[!definition] Build order Workshop -> Top Mine -> Turbine -> 6 mortars/portal.
Start lower volley -> wait till the inner door builds -> start the second volley and that should be a kill.
- Angle the 30 long base wood minimally.
- "Shoot for the node" and drag the 4 long (mental calc: 95/3~32)
- Angle the entry portal a bit (to be $\perp$ to the shooting angle)
- Nudge the 2-nd mortar a bit and "pick that new angle" (imagine a line that goes across the back of the mortars)
![[Pasted image 20240211202108.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240702215710.png]]
[!tip] To stack more than 8 mortars You can make the group leader the top mortar so it will trigger the door.
- You can have portal at the front of the core (as in the photo)
- Use the existing door
[!definition] Build order