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753 lines (468 loc) · 36.5 KB

File metadata and controls

753 lines (468 loc) · 36.5 KB


Breaking Changes

Function removed

Function moved

Signature changed

Implementation changed


New Functionalities

  • [connectivity] Add transform function to create OAuth2ClientCredentials destinations from service bindings. (7ccc9a3)


Fixed Issues

  • [generator-common] Fix ESM client code compilation by allowing the module option to be set to nodenext or node16 in a custom tsconfig.json file. (745766e)
  • [mail-client] Fix mail client issue for port 465 with on-premise setup. (ea9b6b5)
  • [mail-client] Fix email sending functionality to ensure that emails are sent to all valid addresses. Previously, if an email failed, all subsequent emails were not sent.


Fixed Issues


Fixed Issues

  • [eslint-config] Fix incorrect reference of the stylistic plugin in the flat config. (c1d53d2)


Compatibility Notes

  • [eslint-config] Remove import/no-relative-parent-imports rule that has never worked correctly as provided. (a729a72)

New Functionalities

  • [eslint-config] Add @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-imports to the ruleset. (252c338)
  • [openapi-generator] Add support for discriminator properties in schemas that include oneOf and anyOf. Also add support for incorrect usage of the discriminator property with schemas of type object. (d073a48)

Fixed Issues

  • [eslint-config] Fix incorrect resolution of imports for TypeScript. This may result in a lot more findings. (a729a72)
  • [openapi-generator] Ignore charset parameter in media types given in OpenAPI specification. (c4153b9)



  • [openapi-generator] Update generation of properties with nullable: true in the spec to include type | null in the output types. (d2a2394)
  • [openapi-generator] Normalize schemas that have allOf, anyOf, or oneOf alongside properties defined at the same level. (d2a2394)
  • [openapi-generator] Configure generated OpenAPI clients to handle text/plain, application/octet-stream, and wildcard */* content types in response headers. (89f77cd)


API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • [connectivity] Throw an error if a JWT for caching was provided, but doesn't contain tenant information. (39eb88c)

Fixed Issues


API Docs:

Fixed Issues

  • [openapi-generator] Prevent query parameters from being optional when header parameters are required in signature. (a566fdd)


API Docs:

Fixed Issues


API Docs:

New Functionalities

  • [connectivity] Support IAS tokens without the need to pass iss in the destination fetch options. (06e5c72)
  • [openapi-generator, generator-common] Introduce option generateESM in OpenAPI generator to generate ESM compatible code. (3a93e38)

Fixed Issues

  • [connectivity] Fix the JwtPayload import.
  • [mail-client] Fix the type of replyTo property in the MailConfig interface. (00fa35d)


API Docs:

New Functionalities

  • [connectivity] Add getTenantId() function for convenience. (dbad36f)
  • [mail-client] Add support for multi-tenancy for on-premise mail destinations. (68a07d6)


  • [connectivity] Use tenant ID instead of tenant-aware authentication URL for the client credentials cache. (54a46a3)
  • [connectivity] Retrieve service token for OAuth2ClientCredentials authentication only once. (99b5009)
  • [openapi-generator] Generated OpenAPI clients support application/merge-patch+json media type for patch requests. (e9a243a)

Fixed Issues

  • [connectivity] Fix token fetching for mail multi-tenancy scenarios.
  • [mail-client] Fix token fetching for mail multi-tenancy scenarios. (86f4158)


API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • [connectivity] The JKU header in JWTs is no longer verified. Instead the signature of the JWT is verified, which is more secure. (4f29615)
  • [generator] Generation of OData clients does no longer fail if basePath value cannot be determined. It will be set to / by default. (ef3a800)

New Functionalities

  • [connectivity] Add convenience function transformServiceBindingToDestination() to create destination from service bindings. The following service bindings are supported:

    • business-logging
    • destination
    • s4-hana-cloud
    • saas-registry
    • workflow
    • service-manager
    • xsuaa
    • aicore (efa75d3)


