereof.
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+// Document Variables
+:slesProdVersion: 15
+= SAP Convergent Mediation ControlZone High Availability Cluster: Setup Guide
+// TODO PRIO1: _SAP_ Convergent Mediation ControlZone ?
+// Revision {Revision} from {docdate}
+// Standard SUSE includes
+// include::common_copyright_gfdl.adoc[]
+// :toc:
+== About this guide
+The following sections are focussing on background information and purpose of the
+document at hand.
+=== Abstract
+This guide describes configuration and basic testing of {sles4sap} {prodNr}
+{prodSP} as an high availability cluster for {ConMed} (CM) ControlZone services.
+From the application perspective the following concept is covered:
+- ControlZone platform and UI services are running together.
+- ControlZone software is installed on central NFS.
+- ControlZone software is copied to local disks of both nodes.
+From the infrastructure perspective the following concept is covered:
+- Two-node cluster with disk-based SBD fencing.
+- Central NFS share statically mounted on both nodes.
+- On-premises deployment on physical and virtual machines.
+Despite the above menionted focus of this setup guide, other variants can be
+implemented as well. See <> below. The concept can also be used
+with newer service packs of {sles4sap} {prodNr}.
+NOTE: This solution is supported only in the context of {SAP} RISE
+=== Additional documentation and resources
+Several chapters in this document contain links to additional documentation resources
+that are either available on the system or on the Internet.
+For the latest product documentation updates, see https://documentation.suse.com/.
+More whitepapers, guides and best practices documents referring to {SLES} and {SAP}
+can be found and downloaded at the SUSE Best Practices Web page:
+Here you can access guides for {SAPHANA} system replication automation and High Availability
+(HA) scenarios for {SAPNw} and {s4hana}.
+Supported high availability solutions by {sles4sap} overview:
+Lastly, there are manual pages shipped with the product.
+// Standard SUSE includes
+=== Feedback
+== Overview
+// TODO PRIO1: content
+// {ConMed} (CM)
+The CM ControlZone platform is responsible for providing services to other instances.
+Several platform containers may exist in a CM system, for high availability,
+but only one is active at a time. The CM ControlZone UI is used to query, edit, import,
+and export data.
+{sles4sap} is optimized in various ways for {SAP} applications. Particularly contains
+the {sleha} cluster and specfic HA resource agents.
+From the application perspective the following variants are covered:
+- ControlZone platform service running alone.
+- ControlZone platform and UI services running together.
+- ControlZone binaries stored and started on central NFS (not recommended).
+- ControlZone binaries copied to and started from local disks.
+- Java VM stored and started on central NFS (not recommended).
+- Java VM started from local disks.
+From the infrastructure perspective the following variants are covered:
+- Two-node cluster with disk-based SBD fencing.
+- Three-node cluster with disk-based or diskless SBD fencing, not explained in detail
+- Other fencing is possible, but not explained here.
+- Filesystem managed by the cluster - either on shared storage or NFS, not explained
+in detail here.
+- On-premises deployment on physical and virtual machines.
+- Public cloud deployment (usually needs additional documentation on cloud specific
+=== High availability for the {ConMed} ControlZone platform and UI
+The HA solution for CM ControlZone is a two node active/passive cluster.
+A shared NFS filesystem is statically mounted by OS on both cluster nodes. This
+filesystem holds work directories. Client-side write caching has to be disabled.
+The ControlZone software is installed into the central shared NFS, but is also
+copied to both nodes´ local filesystems. The HA cluster uses the central directory
+for starting/stopping the ControlZone services. However, for monitoring the local
+copies of the installation are used.
+The cluster can run monitor actions even when the NFS temporarily is blocked.
+Further, software upgrade is possible without downtime (rolling upgrade).
+// TODO PRIO2: Get rid of the central software. Use central NFS for work directory only.
+.Two-node HA cluster and statically mounted filesystems
+The ControlZone services platform and UI are handled as active/passive resources.
+The related virtual IP adress is managed by the HA cluster as well.
+A filesystem resource is configured for a bind-mount of the real NFS share. In
+case of filesystem failures, the cluster takes action. However, no mount or umount
+on the real NFS share is done.
+All cluster resources are organised as one resource group. This results in
+correct start/stop order as well as placement, while keeping the configuration
+.ControlZone resource group
+See <> and manual page ocf_suse_SAPCMControlZone(7) for details.
+=== Scope of this document
+For the {sleha} two-node cluster described above, this guide explains how to:
+- Check basic settings of the two-node HA cluster with disk-based SBD.
+- Check basic capabilities of the ControlZone components on both nodes.
+- Configure an HA cluster for managing the ControlZone components platform
+and UI, together with related IP address.
+- Perform functional tests of the HA cluster and its resources.
+- Perform basic administrative tasks on the cluster resources.
+NOTE: Neither installation of the basic {sleha} cluster, nor installation of the
+CM ControlZone software is covered in the document at hand.
+Please consult the {sleha} product documentation for installation instructions
+For Convergent Mediation installation instructions, please refer to the respective
+product documentation
+=== Prerequisites
+For requirements of {ConMed} ControlZone, please refer to the product documentation
+For requirements of {sles4sap} and {sleha}, please refer to the product documentation
+Specific requirements of the SUSE high availability solution for CM ControlZone
+- This solution is supported only in the context of {SAP} RISE.
+- {ConMed} ControlZone version or higher is installed and configured on
+both cluster nodes. If the software is installed into a shared NFS filesystem, the
+binaries are copied into both cluster nodes´ local filesystems. Finally the local
+configuration has to be adjusted. Please refer to {ConMed} documentation for details.
+- CM ControlZone is configured identically on both cluster nodes. User, path
+names and environment settings are the same.
+- Only one ControlZone instance per Linux cluster. Thus one platform service and
+one UI service per cluster.
+- The platform and UI are installed into the same MZ_HOME.
+- Linux shell of the mzadmin user is `/bin/bash`.
+- The mzadmin´s `~/.bashrc` inherits MZ_HOME, JAVA_HOME and MZ_PLATFORM
+from SAPCMControlZone RA. This variables need to be set as described in the RA´s
+documentation, i.e. manual page ocf_suse_SAPCMControlZone(7).
+- When called by the resource agent, mzsh connnects to CM ControlZone services
+via network. The service´s virtual hostname or virtual IP address managed by the
+cluster should not be used when called by RA monitor actions.
+- Technical users and groups are defined locally in the Linux system. If users are
+resolved by remote service, local caching is neccessary. Substitute user (su) to
+the mzadmin needs to work reliable and without customized actions or messages.
+- Name resolution for hostnames and virtual hostnames is crucial. Hostnames of
+cluster nodes and services are resolved locally in the Linux system.
+- Strict time synchronization between the cluster nodes, e.g. NTP. All nodes of a
+cluster have configured the same timezone.
+- Needed NFS shares (e.g. `/usr/sap/`) are mounted statically or by automounter.
