Android App which can used by parents to restrict selected activities on an Android Smartphone and remotely track and monitor their child’s behavior.
Parental Controller has features that are:
- Send child SMS to parent device
- Forward child SMS/MMS to an email account
- Send phone call notifications of child device as SMS
- Forward phone call notifications of child device to an email account
- Can request for phone location by a SMS of parent device
- Record phone call in audio file forwarded with notification if parent asked for those (forward by email only)
- Send phone location with a time period
- Forward pictures
- Send a random screen shot of videos play in phone (forward by email only)
- Remote start/stop mic record with keyword in SMS and forward the audio file by email
- Access to contacts list in child device
- Disable/Enable applications list with keyword in SMS
- Keep reminders about child
Parental Controller is developed under Rational Unified Process (RUP). Thus it uses RUP templates during the development stage. Those RUP documentations are available at Github Docs directory.