  • [connectivity] Expose getServiceBinding(). This was previously an internal function. (efa75d3)
  • [generator] Generated clients support noImplicitOverride config option in tsconfig.json. (022adae)
  • [generator] If basePath cannot be determined, it is set to /, and generation no longer fails. (28ab1a4)
  • [openapi-generator] Generate OpenAPI clients with header parameters. (aa0b849)

Fixed Issues

  • [generator] Fix incorrect warning logs for operation imports that have a matching operation in the service specification. (9efe37e)


API Docs:


  • [openapi] Expose custom type for addCustomRequestConfiguration method of Openapi Request Builder (4b3ebfd)
  • [eslint-config] Add a config based on the new Eslint flat config format. The new config can be used inside a eslint.config.js file. (7760692)


API Docs:

Fixed Issues

  • [openapi-generator] Fix nested array type in generated OpenAPI schemas such that array wraps the whole object. (ff3ede6)
  • [openapi-generator] Fix serialization of path params that contain quotes to avoid syntax error and failing client generation (b4bc9ad)


API Docs:

New Functionalities

  • [connectivity] Support the AI Core Service Binding when creating destinations from service bindings (f72986a)


API Docs:

Fixed Issues

  • [connectivity] Fix fetchDestinationWithoutTokenRetrieval to correctly return instance and subaccount destinations.
  • [openapi, odata-common] Fix type in addCustomRequestConfiguration method to accept values of type any. (60fdc04)


API Docs:

New Functionalities

  • [connectivity] Support certificates in PEM format for ClientCertificateAuthentication. (36be489)

Fixed Issues

  • [openapi] Fix incorrect encoding of query parameters in OpenAPI requests. Query parameters (except for additional custom parameters) are now encoded by default. To change this behavior overwrite the parameterEncoder in the request options. (d6b1c5b)
  • [openapi-generator] Fix types in generated OpenAPI schemas to have proper types instead of type any. (6bbdd4d)


API Docs:


  • [mail-client] Add optional logger property to enable console logs. Defaults to false. (7ec62fa)

Fixed Issues

  • [mail-client] Fix "Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames" issues with "localhost" when sending e-mails OnPremise. Always pass the host and port of the MAIL destination explicitly to the underlying nodemailer instead of falling back to the default.


API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • [connectivity] The SAP Cloud SDK used to get all subaccount and instance destinations, that are available with your JWT (without potentially required token retrieval), through two requests to the destination service (/subaccountDestinations and /instanceDestinations). While this approach can have advantages when caching, it can cause severe performance issues without caching. Therefore, from now on, only one destination is retrieved per requested destination through /destinations. You can no longer rely on the SDK to automatically cache all destinations on the first request. If needed, you can call getAllDestinationsFromDestinationService() with cache enabled instead. (c721bbd)
  • [connectivity] Using Principal Propagation through authentication type NoAuthentication is no longer supported. This resulted in erroneous behavior for destinations with authentication type NoAuthentication. If you need to use Principal Propagation use authentication type PrincipalPropagation. (28c9cb7)

New Functionalities

  • [util] Add support for setting log level for newly created logger using environment variable SAP_CLOUD_SDK_LOG_LEVEL. (4d2b49b)


  • [connectivity] Retrieve only one destination per requested destination instead of all subaccount and instance destinations. (See compatibility notes.) (c721bbd)

Fixed Issues

  • [connectivity] Allow the use of authentication type NoAuthentication with proxy type OnPremise without requiring the SAP-Connectivity-Authentication header. (28c9cb7)


API Docs:

Fixed Issues

  • [odata-common] Add support for subrequest serialization where a batch request may only contain an entity with no path. (a87dd7f)


API Docs:


  • [eslint-config] Update eslint plugins (d6bbd3210)


API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • [connectivity] Remove unused internal functionality around JWT property access, like userFromJwt (removed) and audiences (changed). (693cd655f)

New Functionalities

  • [mail-client] Add Support for Location ID in destinations of type MAIL (8516b7f04)

Fixed Issues


API Docs:

Fixed Issues

  • [odata-common, odata-v2, odata-v4, generator, generator-common] Do not send null values in the request payload for properties that are not set while creating or updating an entity. [Fixed Issue] Fix RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded error that occurs when updating an entity after calling getByKey. (bdcf14f85)


API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • [connectivity] Proxy configuration is no longer realized through a proxy agent, but with the native axios proxy setting instead. (025b6aa2c)

Fixed Issues

  • [connectivity] Use axios native proxy, instead of proxy agent, which causes connection issues for write requests on SAP Cloud Connector. (025b6aa2c)
  • [http-client] Fix CSRF token fetching against OnPremise systems. (c2a2987c5)


API Docs:

Fixed Issues

  • [connectivity] Compare selectionStrategy in DestinationFetchOptions based on value instead of reference. (7ed5ceb52)
  • [connectivity] Fix destination caching for destinations from service bindings. The destinations are not cached repeatedly. The function getDestinationFromServiceBinding() returns undefined for destinations which have expired JWTs. (bf54df09b)
  • [connectivity] Support destinations of type ClientCertificateAuthentication without password.
  • [odata-common, odata-v2, odata-v4] Fix OData v2 serialization for Edm.Decimal to serialize to string. (ee7477ce2)


API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • [connectivity] Deprecate destinationForServiceBinding() and PartialDestinationFetchOptions. Use getDestinationFromServiceBinding() and ServiceBindingTransformOptions instead. (bde64634d)

New Functionalities

  • [connectivity] Always add a name to destinations from service bindings created with getDestinationFromServiceBinding(). (db0780f1b)
  • [connectivity] Support forwarding of auth tokens for destinations from the destination service, service bindings and environment variables. (bde64634d)

Fixed Issues

  • [odata-common, odata-v4] Serialize properties of type "Edm.Decimal" to numbers when they are within the safe range and strings when they are not. (431d2a542)


API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • [connectivity] The expiresIn property of authTokens on a Destination can be undefined. (c09b1d06f)

  • [connectivity] Deprecate getAgentConfig():

    • Temporarily use replacement function getAgentConfigAsync().
    • Rename getAgentConfigAsync() to getAgentConfig() in next major version. (36a01f775)

New Functionalities

  • [connectivity] Add option to cache mTLS certificates. (36a01f775)


  • [connectivity] Do not rely on XSUAA service when caching service tokens. Cache keys are now based on service credentials URL. (0583836bc)
  • [connectivity] Do not rely on the XSUAA service binding to retrieve tenant information when registering destinations. If tenant is unknown and no binding is found, set it to a default value ('tenant_id'). (8f54207b6)
  • [connectivity] Read mTLS certificates asynchronously. (36a01f775)

Fixed Issues

  • [connectivity] Remove dependency to XSUAA service binding when checking whether a JWT was issued by XSUAA for destination retrieval. Now, the ext_attr.ehancer property is checked. (6b58354e8)
  • [http-client] Do not set default tenant ID in the context of middlewares, if the tenant ID is unknown. In those cases it will be undefined from now on. (8f54207b6)


API Docs:

New Functionalities

  • [connectivity] Enable the use of mTLS certificates for registered destinations on CloudFoundry. (616d77b85)


  • [connectivity] Set the default validity time of the client credentials token cache to 5 minutes instead of never expiring. (782b9e37e)

Fixed Issues

  • [connectivity, http-client] Forward the user JWT irrespective of the destination authentication type when forwardAuthToken is set to true on a destination (56c3f70f4)
  • [http-client] Improve CSRF token fetching for large requests. (73ff0ab03)
  • [odata-common] Remove encoding of keys in the getEntityKeys() as it should only happen once in getResourcePathForKeys().Fixes the error value.format is not a function when executing requests for entities with Edm.Date type key property. (aa1a4bdb0)
  • [resilience] Fix parsing error when the last response in a chain of retries returned undefined.


API Docs:

Fixed Issues

  • [resilience] Fix transpilation on OData generation, where types for 'opossum' could not be found.