+No client-side write caching. File locking might be configured for application
+- The RA monitoring operations have to be active.
+- RA runtime almost completely depends on call-outs to controlled resources, OS and
+Linux cluster. The infrastructure needs to allow these call-outs to return in time.
+- The ControlZone application is not started/stopped by OS. Thus there is no SystemV,
+systemd or cron job.
+- As long as the ControlZone application is managed by the Linux cluster, the
+application is not started/stopped/moved from outside. Thus no manual actions are
+done. The Linux cluster does not prevent from administrative mistakes.
+However, if the Linux cluster detects the application running at both sites in
+parallel, it will stop both and restart one.
+- Interface for the RA to the ControlZone services is the command mzsh. Ideally,
+the mzsh should be accessed on the cluster nodes´ local filesystems.
+The mzsh is called with the arguments startup, shutdown and status. Its return
+code and output is interpreted by the RA. Thus the command and its output needs
+to be stable. The mzsh shall not be customized. Particularly environment
+variables set thru `~/.bashrc` must not be changed.
+- The mzsh is called on the active node with a defined interval for regular resource
+monitor operations. It also is called on the active or passive node in certain situations.
+Those calls might run in parallel.
+=== The setup procedure at a glance
+For a better understanding and overview, the installation and setup is divided into
+nine nice steps.
+// - Collecting information
+- <>
+// - Checking the operating system basic setup
+- <>
+// - Checking the HA cluster basic setup
+- <>
+// - Checking the ControlZone setup
+- <>
+// - Preparing mzadmin user´s ~./bahsrc
+- <>
+// - Preparing the OS for NFS monitoring
+- <>
+// - Adapting the cluster basic configuration
+- <>
+// - Configuring the ControlZone cluster resources
+- <>
+// - Testing the HA cluster
+- <>
+== Checking the operating system and the HA cluster basic setup
+// TODO PRIO2: content
+=== Collecting information
+The installation should be planned properly. You should have all needed parameters
+already in place. It is good practice to first fill out the parameter sheet.
+.Table Collecting needed parameters
+| NFS server and share
+| `{myNFSSrv}:/s/{mySid}/cm`
+| NFS mount options
+| `vers=4,rw,noac,sync,default`
+| central MZ_HOME
+| `/usr/sap/{mySid}`
+| local MZ_HOME
+| `{mzhome}`
+| `{mzPlatf}`
+| `{mzPlatf}`
+| `{mzJavah}`
+| node1 hostname
+| `{myNode1}`
+| node2 hostname
+| `{myNode2}`
+| node1 IP addr
+| `{myIPNode1}`
+| node2 IP addr
+| `{myIPNode2}`
+| SID
+| `{mySid}`
+| mzadmin user
+| `{mySapAdm}`
+| virtual IP addr
+| `{myVipAcz}`
+| virtual hostname
+| `{myVipNcz}`
+=== Checking the operating system basic setup
+// TODO PRIO2: content ... on both nodes
+==== Java virtual machine
+// TODO PRIO2: content
+See https://infozone.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MD9/pages/4849685/System+Requirements
+for supported Java VMs.
+# zypper se java-17-openjdk
+S | Name | Summary | Type
+i | java-17-openjdk | OpenJDK 17 Runtime Environment | package
+ | java-17-openjdk-demo | OpenJDK 17 Demos | package
+ | java-17-openjdk-devel | OpenJDK 17 Development Environment | package
+ | java-17-openjdk-headless | OpenJDK 17 Runtime Environment | package
+Check this on both nodes.
+==== HA software and Java virtual machine
+// TODO PRIO2: content
+# zypper se --type pattern ha_sles
+S | Name | Summary | Type
+i | ha_sles | High Availability | pattern
+# zypper se ClusterTools2
+S | Name | Summary | Type
+i | ClusterTools2 | Tools for cluster management | package
+Check this on both nodes.
+==== IP addresses and virtual names
+Check if the file `/etc/hosts` contains at least the address resolution for
+both cluster nodes `{myNode1}`, `{myNode1}` as well as the ControlZone virtual
+hostname `sap{mySidLc}cz`. Add those entries if they are missing.
+# grep -e {myNode1} -e {myNode2} -e {myVipNcz} /etc/hosts
+{myIPNode1} {myNode1}.fjaell.lab {myNode1}
+{myIPNode2} {myNode2}.fjaell.lab {myNode2}
+{myVipAcz} {myVipNcz}.fjaell.lab {myVipNcz}
+Check this on both nodes.
+See also manual page hosts(8).
+==== Mount points and NFS shares
+Check if the file `/etc/fstab` contains the central NFS share MZ_HOME.
+The filesystem is statically mounted on all nodes of the cluster.
+The correct mount options are depending on the NFS server. However, client-side
+write caching has to be disabled in any case.
+# grep "/usr/sap/{mySid}" /etc/fstab
+{myNFSSrv}:/s/{mySid}/cz /usr/sap/{mySid} nfs4 rw,noac,sync,default 0 0
+# mount | grep "/usr/sap/{mySid}"
+// TODO PRIO1: above output
+Check this on both nodes.
+See also manual page mount(8), fstab(5) and nfs(5), as well as TID 20830, TID 19722.
+==== Linux user and group number scheme
+Check if the file `/etc/passwd` contains the mzadmin user `{mySapAdm}`.
+# grep {mySapAdm} /etc/passwd
+{mySapAdm}:x:1001:100:{ConMed} user:/opt/cm/{mySid}:/bin/bash
+Check this on both nodes.
+See also manual page passwd(5).
+==== Password-free ssh login
+// TODO PRIO2: content
+{myNode1}:~ # ssh {myNode2}
+{myNode2}:~ # ssh {myNode1}
+{myNode1}:~ # exit
+{myNode2}:~ # exit
+Check this on both nodes.
+See also manual page ssh(1) and ssh-keygen(1).
+==== Time synchronisation
+// TODO PRIO2: content
+# systemctl status chronyd | grep Active
+ Active: active (running) since Tue 2024-05-14 16:37:28 CEST; 6min ago
+# chronyc sources
+MS Name/IP address Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample
+^* long.time.ago 2 10 377 100 -1286us[-1183us] +/- 15ms
+Check this on both nodes.
+See also manual page chronyc(1) and chrony.conf(5).
+=== Checking HA cluster basic setup
+// TODO PRIO2: content
+==== Watchdog
+Check if the watchdog module is loaded correctly.
+# lsmod | grep -e dog -e wdt
+iTCO_wdt 16384 1
+iTCO_vendor_support 16384 1 iTCO_wdt
+# ls -l /dev/watchdog
+crw------- 1 root root 10, 130 May 14 16:37 /dev/watchdog
+# lsof dev/watchdog
+sbd 686 root 4w CHR 10,130 0t0 410 /dev/watchdog
+Check this on both nodes. Both nodes should use the same watchdog driver.
+Which dirver that is depends on your hardware or hypervisor.
