Special thanks to-
- @sayakpaul (ML GDE)
- @khanhlvg (Google)
- @hoitab (Google)
who helped me in putting together and reviewing the slides for the talks.
My session at Android Stream Day about Superpower your Android Apps with ML, 8-9 August 2020. Special thanks to @iampawan and @RivuChk for hosting me.
My session at Microsft student Inspir about Superpower your Android Apps with ML, 29 August 2020. Special thanks to @salmanmkc, @dawoodiddris, @sundereshwar and @Sabihashaik for hosting me.
My session at Google Developers Group Boston about Superpower your Android Apps with ML, 29 August 2020. Special thanks to @emezias and @ahsrav for hosting me.