API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • [connectivity] The combination of iss and jwt is now supported when fetching destinations. When both properties are set, the iss property is no longer ignored. (28b7af86f)

New Functionalities

  • [connectivity] Add support for authentication type NoAuthentication on-premise destinations. (039412e59)
  • [connectivity] Allow combination of iss an jwt when fetching a destination. In this case the iss URL will be used to fetch the destination service token and jwt will be used for the x-user-token header of user based authentication types. (28b7af86f)

Fixed Issues

  • [odata-common] Adjust FromJsonType to stricter typings in TypeScript 5. (cc8425abc)


API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • [odata-common, odata-v2, odata-v4] The ActionFunctionImportRequestBuilderBase has an additional mandatory type parameter to pass the according (de-)serializer type. This was missing previously due to a bug. (2fa8c36a6)

Fixed Issues

  • [connectivity] Fix the The proxy configuration is undefined error for OnPrem MAIL destinations by removing the isHttpDestination check when adding proxyConfiguration to the destination object.
  • [mail-client] Fix error Greeting never received when sending emails to On-Premise mail servers. The _readableListening property of socket is set to true to allow nodemailer to receive SMTP greeting messages. (47fc7278d)
  • [mail-client] Fix Invalid greeting error from nodemailer by removing the transport.verify function call. (be04dafc2)
  • [odata-common, odata-v2, odata-v4] Fix batch requests to accept only functions or actions. (2fa8c36a6)


API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • [resilience] Deprecate erroneously exposed circuitBreakerHttp() function in favor of circuitBreaker().


  • [generator-common] Improve logs when generating OData clients without package.json


API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • [odata-common, odata-v2, odata-v4] Changed constructor argument of class EntityBase from schema to _entityApi. (144ff66f4)


  • [openapi-generator] Add force option torm commands, when setting clearOutputDir to true. (f76da3060)

Fixed Issues

  • [odata-v2, odata-v4] Fix the "entity generic type" of the "delete request builder". (f76da3060)
  • [generator, openapi-generator] Show detailed error message of compilation errors instead of [object Object]. (f76da3060)
  • [generator-common] Show detailed error message of compilation errors instead of [object Object].


API Docs:

New Functionalities

  • [odata-common] Add getBatchReference() and setBatchId() in request builders to use the batch ID as a reference to an entity in a batch request changeset. Batch reference are available in create, delete, getByKey, update and actions/functions request builder. (79e0fe811)
  • [odata-v4, generator] Support parsing and generating OData bound functions and actions in OData v4 (8ea28151b)
  • [generator, openapi-generator, generator-common] Generated sources are formatted using prettier with default config. Use the CLI option prettierConfigPath to provide a custom config. (74e14427a)


  • [odata-common] Change the place where batch ID is generated from on serialization to request creation. (79e0fe811)


API Docs:

Fixed Issues


API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • [odata-common, generator] Change Edm.String, Edm.Boolean and Edm.Guid to be orderable to support lt/lessThan(), le/lessOrEqual(), gt/greaterThan(), and ge/greaterOrEqual operators. Re-generate odata services to adopt the changes. (c3166ff6)
  • [util] Stop using VCAP_SERVICES to determine the log format. Use setLogFormat and setGlobalLogFormat to specify the log format. By default, the log format is set to kibana for NODE_ENV=production and local otherwise. (89f1c423)

Fixed Issues

  • [http-client] Fix the executeHttpRequest function, so it accepts the same parameters as in version 1. [Compatibility Note] Deprecate one overload of the executeHttpRequest function, that accepts HttpRequestConfigWithOrigin as a parameter. Use the new function executeHttpRequestWithOrigin as replacement. [New Functionality] Support defining header options and query parameter options with origins. (9481ec69)


API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • [connectivity] Only log the successful retrieval of destinations on theinfo log level, log everything else is on the debug or warn level. (04726a35)
  • [connectivity] Mark the function noDestinationErrorMessage as internal API. (0a008674)
  • [odata-v4] Mark the function uriConverter as internal API. (0a008674)
  • [eslint-config] Switch the following jsdoc related levels from warn to error:
    • jsdoc/check-param-names
    • jsdoc/require-description-complete-sentence
    • jsdoc/require-jsdoc
    • jsdoc/require-param
    • jsdoc/require-returns (0a008674)