+See also
+https://documentation.suse.com/sle-ha/15-SP4/single-html/SLE-HA-administration/#sec-ha-storage-protect-watchdog .
+==== SBD device
+It is a good practice to check if the SBD device can be accessed from both nodes
+and contains valid records. Only one SBD device is used in this example. For
+production, always three devices should be used.
+# egrep -v "(^#|^$)" /etc/sysconfig/sbd
+# cs_show_sbd_devices
+==Dumping header on disk {myDevPartSbd}
+Header version : 2.1
+UUID : 0f4ea13e-fab8-4147-b9b2-3cdcfff07f86
+Number of slots : 255
+Sector size : 512
+Timeout (watchdog) : 20
+Timeout (allocate) : 2
+Timeout (loop) : 1
+Timeout (msgwait) : 120
+==Header on disk {myDevPartSbd} is dumped
+0 {myNode1} clear
+0 {myNode2} clear
+# systemctl status sbd | grep Active
+ Active: active (running) since Tue 2024-05-14 16:37:22 CEST; 13min ago
+Check this on both nodes.
+For more information on SBD configuration see
+https://documentation.suse.com/sle-ha/15-SP4/single-html/SLE-HA-administration/#cha-ha-storage-protect ,
+as well as TIDs 7016880 and 7008216. See also manual page sbd(8), stonith_sbd(7) and
+==== Corosync cluster communication
+// TODO PRIO2: content
+{myNode1}:~ # corosync-cfgtool -s
+Printing ring status.
+Local node ID 2
+ id = {myIPNode1}
+ status = ring 0 active with no faults
+Check this on both nodes.
+See appendix <> for a `corosync.conf` example.
+See also manual page systemctl(1), corosync.conf(5) and corosync-cfgtool(1).
+==== systemd cluster services
+// TODO PRIO2: content
+# systemctl status pacemaker | grep Active
+ Active: active (running) since Tue 2024-05-14 16:37:28 CEST; 17min ago
+Check this on both nodes.
+See also manual page systemctl(1).
+==== Basic Linux cluster configuration
+// TODO PRIO2: content
+# crm_mon -1r
+Cluster Summary:
+ * Stack: corosync
+ * Current DC: {myNode1} (version 2.1.2+20211124...) - partition with quorum
+ * Last updated: Tue May 14 17:03:30 2024
+ * Last change: Mon Apr 22 15:00:58 2024 by root via cibadmin on {myNode2}
+ * 2 nodes configured
+ * 1 resource instances configured
+Node List:
+ * Online: [ {myNode1} {myNode2} ]
+Full List of Resources:
+ * rsc_stonith_sbd (stonith:external/sbd): Started {myNode1}
+Check this on both nodes.
+See also manual page crm_mon(8).
+== Checking the ControlZone setup
+The ControlZone needs to be tested without Linux cluster before integrating
+both. Each test needs to be done on both nodes.
+=== Checking ControlZone on central NFS share
+Check mzadmin´s environment variables MZ_HOME, JAVA_HOME, PATH and check the
+`mzsh startup/shutdown/status` functionality for MZ_HOME on central NFS.
+This is needed on both nodes. Before starting ControlZone services on one node,
+make very sure it is not running on the other node.
+# su - {mySapAdm}
+~ > echo $MZ_HOME $JAVA_HOME
+/usr/sap/{mySid} /usr/lib64/jvm/jre-17-openjdk
+~ > which mzsh
+~ > echo "are you sure platform is not running on the other node?"
+are you sure platform is not running on the other node?
+~ > mzsh startup -f platform
+Starting platform...done.
+~ > mzsh statu platform; echo $?
+platform is running
+~ > mzsh startup -f ui
+Starting ui...done.
+~ > mzsh status ui; echo $?
+ui is running
+~ > mzsh shutdown ui
+Shutting down ui....done.
+~ > mzsh status ui; echo $?
+ui is not running
+~ > mzsh shutdown platform
+Shutting down platform......done.
+~ > mzsh status platform; echo $?
+platform is not running
+Do the above on both nodes.
+=== Checking ControlZone on each node´s local disk
+Check mzadmin´s environment variables MZ_HOME, JAVA_HOME, PATH and check the
+`mzsh status` functionality for MZ_HOME on local disk.
+This is needed on both nodes.
+# su - {mySapAdm}
+~ > export MZ_HOME="/opt/cm/{mySid}"
+~ > export PATH="/opt/cm/{mySid}/bin:$PATH"
+~ > echo $MZ_HOME $JAVA_HOME
+/opt/cm/{mySid} /usr/lib64/jvm/jre-17-openjdk
+~ > which mzsh
+~ > mzsh status platform; echo $?
+platform is running
+~ > mzsh status ui; echo $?
+ui is running
+Do the above on both nodes. The ControlZone services should be running on either
+node, but not on both in parallel, of course.
+== Integrating {ConMed} ControlZone with the Linux cluster
+// TODO PRIO2: content
+=== Preparing mzadmin user ~/.bashrc file
+Certain values for environment variables JAVA_HOME, MZ_HOME and MZ_PLATFORM are
+needed. For cluster actions, the values are inherited from the RA thru related
+RA_... variables. For manual admin actions, the values are set as default.
+This is needed on both nodes.
+{myNode1}:~ # su - {mySapAdm}
+{myNode1}:~ > vi ~/.bashrc
+export MZ_PLATFORM=${RA_MZ_PLATFORM:-"{mzPlatf}"}
+export MZ_HOME=${RA_MZ_HOME:-"/usr/sap/{mySid}"}
+export JAVA_HOME=${RA_JAVA_HOME:-"{mzJavah}"}
+{myNode1}:~ > scp ~/.bashrc {myNode2}:~/
+{myNode1}:~ > md5sum ~/.bashrc
+{myNode1}:~ > ssh {myNode2} "md5sum ~/.bashrc"
+See <> and manual page ocf_suse_SAPCMControlZone(7) for details.
+=== Preparing the OS for NFS monitoring
+// TODO PRIO2: content
+This is needed on both nodes.
+{myNode1}:~ # mkdir -p /usr/sap/{mySid}/.check /usr/sap/.check_{mySid}
+{myNode1}:~ # ssh {myNode2} "mkdir -p /usr/sap/{mySid}/.check /usr/sap/.check_{mySid}"
+See manual page ocf_suse_SAPCMControlZone(7), ocf_heartbeat_Filesystem(7) and
+=== Adapting the cluster basic configuration
+// TODO PRIO2: content
+All steps for loading configuration into the Cluster Information Base (CIB) need
+to be done only on one node.
+==== Adapting cluster bootstrap options and resource defaults
+The first example defines the cluster bootstrap options, the resource and operation
+defaults. The stonith-timeout should be greater than 1.2 times the SBD on-disk msgwait
+timeout. The priority-fencing-delay should be at least 2 times the SBD CIB pcmk_delay_max.
