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Kevin setup guide

Components needed for a smooth experience*:

  • Kevin: Main daemon
  • Justin: Container provider daemon
  • Chantal: In-container agent to run the job
  • Mandy: Webinterface

* Disclaimer: The experience may not actually be smooth and likely more components are needed.


  • Install kevin on a server
  • Create/edit kevin.conf, justin.conf and add a config for all your projects to be built
  • Set up a VM or container with active SSH and add it to justin.conf
  • Add kevin-ci as github webhook
  • Run kevin and justin (e.g. as systemd service)
  • Add the kevinfile control file to your project repo
  • Pull requests are built inside a temporary container copy
  • Set up a webserver to serve the mandy webinterface and your build output folder

Data flow

  • kevin interacts with the outside world (your git hoster). It gets notified by pull requests. You need a server for it.

  • kevin contacts justin to start a VM. You need a server for justin again, but it can be the same machine where kevin is running on. There can be multiple justins.

  • justin launches a container/virtual machine provided by you. You create the machine template (just set up a debian...) or use docker, etc. Your pull request is then built inside that container by chantal.

  • After the job was run, the machine is reverted back to the template.

  • mandy presents the build progress in your browser in real-time.

You are responsible for managing and updating the container 😄. Which is one of the main reasons we created kevin.

Security design

kevin is designed in a way that arbitrary code can be executed in the container and will not harm your host system, apart from the usual virtual machine/container exit exploits that we can't prevent.

Our code is of course 100% bugfree, we even have created a program to verify that kevin can never hang up. Hrr hrr...

Project config

Kevin supports hosting multiple projects. Each project can spawn as many "jobs" as you like to have.

  • Build: Equal to a commit hash. Spawns jobs which must succeed.
  • Job: Performed by chantal inside a container.
  • Step: One step in a job, as defined in the in-repo kevinfile control file.
  • Command: Each step runs one or more commands.

Component setup

We support different container backends. Have a look inside justin/machine/ to see which ones and to add more container types.

Host system (Kevin)

Kevin gets a notification that it should build something, and kevin then notifies justin to provide a container.

  • Install
    • python >=3.11
    • aiohttp >=2.0
  • Create user kevin (you can, of course, change that)
    • Create /etc/kevin/kevin.conf from kevin.conf.example
    • Create a password-less SSH key with ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 for the user kevin
  • Install the kevin Python module (ideally, as a systemd unit or whatever)
Container provider (Justin)

Justin starts and cleans up containers when Kevin requests them.

  • Install

    • python >=3.6
    • your container implementation of choice: qemu, libpod, docker, ...
  • Create /etc/kevin/justin.conf from justin.conf.example

  • Register this justin by adding it to the kevin.conf [justin] section.

    • If this justin is on the same machine as kevin:

      • add justin_name=userid@/run/kevin/justin and kevin will use this Unix socket to contact justin
    • If this justin is a different physical machine than the host for kevin:

      • Create user justin on the justin host
      • In kevin.conf, section [justin], add [email protected], kevin will then contact justin via SSH
      • In ~justin/.ssh/authorized_keys, force the ssh command to command="python3 -m useridentifier" ssh-rsa kevinkeyblabla... This sets up password-less SSH access (ssh-copy-id..) for kevin to [email protected] and forces the justin shell.
  • optional: create firewall rules to prevent the VMs launched by justin from talking to internals of your network

Guest systems (Chantal)

Setting up the guest system depends on the container technology you use.


The project config determines active Kevin plugins and their configuration.

  • On the kevin machine, create a folder where project configurations reside in

    • /etc/kevin/projects/ may be a good location
    • In there, create lolmyproject.conf from the etc/project.conf.example file
    • For each project, create a file with a suitable name in /etc/kevin/projects/
  • For the project you want to test, create kevin control file kevinfile in the project repo root (e.g. ~/dev/openage/kevinfile)

    • You can change the name to anything you want, even kartoffelsalat
    • If you change it, set the name in the lolmyproject.conf
  • Create GitHub webhook:

    • Settings > Webhooks and Services > Add Webhook
    • content type: JSON, URL: http://your-kevin-host:webhook_port/hook-github
    • Create a secret with e.g. pwgen 1 30 and save it in the github webhook and your projects/yourproject.conf section [github_webhook]
    • Select events: Pull Request and Push
Webinterface (Mandy)
  • Just serve the mandy folder on any machine in the world.
  • Use nginx or lighttpd or apache, it does not matter.
  • Enter the location where mandy can be reached in kevin.conf
  • To allow output file downloads, you have to serve your static folder with another (or the same) webserver.


  • You can directly run Chantal without all the other fuzz and see how it will build stuff.
  • Kevin would do the same thing in the container/VM.
  • To test, invoke python3 -m chantal --help and be enlightnened.
    • You can run Chantal inside your project without cloning it:

    • python3 -m chantal --dir /your/project/repo $jobname

    • $jobname is used for evaluating conditions in the kevinfile. Later, the jobname passed to Chantal will be taken from the job name you set up for a project in the its config file lolmyproject.conf.

    • The same test can be done within your VM/container:

    • python3 -m chantal --dir /tmp/clonedest --clone $clone_url --checkout $branchname_or_hashname $jobname


  • Persistent storage for kevin is done in [projects]/output_folder.

    • All build data will be stored there.
    • There's no cleanup mechanism yet (you may implemente it :)
  • systemd setup

    • copy and adjust etc/kevin.service to /etc/systemd/system/kevin.service
    • copy and adjust etc/justin.service to /etc/systemd/system/justin.service
    • copy and adjust etc/tmpfiles.d/kevin.conf to /etc/tmpfiles.d/kevin.conf
    • enable the service with systemctl enable $name.service
    • start them with systemctl start $name.service
  • Non-daemon launch

    • Run kevin with python3 -m kevin
    • Run justin with python3 -m justin
  • After setup, manage a container with python3 -m justin.manage

    • For example: python3 -m justin.manage unix:///run/kevin/justin your_vm_id
  • We recommend to first test with a dummy repository that just contains a simple kevinfile, instead of the "real" project.

  • Test without github: Try using the Kevin Simulator

  • Test with github: Just make a pull request!


If you encounter any problem, please contact us and ask!

If things crash, bug, or whatever, create an issue!

If you think this guide or anything else in this project is crap and sucks, just do better!