[[Moorings-Rocket-Coreswing]] [[Moorings-Mortar]] [[Moorings-Mortar-Portal]]
[[TareTar3]] [[Moorings-Stability]]
![[Pasted image 20240404000300.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240411163927.png]]
Dranistian: double sandbag the top of the core instead of gunners.
"Node skip" on Moorings on the top of the terrain. You can use it as space for gunners and still build weapons behind it.
![[Pasted image 20240411164304.png]]
[!definition] Triple wind turbine a) If the turbines are reclined: rope to the wall to lift them up. b) If you accidentally incline the turbines: attach to the wall with a wood dangle1
The turbine planks should be super level to each other. Duplicate the turbine box to save time.
![[Pasted image 20240702105334.png]]2
[!tip] Using the grid - shoot for the center of the gridbox for the initial turbine plank
![[Pasted image 20240630145355.png]]