+# vi crm-cib.txt
+# enter the below to crm-cib.txt
+property cib-bootstrap-options: \
+ have-watchdog=true \
+ cluster-infrastructure=corosync \
+ cluster-name=hacluster \
+ dc-deadtime=20 \
+ stonith-enabled=true \
+ stonith-timeout=150 \
+ priority-fencing-delay=30 \
+ stonith-action=reboot
+rsc_defaults rsc-options: \
+ resource-stickiness=1 \
+ migration-threshold=3 \
+ failure-timeout=86400
+op_defaults op-options: \
+ timeout=120 \
+ record-pending=true
+Load the file to the cluster.
+# crm configure load update crm-cib.txt
+See also manual page crm(8), sbd(8) and SAPCMControlZone_basic_cluster(7).
+==== Adapting SBD STONITH resource
+The next configuration part defines an disk-based SBD STONITH resource.
+Timing is adapted for priority fencing.
+# vi crm-sbd.txt
+# enter the below to crm-sbd.txt
+primitive rsc_stonith_sbd stonith:external/sbd \
+ params pcmk_delay_max=15
+Load the file to the cluster.
+# crm configure load update crm-sbd.txt
+See also manual pages crm(8), sbd(8), stonith_sbd(7) and SAPCMControlZone_basic_cluster(7).
+=== Configuring ControlZone cluster resources
+// TODO PRIO2: content
+==== Virtual IP address resource
+Now an IP adress resource `rsc_ip_{mySid}` is configured.
+In case of IP address failure (or monitor timeout), the IP address resource gets
+restarted until it gains success or migration-threshold is reached.
+# vi crm-ip.txt
+# enter the below to crm-ip.txt
+primitive rsc_ip_{mySid} ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
+ op monitor interval=60 timeout=20 on-fail=restart \
+ params ip={myVipAcz} \
+ meta maintenance=true
+Load the file to the cluster.
+# crm configure load update crm-ip.txt
+See also manual page crm(8) and ocf_heartbeat_IPAddr2(7).
+==== Filesystem resource (only monitoring)
+A shared filesystem might be statically mounted by OS on both cluster nodes.
+This filesystem holds work directories. It must not be confused with the
+ControlZone application itself. Client-side write caching has to be disabled.
+A Filesystem resource `rsc_fs_{mySid}` is configured for a bind-mount of the real
+NFS share.
+This resource is grouped with the ControlZone platform and IP address. In case
+of filesystem failures, the node gets fenced.
+No mount or umount on the real NFS share is done.
+Example for the real NFS share is `/usr/sap/{mySid}/.check` , example for the
+bind-mount is `/usr/sap/.check_{mySid}` . Both mount points have to be created
+before the cluster resource is activated.
+# vi crm-fs.txt
+# enter the below to crm-fs.txt
+primitive rsc_fs_{mySid} ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
+ params device=/usr/sap/{mySid}/.check directory=/usr/sap/.check_{mySid} \
+ fstype=nfs4 options=bind,rw,noac,sync,defaults \
+ op monitor interval=90 timeout=120 on-fail=fence \
+ op_params OCF_CHECK_LEVEL=20 \
+ op start timeout=120 \
+ op stop timeout=120 \
+ meta maintenance=true
+Load the file to the cluster.
+# crm configure load update crm-fs.txt
+See also manual page crm(8), SAPCMControlZone_basic_cluster(7), ocf_heartbeat_Filesystem(7)
+and nfs(5).
+==== SAP Convergent Mediation ControlZone platform and UI resources
+A ControlZone platform resource `rsc_cz_{mySid}` is configured, handled by OS user
+`{mySapAdm}`. The local `{mzsh}` is used for monitoring, but for other actions
+the central `/usr/sap/{mySid}/bin/mzsh` is used.
+In case of ControlZone platform failure (or monitor timeout), the platform resource
+gets restarted until it gains success or migration-threshold is reached.
+If migration-threshold is reached, or if the node fails where the group is running,
+the group will be moved to the other node.
+A priority is configured for correct fencing in split-brain situations.
+# vi crm-cz.txt
+# enter the below to crm-cz.txt
+primitive rsc_cz_{mySid} ocf:suse:SAPCMControlZone \
+ params SERVICE=platform USER={mySapAdm} \
+ MZSHELL={mzsh};/usr/sap/{mySid}/bin/mzsh \
+ MZHOME={mzhome}/;/usr/sap/{mySid}/ \
+ MZPLATFORM={mzPlatf} \
+ JAVAHOME={mzJavah} \
+ op monitor interval=90 timeout=150 on-fail=restart \
+ op start timeout=300 \
+ op stop timeout=300 \
+ meta priority=100 maintenance=true
+Load the file to the cluster.
+# crm configure load update crm-cz.txt
+A ControlZone UI resource `rsc_ui_{mySid}` is configured, handled by OS user
+`{mySapAdm}`. The local `{mzsh}` is used for monitoring, but for other actions
+the central `/usr/sap/{mySid}/bin/mzsh` is used.
+In case of ControlZone UI failure (or monitor timeout), the UI resource gets
+restarted until it gains success or migration-threshold is reached.
+If migration-threshold is reached, or if the node fails where the group is running,
+the group will be moved to the other node.
+# vi crm-ui.txt
+# enter the below to crm-ui.txt
+primitive rsc_ui_{mySid} ocf:suse:SAPCMControlZone \
+ params SERVICE=ui USER={mySapAdm} \
+ MZSHELL={mzsh};/usr/sap/{mySid}/bin/mzsh \
+ MZHOME={mzhome}/;/usr/sap/{mySid}/ \
+ MZPLATFORM={mzPlatf} \
+ JAVAHOME={mzJavah} \
+ op monitor interval=90 timeout=150 on-fail=restart \
+ op start timeout=300 \
+ op stop timeout=300 \
+ meta maintenance=true
+Load the file to the cluster.
+# crm configure load update crm-ui.txt
+An overview on the RA SAPCMControlZone parameters are given below.
+.Table Description of important resource agent parameters
+|OS user who calls mzsh, owner of $MZ_HOME (might be different from $HOME).
+Optional. Unique, string. Default value: "mzadmin".
+|The ControlZone service to be managed by the resource agent.
+Optional. Unique, [ platform \| ui ]. Default value: "platform".
+|Path to mzsh. Could be one or two full paths. If one path is given, that path
+is used for all actions. In case two paths are given, the first one is used for
+monitor actions, the second one is used for start/stop actions. If two paths are
+given, the first needs to be on local disk, the second needs to be on the central
+NFS share with the original CM ControlZone installation. Two paths are separated
+by a semi-colon (;). The mzsh contains settings that need to be consistent with
+MZ_PLATFORM, MZ_HOME, JAVA_HOME. Please refer to Convergent Mediation product
+documentation for details.
+Optional. Unique, string. Default value: "/opt/cm/bin/mzsh".
+|Path to CM ControlZone installation directory, owned by the mzadmin user.
