[!example] Danke Merkel sextuple 20mm in a 2v2: [[Replay-FPL2-Exhibition-2]] Fast: 4:30
[!warning] 20 mil's barrel is a bit low so a regular cannon tiny door doesn't work
- Thus angle the 20 mil's appropriately to account for the awkward barrel angles
- Widestrut (~60 energy wide)
- 65-66 energy tall box.
- ~40 energy wide stair.
![[Pasted image 20240612155348.png]]
Create a place for sandbags against firebeams or [[Buster]] The sandbags positioning dictates the shooting angles.
![[Pasted image 20240612163433.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240711214052.png]]
Works as a great "limiting factor" to not fan out my first 3 cannons too much (just a little is perfect). Make cannon struts ~61 wide for the first 3 cannons.
![[Pasted image 20240711215818.png]]
You can recline the cannons and make tiniest doors.