New Functionalities

  • [connectivity] Support self-signed certificate using the trustStore property of the destination object. (0a008674)


  • [connectivity] Reduce default log output on the info level significantly. (04726a35)
  • [http-client] Reduce default log output on the info level significantly. [Compatibility Note] Only log the successful retrieval of destinations on theinfo log level, log everything else is on the debug or warn level. (04726a35)

Fixed Issues

  • [util] Fix a bug in the implementation of the trim method. (0a008674)


API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • [odata-v4, temporal-de-serializers] Adjust parsing of Edm.Date, Edm.DateTimeOffset, Edm.Time, and Edm.Duration to be closer to the OData v4 specification. There may be loss of precision if using the default (de-)serializers with high-precision fractional seconds. (de851289)
  • [generator] Deprecate generator option versionInPackageJson. If you need to set the version, use the new include option to add your own package.json file instead. (069aa168)
  • [generator] The hidden generator option additionalFiles is renamed to include. (069aa168)

New Functionalities

  • [connectivity] Support JWTs without a JKU property. (cb598c16)
  • [connectivity] Add interface DestinationCacheInterface and method setDestinationCache to support implementation of custom destination cache. (09094607)
  • [connectivity] Fetch client credential token for destinations created by service bindings. (93d41281)
  • [generator] New generator option include which allows to add files to generated packages. (069aa168)


  • [http-client] Make requestConfig of OriginOptions optional. (e46bb51d)

Fixed Issues

  • [connectivity] Fix getDestination() to allow passing an async transform function serviceBindingTransformFn in options. The transform function can also be passed by execute(), executeHttpRequest(), executeRaw(), etc. [Compatibility Note] Rename transformationFn into serviceBindingTransformFn in DestinationForServiceBindingsOptions to avoid ambiguity and make the function async. (8fdfebd6)
  • [http-client] Fix the executeHttpRequest/executeHttpRequestWithOrigin function, so the warning is only shown when overwriting headers by using custom headers. (e44c214a)
  • [odata-common, odata-v4, temporal-de-serializers] Fix parsing of Edm.DateTimeOffset with high-precision fractional seconds and edge-cases like 5-digit years. (de851289)
  • [odata-common, generator] Allow OData service to contain an entity name 'entity'. (0675ee3b)
  • [odata-v2] Support negative epoch timestamps in serialization. (9ffe0824)


API Docs:

New Functionalities

  • [openapi-generator] Support globs in the input option. (3f70b0c9)


  • [connectivity] Support consumption of the XSUAA API via destinations. (010a46fa)

Fixed Issues

  • [connectivity] Fix a breaking change of serviceToken introduced in 2.0, so it accepts XsuaaServiceCredentials again as an option. (3bff42e1)


API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • [eslint-config] Activated the eslint rule 'check-tag-names' to allowed jsdoc tags. If you use custom tags add them via the 'definedTags' in the eslint options. (15e9ef4b)
  • [generator] Deprecated generateNpmrc cli option. This option was only used to configure the now defunct npm registry hosted by SAP. It now has no effect anymore and should be removed in all invocations of the generator cli. (15e9ef4b)
  • [generator, openapi-generator, generator-common] Description for package.json in a generated client has changed. (15e9ef4b)

New Functionalities

  • [mail-client] Support defining the strategy of sending emails. By default, the emails are sent "in parallel" and can be set to "in sequential". (15e9ef4b)
  • [odata-common, generator] Allow function imports using GET http method in batch requests. (15e9ef4b)


  • [connectivity] Reduce default logs for failing requests in @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client.