+Could be one or two full paths. If one path is given, that path is used for all
+actions. In case two paths are given, the first one is used for monitor actions,
+the second one is used for start/stop actions. If two paths are given, the
+first needs to be on local disk, the second needs to be on the central NFS share
+with the original CM ControlZone installation. See also JAVAHOME. Two paths are
+separated by semi-colon (;).
+Optional. Unique, string. Default value: "/opt/cm/".
+|URL used by mzsh for connecting to CM ControlZone services.
+Could be one or two URLs. If one URL is given, that URL is used for all actions.
+In case two URLs are given, the first one is used for monitor and stop actions,
+the second one is used for start actions. Two URLs are separated by semi-colon
+(;). Should usually not be changed. The service´s virtual hostname or virtual IP
+address managed by the cluster must never be used for RA monitor actions.
+Optional. Unique, string. Default value: "http://localhost:9000".
+|Path to Java virtual machine used for CM ControlZone.
+Could be one or two full paths. If one path is given, that path is used for all
+actions. In case two paths are given, the first one is used for monitor actions,
+the second one is used for start/stop actions. If two paths are given, the
+first needs to be on local disk, the second needs to be on the central NFS share
+with the original CM ControlZone installation. See also MZHOME. Two paths are
+separated by semi-colon (;).
+Optional. Unique, string. Default value: "/usr/lib64/jvm/jre-17-openjdk".
+See also manual page crm(8) and ocf_suse_SAPCMControlZone(7).
+==== CM ControlZone resource group
+ControlZone platform and UI resources `rsc_cz_{mySid}` and `rsc_ui_{mySid}` are grouped
+with filesystem `rsc_fs_{mySid}` and IP address resource `rsc_ip_{mySid}` into group
+`grp_cz_{mySid}`. The filesystem starts first, then platform, IP address starts before
+UI. The resource group might run on either node, but never in parallel.
+If the filesystem resource gets restarted, all resources of the group will restart as
+well. If the platform or IP adress resource gets restarted, the UI resource will
+restart as well.
+# vi crm-grp.txt
+# enter the below to crm-grp.txt
+group grp_cz_{mySid} rsc_fs_{mySid} rsc_cz_{mySid} rsc_ip_{mySid} rsc_ui_{mySid} \
+ meta maintenance=true
+Load the file to the cluster.
+# crm configure load update crm-grp.txt
+=== Activating the cluster resources
+// TODO PRIO2: content
+# crm resource refresh grp_cz_{mySid}
+# crm resource maintenance grp_cz_{mySid} off
+=== Checking the cluster resource configuration
+// TODO PRIO2: content
+# crm_mon -1r
+Cluster Summary:
+ * Stack: corosync
+ * Current DC: {myNode1} (version 2.1.2+20211124...) - partition with quorum
+ * Last updated: Tue May 14 17:03:30 2024
+ * Last change: Mon Apr 22 15:00:58 2024 by root via cibadmin on {myNode2}
+ * 2 nodes configured
+ * 5 resource instances configured
+Node List:
+ * Online: [ {myNode1} {myNode2} ]
+Full List of Resources:
+ * rsc_stonith_sbd (stonith:external/sbd): Started {myNode1}
+ * Resource Group: grp_cz_{mySid}:
+ * rsc_fs_{mySid} (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started {myNode2}
+ * rsc_cz_{mySid} (ocf::suse:SAPCMControlZone): Started {myNode2}
+ * rsc_ip_{mySid} (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started {myNode2}
+ * rsc_ui_{mySid} (ocf::suse:SAPCMControlZone): Started {myNode2}
+The HA cluster is up and running, controlling the ControlZone resources.
+Now it might be a good idea to make a backup of the cluster configuration.
+FIRSTIME=$(date +%s)
+# crm configure show > crm-all-$\{FIRSTIME\}.txt
+# cat crm-all-$\{FIRSTIME\}.txt
+# crm_report
+See the appendix <> for a complete CIB example.
+=== Testing the HA cluster
+As with any HA cluster, testing is crucial. Make sure that all test cases derived
+from customer expectations are conducted and passed. Otherwise the project is likely
+to fail in production.
+- Set up a test cluster for testing configuration changes and administrative
+procedures before applying them on the production cluster.
+- Carefully define, perform, and document tests for all scenarios that should be
+covered, as well as all maintenance procedures.
+- Test ControlZone features without Linux cluster before doing the overall
+cluster tests.
+- Test basic Linux cluster features without ControlZone before doing the overall
+cluster tests.
+- Follow the overall best practices, see <>.
+- Open an additional terminal window on an node that is expected to not get fenced.
+In that terminal, continously run `cs_show_cluster_actions` or alike.
+See manual page cs_show_cluster_actions(8) and SAPCMControlZone_maintenance_examples(7).
+The following list shows common test cases for the CM ControlZone resources managed
+by the HA cluster.
+// Manually restarting ControlZone resources in-place
+- <>
+// Manually migrating ControlZone resources
+- <>
+// Testing ControlZone UI restart by cluster on UI failure
+- <>
+// Testing ControlZone restart by cluster on platform failure
+- <>
+// Testing ControlZone takeover by cluster on node failure
+- <>
+// Testing ControlZone takeover by cluster on NFS failure
+- <>
+// Testing cluster reaction on network split-brain
+- <>
+This is not a complete list. Please define additional test cases according to your
+needs. Some examples are listed in <>.
+And please do not forget to perform every test on each node.
+NOTE: Tests for the basic HA cluster as well as tests for the bare CM ControlZone
+components are not covered in this document. Please refer to the respective product
+documentation for this tests.
+// TODO PRIO2: URLs to product docu for tests
+The test prerequisite, if not described differently, is always that both cluster
+nodes are booted and joined to the cluster. SBD and corosync are fine.
+NFS and local disks are fine. The ControlZone resources are all running.
+No failcounts or migration constraints are in the CIB. The cluster is idle, no
+actions are pending.
+==== Manually restarting ControlZone resources in-place
+- ControlZone resources
+- The ControlZone resources are stopped and re-started in-place.
+. Check the ControlZone resources and cluster.
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. Stop the ControlZone resources.
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm resource stop grp_cz_{mySid}
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. Check the ControlZone resources.
+# su - {mySapAdm} -c "mzsh status"
+# mount | grep "/usr/sap/{mySid}"
+# df -h /usr/sap/{mySid}
+. Start the ControlZone resources.
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm resource start grp_cz_{mySid}
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. Check the ControlZone resources and cluster.
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. The cluster stops all resources gracefully.
+. The filesystem stays mounted.
+. The cluster starts all resources.
+. No resource failure happens.
+==== Manually migrating ControlZone resources
+- ControlZone resources
+- The ControlZone resources are stopped and then started on the other node.
+. Check the ControlZone resources and cluster.
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. Migrate the ControlZone resources.
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm resource move grp_cz_{mySid} force
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. Remove migration constraint.
+# crm resource clear grp_cz_{mySid}
+# crm configure show | grep cli-
+. Check the ControlZone resources and cluster.
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. The cluster stops all resources gracefully.
+. The filesystem stays mounted.
