[[Abyss-Mortar-Portal]] [[Abyss-Mortar]] [[Abyss-Rocket]] [[Abyss-Rocket-Coreswing]]
[[Abyss-Stability]] TareTar: build the shotguns really high up or really low down (to blow trench gunners) You can fit 4 top mines at the top.
[!example] Map control examples to hold off the opponent Shotgun + Emp. Sniper + Buzzsaw.
- Get mortars
- Map control
- Aim for turbines
Grid snapped ![[Pasted image 20240622105805.png]]
Don't angle shotguns too much1. [[Box fitting|Height is 65]] ![[Pasted image 20240313180026.png]] [[Pattern-Abyss-Shotgun]]
Bottom shotgun ground node should be pointing down for turbines struts. ![[Pasted image 20240215122144.png]] [[Pattern-Abyss-Sandbag]]
![[Pasted image 20240720164933.png]]
[!multi-column] ![[Pasted image 20231203155852.png]]
![[Pasted image 20231210202510.png]]
The issue: [[Tiny doors]] ![[Pasted image 20231203162116.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240225105254.png]]
Otherwise there are no angles for the top eco and enemy's top shotguns. The less you angle shotguns, the long the shotgun strut has to be ↩