Fixed Issues

  • [connectivity] Remove last explicit references to 'VCAP_SERVICES' and replace them with '@sap/xsenv'. (15e9ef4b)
  • [connectivity] Fix that unparsable destinations in the subaccount prevent other destinations from beeing fetched. (15e9ef4b)


API Docs:

New Functionalities

  • [connectivity] Support fetching all subaccount- and service instance destinations from the destination service simultaneously. (24029503)
  • [mail-client] Expose SMTP transport options of nodemailer. (d1bf2dee)
  • [util] Add method setGlobalTransports to support setting custom transport globally. (4c51d3dc)


  • [odata-common] Make OderBy() set in ascending order by default. (f62eb0d3)


API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • [connectivity] The generic types of JwtKeyMapping is simplified so the second type argument JwtKeysT are always strings. (fde964e37)
  • [connectivity] The Protocol enum was replaced with a string literal union type. Now, instead of passing Protocol.HTTPS pass 'https'. (fde964e37)
  • [connectivity, http-client, openapi, odata-common, odata-v2, resilience] Remove the options timeout and enableCircuitBreaker from all BTP service interactions i.e. destination and token fetching. (fde964e37)
  • [connectivity, http-client, mail-client, openapi, odata-common, odata-v2, odata-v4, eslint-config, generator, test-util, util, openapi-generator, generator-common, temporal-de-serializers, resilience] Switch the compilerOptions.module to Node16 instead of CommonJS for better interoperability with ES modules. See the TypeScript handbook for technical details if needed. (fde964e37)
  • [connectivity] The enum IsolationStrategy was replaced with a string literal union type of the same name. Use 'tenant' and 'tenant-user' instead of IsolationStrategy.Tenant and IsolationStrategy.Tenant_User. (fde964e37)
  • [connectivity, http-client, odata-common] ] The url property in Destination is now optional as destinations of type MAIL do not have a URL. (fde964e37)
  • [http-client, openapi, odata-common] Remove timeout() method from the request builders and the timeout options from the executeHttpRequest() function. Visit the documentation portal to see how to add a timeout using middlewares. (fde964e37)
  • [http-client] Removed overload of executeHttpRequest The overload, that accepted HttpRequestConfigWithOrigin as a parameter, is removed and replaced by the function executeHttpRequestWithOrigin. (fde964e37)
  • [odata-common, generator, util] By default, generation of OData clients fails if a service path cannot be determined. Either provide servicePath value in the options-per-service.json or set skipValidation to true, in which case, / will be used. (fde964e37)
  • [odata-common] The constructor of ODataRequestConfig was changed so that the third parameter cannot be a string anymore. Passing in a string which was then interpreted as the value for the Content-Type HTTP header was deprecated. The type of the parameter is now Record<string, any>, and if only want to set the Content-Type HTTP header you can do so by passing {'content-type': 'some-value'} to the constructor. (fde964e37)
  • [odata-common] The constructor of the entity API is private to avoid accidental usage. Use the service object to get a API instance. (fde964e37)
  • [odata-common, generator, openapi-generator] The serviceMapping option of the OData generator has been renamed to optionsPerService. The mapping file, service-mapping.json has also been renamed to options-per-service.json. By default, an options file will not be generated. (fde964e37)
  • [odata-common] Setting custom fields in fromJson through the _customFields property has been removed. Add custom properties to your JSON object instead. (fde964e37)
  • [generator] The options per service behavior is now the same as for the OpenApi generator. For details on how to migrate and what has change look at the migration guide. (fde964e37)
  • [generator] The deprecated forceOverwrite option of the generator is removed. Use the overwrite option instead. [Compatibility Note] The deprecated generatePackageJson option of the generator is removed. Use the packageJson option instead. [Compatibility Note] The deprecated writeReadme option of the generator is removed. Use the readme option instead. [Compatibility Note] The deprecated processesJsGeneration option of the generator is removed. Use the transpilationProcesses option instead. [Compatibility Note] The internal options sdkAfterVersionScript, s4HanaCloud and packageVersion of the generator are removed. These were hidden options never meant for external usage and there is no replacement. [Compatibility Note] The deprecated generateNpmrc option of the generator is removed. Use the include option to add a .npmrc to the generated code if needed. (fde964e37)
  • [generator] Add verbose generator option. By default, only error and warning logs will be displayed. If verbose is set to true, all logs will be displayed. (fde964e37)
  • [generator] The generateJs option has been replaced with the transpile option. Transpilation is not enabled by default. (fde964e37)
  • [generator] The command line argument inputDir of the OData generator is renamed to input. The new input options accepts now also file paths and glob patterns. (fde964e37)
  • [generator] The OData generator won't automatically rename identifiers to avoid name conflicts. The generation process will fail if identifiers have conflicting names. Switch on the skipValidation flag if you want to generate despite name conflicts and are okay with changed identifier names to avoid conflicts. (fde964e37)
  • [generator, openapi-generator, generator-common] Removed the option versionInPackageJson from the OData and OpenAPI generator. If the option packageJson is enabled now a package.json with a default version 1.0.0 is created. If necessary use the include option to add a package.json with a custom value. [Compatibility Note] Removed the option licenseInPackageJson from the OData and OpenAPI generator. If the option packageJson is enabled now a package.json with a default license UNLICENSED is created. If necessary use the include option to add a package.json with a custom value. (fde964e37)
  • [generator, openapi-generator] Rename servicePath to basePath. (fde964e37)
  • [generator] The option generateCSN is removed. There is no replacement. (fde964e37)
  • [generator] The type for paths in the GeneratorOptions is changed from fs.PathLike to string. In case you passed a buffer object please resolve it to a string before passing it to the SAP Cloud SDK. (fde964e37)
  • [generator, openapi-generator, generator-common] The two generators use the same CLI parsing code now, aligning the way paths are resolved. In case you experience problems with the new logic, enable the verbose flag to investigate the new paths. (fde964e37)
  • [util] The function variadicArgumentToArray is replaced by the function transformVariadicArgumentToArray. (fde964e37)
  • [util] The field logger on the interface LoggerOptions was not used and is removed from the interface. (fde964e37)
  • [openapi-generator] The internal option packageVersion of the OpenAPI generator is removed. (fde964e37)
  • [openapi-generator] tsConfig option has been renamed to tsconfig. (fde964e37)
  • [generator-common] The generator does not create files per default anymore. If you need them include a custom tsconfig.json. [Compatibility Note] All SAP Cloud SDK packages ship without files from now on. Modern IDEs don't require those files for code navigation, thus they are removed to decrease download size of the SDK. (fde964e37)