+. The cluster starts all resources on the other node.
+. No resource failure happens.
+==== Testing ControlZone UI restart by cluster on UI failure
+- ControlZone resources (UI)
+- The ControlZone UI is re-started on same node.
+. Check the ControlZone resources and cluster.
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. Manually kill ControlZone UI (on e.g. `{mynode1}`).
+# ssh root@{mynode1} "su - {mySapAdm} \"mzsh kill ui\""
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. Cleanup failcount.
+# crm resource cleanup grp_cz_{mySid}
+# cibadmin -Q | grep fail-count
+. Check the ControlZone resources and cluster.
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. The cluster detects faileded resource.
+. The filesystem stays mounted.
+. The cluster re-starts UI on same node.
+. One resource failure happens.
+==== Testing ControlZone restart by cluster on platform failure
+- ControlZone resources (platform)
+- The ControlZone resources are stopped and re-started on same node.
+. Check the ControlZone resources and cluster.
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. Manually kill ControlZone platform (on e.g. `{mynode1}`).
+# ssh root@{mynode1} "su - {mySapAdm} \"mzsh kill platform\""
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. Cleanup failcount.
+# crm resource cleanup grp_cz_{mySid}
+# cibadmin -Q | grep fail-count
+. Check the ControlZone resources and cluster.
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. The cluster detects faileded resource.
+. The filesystem stays mounted.
+. The cluster re-starts resources on same node.
+. One resource failure happens.
+==== Testing ControlZone takeover by cluster on node failure
+- Cluster node
+- The ControlZone resources are started on other node
+. Check the ControlZone resources and cluster.
+{mynode2}:~ # cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. Manually kill cluster node, where resources are running (e.g. `{mynode1}`).
+{mynode2}:~ # ssh root@{mynode1} "systemctl reboot --force"
+{mynode2}:~ # cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. Re-join fenced node (e.g. `{mynode1}`) to cluster.
+{mynode2}:~ # cs_show_sbd_devices | grep reset
+{mynode2}:~ # cs_clear_sbd_devices --all
+{mynode2}:~ # crm cluster start --all
+. Check the ControlZone resources and cluster.
+{mynode2}:~ # cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. The cluster detects failed node.
+. The cluster fences failed node.
+. The cluster starts all resources on the other node.
+. The fenced node needs to be joined to the cluster.
+. No resource failure happens.
+==== Testing ControlZone takeover by cluster on NFS failure
+- Network (for NFS)
+- The NFS share fails on one node and the cluster moves resources to other node.
+. Check the ControlZone resources and cluster.
+{mynode2}:~ # cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. Manually block port for NFS, where resources are running (e.g. `{mynode1}`).
+{mynode2}:~ # ssh root@{mynode1} "iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --ports 2049 -j DROP"
+{mynode2}:~ # ssh root@{mynode1} "iptables -L | grep 2049"
+{mynode2}:~ # cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. Re-join fenced node (e.g. `{mynode1}`) to cluster.
+{mynode2}:~ # cs_show_sbd_devices | grep reset
+{mynode2}:~ # cs_clear_sbd_devices --all
+{mynode2}:~ # crm cluster start --all
+. Check the ControlZone resources and cluster.
+{mynode2}:~ # cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+// TODO PRIO1: more test details
+. The cluster detects failed NFS.
+. The cluster fences node.
+. The cluster starts all resources on the other node.
+. The fenced node needs to be joined to the cluster.
+. Resource failure happens.
+==== Testing cluster reaction on network split-brain
+- Network (for corosync)
+- The network fails, node without resources gets fenced, resources keep running.
+. Check the ControlZone resources and cluster.
+{mynode2}:~ # cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. Manually block ports for corosync.
+{mynode2}:~ # grep mcastport /etc/corosync/corosync.conf
+{mynode2}:~ # ssh root@{mynode1} "iptables -I INPUT -p udp -m multiport --ports 5405,5407 -j DROP"
+{mynode2}:~ # ssh root@{mynode1} "iptables -L | grep -e 5405 -e 5407"
+{mynode2}:~ # cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+. Re-join fenced node (e.g. `{mynode1}`) to cluster.
+{mynode2}:~ # cs_show_sbd_devices | grep reset
+{mynode2}:~ # cs_clear_sbd_devices --all
+{mynode2}:~ # crm cluster start --all
+. Check the ControlZone resources and cluster.
+{mynode2}:~ # cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+// TODO PRIO1: more test details
+. The cluster detects failed corosync.
+. The cluster fences node.
+. The cluster keeps all resources on the same node.
+. The fenced node needs to be joined to the cluster.
+. No resource failure.
+=== Additional tests
+Please define additional test cases according to your needs. Some cases you might
+want to test are listed below.
+- Remove virtual IP address.
+- Stop and re-start passive node.
+- Stop and parallel re-start of all cluster nodes.
+- Isolate the SBD.
+- Maintenance procedure with cluster continuously running, but application restart.
+- Maintenance procedure with cluster restart, but application running.
+- Kill the corosync process of one cluster node.
+See also manual page crm(8) for cluster crash_test.
+== Administration
+HA clusters are complex, the CM ControlZone is complex.
+Deploying and running HA clusters for CM ControlZonen needs preparation and
+carefulness. Fortunately, most pitfalls and lots of proven procedures are already
+known. This chapter outlines common administrative tasks.
+=== Dos and don'ts
+Five basic rules will help to avoid known issues.
+- Carefully test all configuration changes and administrative procedures on the
+test cluster before applying them on the production cluster.
+- Before doing anything, always check for the Linux cluster's idle status,
+left-over migration constraints, and resource failures as well as the
+ControlZone status. See <>.
+- Be patient. For detecting the overall ControlZone status, the Linux cluster
+needs a certain amount of time, depending on the ControlZone services and the
+configured intervals and timeouts.
+- As long as the ControlZone components are managed by the Linux cluster, they
+must never be started/stopped/moved from outside. Thus no manual actions are done.
+See also the manual page SAPCMControlZone_maintenance_examples(7),
+SAPCMControlZone_basic_cluster(7) and ocf_suse_SAPCMControlZone(7).
+=== Showing status of ControlZone resources and HA cluster
+This steps should be performed before doing anything with the cluster, and after
+something has been done.
+# su - {mySapAdm} -c "mzsh status"
+# crm_mon -1r
+# crm configure show | grep cli-
+# cibadmin -Q | grep fail-count
+# cs_clusterstate -i
+See also manual page SAPCMControlZone_maintenance_examples(7), crm_mon(8),
+cs_clusterstate(8), cs_show_cluster_actions(8).
+=== Watching ControlZone resources and HA cluster
+This can be done during tests and maintenance procedures, to see status changes
+almost in real-time.
+# watch -s8 cs_show_cluster_actions
+See also manual page SAPCMControlZone_maintenance_examples(7), crm_mon(8),
+cs_clusterstate(8), cs_show_cluster_actions(8).
