title | Description | author | ms.author | ms.date | ms.topic | ms.assetid |
Creating new Projects and Solutions |
This topic describes how to create projects and solutions in Visual Studio for Mac |
asb3993 |
amburns |
04/14/2017 |
article |
5880BB10-0A12-47E2-8A82-7A2D59C4D579 |
Solutions can be created at any time by using a predetermined template. To create a solution this way, browse to File > New Solution, select the required platform(s), and then the required template:
This will create a solution, which can contain one or many projects, depending on the type of template chosen.
The solution explorer can be navigated by using the context actions or the menu bar.
To add a new Project to the solution, right-click on the Solution name and select Add > Add New Project to display the New Project dialog:
This method of adding new projects can be used to take advantage of Xamarin code-sharing capabilities. Adding a Shared Project or a Portable Library template to an existing Solution provides a way to contain any cross-platform logic that can be used within all other projects in a solution. For more information on building cross-platform applications, refer to the relevant guide.
The landing page of Visual Studio displays a list of recent projects that you have been working on:
You can filter this list using the Filter box or remove individual items from the list.