New Functionalities

  • [connectivity] Support OAuth2RefreshToken authentication type (fde964e37)
  • [connectivity] Add a retry option in the DestinationFetchOption. Enable this options if the token exchange done by the destination service is unstable. (fde964e37)
  • [connectivity, resilience] Add ResilienceOptions and resilience() function. The function returns an array of middlewares based on the provided options. (fde964e37)
  • [http-client, resilience] The request configuration used in the final request is now part of the middleware context. User can implement middlewares to change request properties like headers using this reference in the middleware context. The request configuration contains the url, headers and all other properties of the HTTP request. (fde964e37)
  • [http-client, openapi, odata-common] Introduce the middleware on the request builders and http-client. Visit the documentation portal to see how to use middlewares. (fde964e37)
  • [generator, generator-common] Introduced options transpile and tsconfig to configure transpilation for generated OData clients. (fde964e37)


  • [connectivity] Replace Protocol enum with a string literal union type. (fde964e37)
  • [connectivity] Replace IsolationStrategy enum with union type. (fde964e37)
  • [generator] Align naming rules for operations and properties in OData clients by removing _ prefix (fde964e37)

Fixed Issues

  • [connectivity] Fix the combination of providing the iss together with OnPremise basic destinations. (fde964e37)
  • [odata-v2] Allow to update OData v2 entities to null. Fixes 3204. (fde964e37)
  • [generator] Allow OData service to contain an entity name 'Service'. (fde964e37)
  • [generator] Now links to the correct generator binary. (fde964e37)

Known Issues

Compatibility Notes

New Functionality


Fixed Issues