+=== Starting the ControlZone resources
+The cluster is used for starting the resources.
+# crm_mon -1r
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm resource start grp_cz_{mySid}
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+See also manual page SAPCMControlZone_maintenance_examples(7), crm(8).
+=== Stopping the ControlZone resources
+The cluster is used for stopping the resources.
+# crm_mon -1r
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm resource stop grp_cz_{mySid}
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+See also manual page SAPCMControlZone_maintenance_examples(7), crm(8).
+=== Migrating the ControlZone resources
+ControlZone application and Linux cluster are checked for clean and idle state.
+The ControlZone resources are moved to the other node. The related location rule
+is removed after the takeover took place. ControlZone application and HA cluster
+are checked for clean and idle state.
+# su - {mySapAdm} -c "mzsh status"
+# crm_mon -1r
+# crm configure show | grep cli-
+# cibadmin -Q | grep fail-count
+# cs_clusterstate -i
+# crm resource move grp_cz_{mySid} force
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+# crm resource clear grp_cz_{mySid}
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+# crm configure show | grep cli-
+# su - {mySapAdm} -c "mzsh status"
+See also manual page SAPCMControlZone_maintenance_examples(7).
+=== Example for generic maintenance procedure.
+Generic procedure, mainly for maintenance of the ControlZone components. The
+resources are temporarily taken out of cluster control. The Linux cluster remains
+ControlZone application and HA cluster are checked for clean and idle state.
+The ControlZone resource group is set into maintenance mode. This is needed to
+allow manual actions on the resources. After the manual actions are done, the
+resource group is put back under cluster control. It is neccessary to wait for
+each step to complete and to check the result. ControlZone application and HA
+cluster are finally checked for clean and idle state.
+# su - {mySapAdm} -c "mzsh status"
+# crm_mon -1r
+# crm configure show | grep cli-
+# cibadmin -Q | grep fail-count
+# cs_clusterstate -i
+# crm resource maintenance grp_cz_{mySid}
+# crm resource refresh grp_cz_{mySid}
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+# crm resource maintenance grp_cz_{mySid} off
+# cs_wait_for_idle -s 5; crm_mon -1r
+# su - {mySapAdm} -c "mzsh status"
+See also manual page SAPCMControlZone_maintenance_examples(7).
+=== Showing resource agent log messages
+Failed RA actions on one node are shown from the current messages file.
+# grep "SAPCMControlZone.*rc=[1-7,9]" /var/log/messages
+See also manual page ocf_suse_SAPCMControlZone(7).
+=== Cleaning up resource failcount
+This might be done after the cluster has recovered the resource from a failure.
+# crm resource cleanup grp_cz_{mySid}
+# cibadmin -Q | grep fail-count
+See also manual page ocf_suse_SAPCMControlZone(7) and
+== References
+For more information, see the documents listed below.
+=== Pacemaker
+- Pacemaker documentation online:
+:leveloffset: 2
+:leveloffset: 0
+== Appendix
+=== The mzadmin user´s ~/.bashrc file
+Find below a typical mzadmin user´s ~/.bashrc file.
+{myNode1}:~ # su - {mySapAdm} -c "cat ~./bashrc"
+export MZ_PLATFORM=${RA_MZ_PLATFORM:-"{mzPlatf}"}
+export MZ_HOME=${RA_MZ_HOME:-"/usr/sap/{mySid}"}
+export JAVA_HOME=${RA_JAVA_HOME:-"{mzJavah}"}
+=== CRM configuration for a typical setup
+Find below a typical CRM configuration for an CM ControlZone instance,
+with a dummy filesystem, platform and UI services and related IP address.
+{myNode1}:~ # crm configure show
+node 1: {myNode1}
+node 2: {myNode2}
+primitive rsc_fs_{mySid} ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
+ params device=/usr/sap/{mySid}/.check directory=/usr/sap/.check_{mySid} \
+ fstype=nfs4 options=bind,rw,noac,sync,defaults \
+ op monitor interval=90 timeout=120 on-fail=fence \
+ op_params OCF_CHECK_LEVEL=20 \
+ op start timeout=120 interval=0 \
+ op stop timeout=120 interval=0
+primitive rsc_cz_{mySid} ocf:suse:SAPCMControlZone \
+ params SERVICE=platform USER={mySapAdm} \
+ MZSHELL={mzsh};/usr/sap/{mySid}/bin/mzsh \
+ MZHOME={mzhome}/;/usr/sap/{mySid}/ \
+ MZPLATFORM={mzPlatf} \
+ JAVAHOME={mzJavah} \
+ op monitor interval=90 timeout=150 on-fail=restart \
+ op start timeout=300 interval=0 \
+ op stop timeout=300 interval=0 \
+ meta priority=100
+primitive rsc_ui_{mySid} ocf:suse:SAPCMControlZone \
+ params SERVICE=ui USER={mySapAdm} \
+ MZSHELL={mzsh};/usr/sap/{mySid}/bin/mzsh \
+ MZHOME={mzhome}/;/usr/sap/{mySid}/ \
+ MZPLATFORM={mzPlatf} \
+ JAVAHOME={mzJavah} \
+ op monitor interval=90 timeout=150 on-fail=restart \
+ op start timeout=300 interval=0 \
+ op stop timeout=300 interval=0
+primitive rsc_ip_{mySid} IPaddr2 \
+ params ip={myVipAcz} \
+ op monitor interval=60 timeout=20 on-fail=restart
+primitive rsc_stonith_sbd stonith:external/sbd \
+ params pcmk_delay_max=15
+group grp_cz_{mySid} rsc_fs_{mySid} rsc_cz_{mySid} rsc_ip_{mySid} rsc_ui_{mySid}
+property cib-bootstrap-options: \
+ have-watchdog=true \
+ dc-version="2.1.2+20211124.ada5c3b36-150400.2.43-2.1.2+20211124.ada5c3b36" \
+ cluster-infrastructure=corosync \
+ cluster-name=hacluster \
+ dc-deadtime=20 \
+ stonith-enabled=true \
+ stonith-timeout=150 \
+ stonith-action=reboot \
+ last-lrm-refresh=1704707877 \
+ priority-fencing-delay=30
+rsc_defaults rsc-options: \
+ resource-stickiness=1 \
+ migration-threshold=3 \
+ failure-timeout=86400
+op_defaults op-options: \
+ timeout=120 \
+ record-pending=true
+=== Corosync configuration of the two-node cluster
+Find below the corosync configuration for one corosync ring. Ideally two rings would be used.
