Probably: it has nothing to do with that. Because some swings work either way. Is there assymmetry? Maybe forts prefers one side over the other (I don't think so because coreswings are the same for both teams, right?) One thing for sure: high weight, high speed kills - thus try dampening with planks
[!definition] Rope length The shorter the rope - the easier it is to compress above the [[Rope|threshold of 0.6]] and break. But maybe this is wrong: because [[Graveyard-Vanilla-Coreswing#Notion on MePre|some placements]] break the rope no matter the length.
[!graveyard] This might be because the core is on a single plank (ropes attached to single planks are inconsistent)
During Pence swings, Minimal swing - the rope always bend in, towards the core then flicks to the other way - this might be the reason why it doesn't snap.
IDK if this truly works (or if it's a placebo)
Make wooden contraptions that dampen the fall. Also on minimal swing it helps to orient the fort properly. Downside: costly (20-30 metal)
![[Pasted image 20231118151601.png]]
Higher ping - more change to die for me, maybe because:
- Physics are more inconsistent
![[Pasted image 20231118142930.png]]
[!example] Examination
- The rope contracts, but it doesn't break (surprisingly). It bends in, towards the core
- It dangerously contracts to the red.
- If I try to place a wood box immediately, it can't bear the weight and snaps from the right.
![[Pasted image 20231118143059.png]]
- The rope has to be close to the minimal radius (visual queue: node has to be on )
- Triple wood plank connection to the additional node.
Problem: atrocious foundation connection with unnecessary height.
![[Pasted image 20231118144001.png]] ![[Pasted image 20231118144239.png]]
[!example] Examination Again, the rope bends in. It dangerously contracts to the red. Then dangerously extends to the blue
On this swing the core doesn't "cradle" onto the side. It violently falls with no support.
Like this is doesn't work: The rope snaps almost immediately. It bends out, away from the core (might try to make it bend in, towards the core)
[!warning] In this case the fort collapses on the rope like a Forts-swing-clamp shell. The rope is killed prematurely. This might has something to do with [[Rope]] 0.6 max compression.
![[Pasted image 20231118143542.png]]
In this case the fort collapses on the rope like a clamp shell. The rope is killed prematurely. This might has something to do with [[Rope]] 0.6 max compression.
If I increase the size of the rope the "clamp shell" action: the relative compression decreases while the absolute "lacks behind" (thus the rope doesn't break)
[!warning] On the other side If I reduce the rope size to the minimal one - it breaks even faster prematurely:
![[Pasted image 20231118152629.png]]
[!graveyard] All these warnings might be wrong if the reason of breaking isn't
If I place a longer rope like this - it bends in 2 directions. Rope of any length with this type of placement will snap.
![[Pasted image 20231118153842.png]]