+{myNode1}:~ # cat /etc/corosync/corosync.conf
+# Read the corosync.conf.5 manual page
+totem {
+ version: 2
+ secauth: on
+ crypto_hash: sha1
+ crypto_cipher: aes256
+ cluster_name: hacluster
+ clear_node_high_bit: yes
+ token: 5000
+ token_retransmits_before_loss_const: 10
+ join: 60
+ consensus: 6000
+ max_messages: 20
+ interface {
+ ringnumber: 0
+ mcastport: 5405
+ ttl: 1
+ }
+ transport: udpu
+logging {
+ fileline: off
+ to_stderr: no
+ to_logfile: no
+ logfile: /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
+ to_syslog: yes
+ debug: off
+ timestamp: on
+ logger_subsys {
+ subsys: QUORUM
+ debug: off
+ }
+nodelist {
+ node {
+ ring0_addr: {myIPNode1}
+ nodeid: 1
+ }
+ node {
+ ring0_addr: {myIPNode2}
+ nodeid: 2
+ }
+quorum {
+ # Enable and configure quorum subsystem (default: off)
+ # see also corosync.conf.5 and votequorum.5
+ provider: corosync_votequorum
+ expected_votes: 2
+ two_node: 1
+// Standard SUSE Best Practices includes
+== Legal notice
+// Standard SUSE Best Practices includes
+:leveloffset: 0
+// REVISION 0.1 2024/01
+// REVISION 0.2 2024/05
diff --git a/adoc/SAPNotes-convergent-mediation.adoc b/adoc/SAPNotes-convergent-mediation.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9eaed795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adoc/SAPNotes-convergent-mediation.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// TODO: unify with HANA setup guides
+= Related Manual Pages
+- chronyc(8)
+- chrony.conf(5)
+- corosync.conf(8)
+- corosync-cfgtool(8)
+- corosync_overview(8)
+- cibadmin(8)
+- crm(8)
+- crm_mon(8)
+- crm_report(8)
+- crm_simulate(8)
+- cs_clusterstate(8)
+- cs_man2pdf(8)
+- cs_show_cluster_actions(8)
+- cs_show_sbd_devices(8)
+- cs_wait_for_idle(8)
+- fstab(5)
+- ha_related_sap_notes(7)
+- ha_related_suse_tids(7)
+- hosts(5)
+- mount.nfs(8)
+- nfs(5)
+- ocf_heartbeat_Filesystem(7)
+- ocf_heartbeat_IPAddr2(7)
+- ocf_heartbeat_ping(7)
+- ocf_suse_SAPCMControlZone(7)
+- passwd(5)
+- SAPCMControlZone_basic_cluster(7)
+- SACMPControlZone_maintenance_procedures(7)
+- saptune(8)
+- sbd(8)
+- stonith_sbd(7)
+- supportconfig(8)
+- systemctl(8)
+- systemd-cgls(8)
+- usermod(8)
+- votequorum(5)
+- zypper(8)
+= Related SUSE TIDs
+- Diagnostic Data Collection Master TID (https://www.suse.com/support/kb/doc/?id=000019514)
+- How to enable cluster resource tracing (https://www.suse.com/support/kb/doc/?id=000019138)
+- NFS file system is hung. New mount attempts hang also. (https://www.suse.com/support/kb/doc/?id=000019722)
+- An NFS client hangs on various operations, including "df". Hard vs Soft NFS mounts. (https://www.suse.com/support/kb/doc/?id=000020830)
+= Related SUSE Documentation
+- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications (https://documentation.suse.com/sles-sap/)
+- SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability (https://documentation.suse.com/sle-ha)
+= Related Digital Route Documentation
+- ControlZone tool mzsh (https://infozone.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MD9/pages/4881672/mzsh)
+- ControlZone requirements (https://infozone.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MD9/pages/4849685/System+Requirements).
+- ControlZone installation https://infozone.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MD9/pages/4849683/Installation+Instructions
+= Related SAP Documentation
+- SAP RISE (https://www.sap.com/products/erp/rise.html)
+- SAP BRIM Convergent Mediation (https://www.sap.com/products/financial-management/convergent-mediation.html)
+- SAP Product Availability Matrix (https://support.sap.com/en/release-upgrade-maintenance.html#section_1969201630)
+= Related SAP Notes
+- 1552925 - Linux: High Availability Cluster Solutions (https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/1552925)
+- 1763512 - Support details for SUSE Linux Enterprise for SAP Applications (https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/1763512)
+- 2369910 - SAP Software on Linux: General information (https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2369910)
+- 2578899 - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15: Installation Note (https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2578899)
+- 3079845 - Standard Practices for SAP CM High Availability (https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/3079845)
+// REVISION 0.1 2024/01
diff --git a/adoc/Var_SAP-convergent-mediation.adoc b/adoc/Var_SAP-convergent-mediation.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13b95aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adoc/Var_SAP-convergent-mediation.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+:mySid: C11
+:mySidLc: c11
+:mySapAdm: {mySidLc}adm
+:hanaSidDB: H11
+:myDev: /dev/sda
+:myDevA: /dev/disk/by-id/Example-A
+:myDevPartSbd: {myDevA}-part1
+:mzhome: /opt/cm/{mySid}
+:mzsh: {mzhome}/bin/mzsh
+:mzdata: /usr/sap/{mySid}/interface
+:mzJavah: /usr/lib64/jvm/jre-17-openjdk
+:mzPlatf: http://localhost:9000
+:myNFSSapmedia: /sapmedia
+:mySAPinst: /sapmedia/SWPM20_P9/
+:myVipNcz: {mySidLc}cz
+:myVipNDb: {mySidLc}db
+:myNode1: akka1
+:myNode2: akka2
+:myVipNM: /24
+:myHaNetIf: eth0
+:sap: SAP
+:sapReg: SAP(R)
+:sapBS: {SAP} Business Suite
+:sapBSReg: {SAPReg} Business Suite
+:sapNW: {SAP} NetWeaver
+:sapS4: {sap} S/4HANA
+:sapS4insm: {sap} S/4HANA Server 2021
+:sapS4pl: {sap} S/4HANA ABAP Platform
+:sapCert: {SAP} S/4-HA-CLU 1.0
+:sapERS: {sap} Enqueue Replication Server 2
+:sapHana: {sap} HANA
+:s4Hana: {sap} S/4HANA
+:linux: Linux
+:suse: SUSE
+:sleAbbr: SLE
+:sle: SUSE Linux Enterprise
+:sleReg: {SUSEReg} Linux Enterprise
+:slesAbbr: SLES
+:sles: {sle} Server
+:slesReg: {sleReg} Server
+:sles4sapAbbr: {slesAbbr} for {SAP}
+:sles4sap: {sles} for {SAP} Applications
+:sles4sapReg: {slesReg} for {SAP} Applications
+:sleHA: {sle} High Availability
+:sapHanaSR: {sap}HanaSR
+:DigRoute: Digital Route
+:ConMed: Convergent Mediation
+:prodNr: 15
+:prodSP: SP4
+:testComp: Component:
+:testDescr: Description:
+:testProc: Procedure:
+:testExpect: Expected:
diff --git a/images/src/svg/sles4sap_cm_cluster.svg b/images/src/svg/sles4sap_cm_cluster.svg
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index 00000000..8256b428
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+++ b/images/src/svg/sles4sap_cm_cluster.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
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index 00000000..ef2fc822
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@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
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